Spellcasting and AoO

Started by Letsplayforfun, May 19, 2009, 05:58:24 PM

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Egon the Monkey

Yes, Defensive casting CAN be hotkeyed, Ahmed has it as F1 :p.
I think you're confusing it with Counterspell mode, which can't.

I played a wizard once who dropped into Expertise when casting and under ranged fire to reduce the chance of a concentration check, and Defensive Casting to Combust things.

Note that Defensive Casting is also very handy for casting buff or cure spells. If you aren't invised when you run up to drop a cure or imp invis etc on someone, Def. Casting means you won't get AoOed to death over it.


I thought the guys at BioWare finally fixed Expertise so it doesn't work when casting spells? Or was that just a script on a server I played at?


I thought AoO's incurred from point blank missle fire could be avoided with a tumble check with a 15 DC?

Don't remember where I saw that.


Quote from: Gwydion;126785I thought AoO's incurred from point blank missle fire could be avoided with a tumble check with a 15 DC?

Don't remember where I saw that.

No it can't be. Nor will spring attack assist in its evasion. However the feat "Mobility" grants +4 ac vs all attacks of opportunity regardless.