Dughlas Tvar

Started by IxTheSpeedy, May 31, 2009, 01:29:12 AM

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Well, as most already know, Dughlas died during the assault on the bogs.  I had some great times with Dughlas, probably got more in character with him than any other PC i've played.  Had some great plots that we unfortunately didn't get to finish but had alot of fun along the way.

Thanks first to Gwydion for starting up the Lathanderites and letting me take a part in getting things going.  Thanks to my fellow Lathanderites (in no particular order), Professor Death, Underbard, domare, BigX2, dragonfire9000, and djspectre.  Lucine Sewell (Sphagnum) had many a plotting session with Dughlas and was one of the folks around the Zig that he trusted.  Thanks to Roslyn (Jayde Moon), and Leged (BoomdaddyBP).  Oh and thanks to Cruzel for running our prelude.

The DM's really gave us alot of help with things, especially around warding the docs, Howland was great during that whole thing.  

This character was created on Monday, January 26th at 07:41:34 PM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 132 times.
The character has spent 7 days, 16 hours, 50 minutes, and 44 seconds online.

And now for the screenshots.

The beginning:

By ixthespeedy at 2009-05-30

The group of us:

By ixthespeedy at 2009-05-30

Very cool dream sequence courtesy of Nickless:

By ixthespeedy at 2009-05-30

By ixthespeedy at 2009-05-30

Trying to get what we needed to do the warding of the docks.  Unfortunately I seem to have lost my screenshots I took while doing the actual warding, which was awesome.

By ixthespeedy at 2009-05-30

By ixthespeedy at 2009-05-30

By ixthespeedy at 2009-05-30

By ixthespeedy at 2009-05-30

By ixthespeedy at 2009-05-30

Plotting with Lucine:

By ixthespeedy at 2009-05-30

The assault on the 900 mercenaries barracks:

By ixthespeedy at 2009-05-30

And this was the last screenshot I took of him, I was too damn nervous during the assault to hit print screen...

By ixthespeedy at 2009-05-30


The DM quest with Zanedwynne was amazing. Cudos for the little time I had with him.

Listen in Silence

I wish we were in compatible timezones.



Truely a fantastic character.  He will be missed for sure.


Nice job buddy. Looking forward to the next.


Great to see you pull the Lathanderites along, even after Blake's death. Looking forward to seeing another of your fine creations. The irony that we were always friends but ended up having to oppose one another whether with/without such knowledge.


I want to thank Ix for working diligently with me from the very beginnings of the concept, to the end of our characters.

Great player to play with, and I have no greater compliment to give.

Thanks for all you did for the server, the faction, and my personal entertainment in playing this game.  

Take care bro.

Jayde Moon

Wish I'd actually plotted and played more with Dughlas!

Great Jaerb!


Thanks for all your time.  Great character.  Hope to see you in another faction down the road.


Thanks all, I had a blast with everybody.  Good times.


Sucks to see him go. I was relying on him to be the last person to push Flyne towards his faith and was among the first he met. The times we were around, he had a positive impact on the characters development and will be hard to replace.

At least he went out in a noble fight!