Allow CE and LE Clerics of Velsharoon

Started by Egon the Monkey, July 20, 2009, 11:53:20 AM

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Egon the Monkey

Since animating the dead is an auto-applied Evil act, and Velsharite dogma is ALL about undeath, then pretty much every Cleric of Velsharoon will end up as Evil. However, Cleric alignments are listed as Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil and Lawful Neutral. Two of those choices are going to get alignment based spellfailure for doing what they are supposed to do.

Can we get it changed so that CE and LE are acceptable alignments for a Cleric of Velsharoon?


It isn't anymore, and no.


Remember the 'one-step' rule. You should be fully able to play a LE or CE cleric of Velsharoon due to this. As one who have played a cleric of this deity, animation does not give you evil points. Neither should another of the party who does this give you such now.


Velsharoon is one of several exceptions to the one-step rule. We're not going to change that because there are going to be a million justifications for changing it and keeping it the way it is, and we can't do both; and that applies to all other exceptions as well. Therefore, Velsharran clerics are either LN, CN, NE, or fallen out of grace.


It seems to me every Neutral evil deity only supports LN, CN, or NE cleric alignments.

I'd be in favor of it being LE, NE, CE only, removing the neutral alignment spheres, since the NG deities only support LG, NG, CG, with the exception of Chauntea, who also supports True Neutral.


My bad. Could a post be made about who the exceptions are?


God, no. Look it up in their individual entries.


My bad again, I should start learning the rules. Clerics are only able to have the alignments listed for each deity, in this case LN, NE and CN.

Just to clarify if I managed to confuse someone with my ramblings.