Jungle cats and malar beasts!

Started by TheImpossibleDream, June 23, 2009, 08:17:49 AM

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Today I snuck past a malar beast and was pounced upon by a jungle jaguar within sight of said malar beast, strangly the malar beast and jungle cat seem to be in the same faction and do not fight each other. Perhaps I'm mistaken but shouldn't malar beasts fight ~everything~ as per how malar created them? I was certain thats how they functioned in the underdark.


The cats are in cahoots!
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706473.msg747918#msg747918]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


I'm pretty sure I've seen malar beasts fighting or near the remains of jungle cats/panthers before.


That's more likely the case of the cats having been animal empathied... >_>

Corona Nox

Somewhat off topic, but Malar beasts also seem to drop gold, which seems a bit inappropriate.

Luke Danger

Malar Beasts eat adventuers.

Adventurers have gold.

Easy math.



They will fight one another. It's just that they do not always target each other immediately, or properly.


I've noticed a Malar Beast attack a Wild Orc, and I've seen a Juguar attack a Wild Orc, however, I've never seen a Malar and Jaguar go at it.
Maybe I need to spend more time in the wild. >_>

Corona Nox

Quote from: Decimate_The_Weak;133030I've noticed a Malar Beast attack a Wild Orc, and I've seen a Juguar attack a Wild Orc, however, I've never seen a Malar and Jaguar go at it.
Maybe I need to spend more time in the wild. >_>

I don't know why you'd even want to see a Malar Beast and a Jaguar go at it.  Gross.