Durgin Doomed-Oath, Duunthall

Started by Egon the Monkey, February 05, 2025, 12:02:39 PM

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Egon the Monkey


Your constant sacrifice and commitment is an inspiration. You have an armoury? I'll fill it. Some of it anyway.

Some people forge weapons from steel. I forge mine out of stale bread, cheap booze and drops of blood. Incense as toxic and choking as any sorcerer's cloud of bewilderment. Vials of antiseptic perfume to tend the wounds of an entire company, for a time. Perhaps bottled breath of terror for your champions. Potions of total fireproofing to bring tears of shame to any Warlock.

Kutsama is fearsome. Azzan is fearsome. But the soldier on the ground needs small, reliable backups. I have those.

Bring me smouldering ash, and the bellies of fire beetles. Or arrange me a courier and I will make as much healing perfume, as much bewildering or perhaps even mind-fogging incense as they can carry. Also, if any of yours are intent on forging iron and steel armaments, I am amassing quite the stash of exceptionally pure alchemical steels and irons. You are welcome to them.

Izdu commands "Learn, and use it". The College at least tries to live up to that, some of us.

-Green Tassel of the College