Prestige Class- Spirit Walker

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, June 16, 2009, 10:19:55 PM

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You have heard your shamans rave on about the spirits, cast their powers with their seeming blessing, but they only skirt the edges of the true powers of that be, here enters the Spirit walker. A man who walks two worlds, the Spirit World, and the Material Plane.

A spirit walker isn't any old person, he is a person whose either found a way to become one with, dominate, or befriend the spirits of the world that is not for mortal eyes to see. He isn't a necromancer, but rather one who uses the spirits that already walks the world for his own ends, or is used for theirs.

Class prerequisite- Any Divine Casting class that can cast the 2nd circle. So rangers can take at level 8, clerics three, druids three...etc...
Feat: Strong Soul, Iron Will.
Skills: Lore, spellcraft, concentration. Both require 8 ranks in each.

Hitdice: 1d8
Class Skills: Lore, heal, concentration, Hide, Move silent, Animal Empathy.

Class features-
First level: You gain the ability to summon a Special Spirit. It can take the form of a certain animal, warrior, or ancestor.
Second Level: Ghostly Visage once a day.
Third Level: Sacred Defense, 1. ((Gains +2 to all saves, Similar to CoT))))
Fourth Level: Spirit Shroud- Darkness 2/day
Fifth level: Calling of the Spirit Armor: Ghostly visage upgraded to Etheral visage 1/day.

I purposely left very little details here, and you could probably grant this class the same spell progression pale masters grant wizards.

From an RP standpoint, Hundreds of concepts come to mind. A Person seeking to understand the spirits of the Mist, the Spirits of Ones Ancestors, One who wishes to dominate and control the spirits of his surroundings. A Spirit Walker is one who can speak to the spirits, and can either force lesser spirits to do his bidding, or is controlled by a greater one. It is a two faced deal, however, as you become vulnerable to foes from the spirit realm as well.



Mechanically, I'd suggest it allows divine spell progression in their base class. Other than that, it seems like it could be made into something interesting.


We've enough prestige classes that aren't even used. I'd much rather see more of those than added new ones.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


It is so awesome when orcs go tier 3 and resurrect massive amounts of tauren.  Shame it never happens in 1v1.


Quote from: ExileStrife;131447It is so awesome when orcs go tier 3 and resurrect massive amounts of tauren.  Shame it never happens in 1v1.

Exile, are you drunk? I did no understand this message.

Players, Do not drink and game, only YOU can prevent rampant character death.

This message as been brought to you by the Players against Drunk Gaming.


Who says you need a PRC to play this? Just adapt your build to whatever PRC you are aiming for (concept-wise) and do it with style and DM rewards will do the rest.

I find PRCs limiting and they tend to break easily.


Palemasters could fit such a concept just as well.  A palemaster does not need to necessarily be based on zombies and skeletons and I think there is a spirit companion available.


Quote from: Random_White_Guy;131437We've enough prestige classes that aren't even used. I'd much rather see more of those than added new ones.

PrCs (and ceartain races) are for few players only. I keep getting disencouraged whenever say anything about some prestige I wanna go for, things like 'Oh, that one is too difficult, why don't you go for another build instead with the same concept'