
Started by Listen in Silence, July 01, 2009, 07:47:38 PM

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Listen in Silence

We all love the new skinning system! Well, those of us who have tried it at least.

I would suggest though that these animals are added to those that are skinnable;

Black Bears
Brown Bears
Cave Prowler
Dire Bears (Who actually do spawn in some locations instead of Cave Bears)
Malar Panther
Spitting Vipers
Stone Lizards

Also that the weight of dire wolf skin be increased, and the weight of normal cat skins be reduced, considering the respective creatures' sizes. If a difference could be made in the weight and reward for the skins of the Mountain Cat and the ordinary jungle cat, this would also be more realistic considering Mountain Cats are both more exotic and larger than the panthers and leopards.

If the weight of snake skins could be lowered that would also help realisim.


Using the word realism is never a good justification! If all of these critters were skinnable there would be a huge influx of gold due to the massive amounts of these things spawning all over.

If we were going for realism the justification would be a simple case of supply and demand. There is no demand for the pelts of animals that cannot currently be skinned, thus they are next to worthless (worth less than a gold coin anyway)

Luke Danger

I'm in agreeance, when you do wilds patrols, such as into the foothills, you expect to have to kill wolves/cats as you go, as they strike frist.

So I agree, more skinnables and less weight. Cats already spawn commonly enough.

Listen in Silence

Exactly what creatures do you mean, Naga? The Dire Bear is an exact replica (or near enough) of the Cave Bear, and is not skinnable. Many of the animals currently skinnable has a very low gold reward to represent the low demand on their pelts, deer and boars for example.

I would say black and brown bear pelts would be highly sought after also, as they are both much less common than the jungle cats. Wolves could perhaps simply be given a lesser reward, and have a high weight, to keep the appeal low. Malar Panthers are rare and deadly, and I imagine many would want their red and black pelts.


On death/failed hunt malar panthers re-spawn back the plane where the god malar is, so not sure that would work for them.


The reason is an OOC-induced one. You cannot modify/edit Bioware Creature, you have to make a new creature in the palette.

This create bloat; this create lag!

In order to preserve bloat and have a clean module, I needed to restrict skinning to some animals only.

* * *

That being said, Stone lizard should be skinneable. I'll doublecheck.


stonelizard are not. i tried yesterday.