The Stewards of the Circle, the Guardians of the Circle

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, January 30, 2009, 03:49:04 AM

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That was one of the secretive factions "don't apply, we'll find you out IG". Sadly i know a few people who wished to join but never got hooked up for whatever reason, and ended up retiring pcs, or going back to the quest grinding pattern.

It's only one example amist others, but as for me, my druid had the time to get to lvl7 before some dm said 'oh, by the way, do you know about the stewards of the Ark?', to which i answered 'i do OOCly, but IC my druid never heard of it', when he was actively looking for druidic circles on the isle. And to get that attention, i had to do something pretty original (ask orcs to go raiding the woodcutters :lol: ). Maybe it was just at the wrong time, when druids had been beat up.

This recruitment post doesn't come up as a surprise, sadly, and could easily be avoided. I'm guessing either dms/players running this faction had other things to see to at some point.

But i'm also thinking that factions should recruit on easier terms than waiting for the right guys and waiting 2 RL weeks for whatever tests there may be to join. More so, error in recruiting would probably give internal conflict to the said factions.

My two cents.


There is an IC reason we don't place Recruitment flyers,

druid circles are by nature, secretive, and we're hardly going to make posters that people will metagame.


Way back when I was running the Wards of Aeon, I would recruit using the forums. BAsically, the post would say that there were signs lift in certain easy to come by areas, but the signs were is a crpytic markign that only druids would understand.

Arrangements of natural object (geomancy) is commonly known to be used by trackers and naturalists. A certain way a pile of stones is laid out, or some scratches on a tree that might simply look like bear claw marks to some,  might mean something special to a druid.

Druids can certainly communicate to the druidic public as conveniently as people posting notices on bill-boards, if they so choose to do so.



I thought according to the rules, druids had the secret Druidic language, so they could simply post stuff up in that and nobody else would be able to read it (much like when people post messages with an OOC note [This is in Dwarven runes] or whatever. If you wanted to keep it secretive, Thomas, you could put a note up saying "this is a message in Druidic, PM me if you play a Druid who would see this".


EFU doesn't support languages!


Hence why I avoided doing this. I am trying to figure out a way to say there is a circle without proclaiming who the feck we are.


Let me give you an idea (Thread necromancy, wolololol)

QuoteI am the storm, I am the flame. I am the Earthquake, I am destruction. I am the Howler of the Wind, the spear of the Earth, I am the wrath of nature, should you bring your axe to the wood, your greed with your spear, your farm to the forest. I will tear you apart, strike you like lightning, and leave your flesh to rot, and your carcass to the wolves. I am the Guardian, and if you wander into my domain, you shall obey the law, of tooth and fang.

QuoteI am the forest pond, the free bird. I am the gentle breeze, and the loving brush of grass beneath your foot. I wander the forest, tending beast and fowl, I smile and dance beneath the starry night, and keep the grove free of blight. I shall tend your wounds, mend your flesh, and keep you company in the darkening night. I shall keep the wolves off your back, so walk with me brother, and tend nature with me, keep the balance. I am the Guardian, and if you should wander into my domain, you shall obey the law of kindness and mercy, and freedom without restriction.

This is to give you two extremes of nature concepts, anything could fall inbetween.


You bastard. You thread Necromanced. Your no longer an eldath peace guy.

The Crimson Magician

You can't necromance in a druid thread.