Tasnim al-Leyla's Last Will and Testament

Started by n00m, February 15, 2025, 03:28:49 PM

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We Scribes of the Sublime Garden do publish this Will.  We tried to find her body and failed.   Here is her will as registered with the scribes if any would fulfill them.

-Haknar Gramtranken

Tasnim al-Leyla's Will and Testament

My wishes are simple.  Donate all of my dinari to the Temple of B'aara, care of Mother Zalhanna.  Place the dinari into the offering tithe.  As formy worn possessions, please give them to the Mother Zalhanna.  Please give my potions and other lesser items to Manijeh bintMurassa with the understanding they may be sold and the dinari used to fund loans for the voiceless.  Especially refugees.  My inention for my worn items given to Mother Zalhanna is that she uses them for the benefit of the temple according to her judgement. 

Finally please advocate for the 50000 dinar alloted to the Temple of B'aara at previous assembly, that the funds be used to help the Stockade and refugees.

To my friends, do not weep for me.  The Mother's tears are enough.  If you would honor me, follow her tenets.  Live and drink, my dear friends.

Please see that the following are made aware that I remember them fondly as I go to judgement: Aeronwy Caddick, Manijeh bint Murassa, Zina Zizzo, Haldar Steelheart, Solina Lyonson.  Please tell Tryggvi Kralthervi that I am sorry I could not do more with the life he saved at Vae Mojem.  May the Twins look on him fondly when his time comes.  Finally it is my wish that the Speakers of the Wheel do faithfully help the current Hakem, Yogi Calus Melius, bring unity to our faith.  May the Mother bless you all.

Tasnim al-Leyla
Nisah 19th IY 7789