Speakers for the Wheel: A record of the faiths and faithful of Ephia's Well

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Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[This work is published as a pamphlet across numerous editions to account for the changes in active clergy. It is often prominently displayed next to a similar pamphlet on the Holy Days of the Wheel.]

Speakers for the Wheel
A record of the faiths and faithful of Ephia's Well
and the Great Desert in the Age of Ash.

Sister Amélie of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine

Fifth Edition, Nisah 16, IY 7789

Fourth Ed., Adar 30, IY 7788

Here is established a list of those who are ordained or given in pious service to the wholesome spokes of the Wheel. Names are drawn from the reaches of the Ashen Desert to Ephia's Well itself. May each named serve the faithful of their spoke dutifully and uphold the cause of the Wheel across the great expanse of Bel-Ishun. To the reader: seek of these men and women if you would develop in your faith or ask a boon of the Wheel.

Let this also serve as a primer on the essential tenets of the faith for any who would educate themselves on the purpose of each of the Spokes of the Wheel.

And let any servant of the Wheel not here-listed write directly with their name and the spoke they serve. We shall make a convocation of the faithful in our Ephia's Well that shall lift our home in the esteem of the divine.

The elected leader of the Wheel-faiths, the Hakem of the Wheel, is currently: Yogi Caelius Melus, of Kula.


For B'aara,
The Holy Mother, Giver of Life: The B'aarat.

The B'aarat erect temples to the Holy Mother, praise Her waters that are Her tears shed for all the world, and give thanks for Her salvation of Life in the early days of the world. The greatest temple of Her faith in Ephia's Well is upon the Souk, where the waters of the Well course in glory to the hymns of the B'aarat.

Mother Zalhanna Al-Fayyid
Keeper of the Water Temple
Speaker for B'aara

Keeper of the Tablet Almshouse

Afsana Madani
Acolyte of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine
Speaker for B'aara
Often cloistered.

Aurelio d'Lyon
Balladeer of the Lost Hearth
Oathsworn of B'aara

Tasnim al-Leyla
Serene of B'aara

Cleric of B'aara

Zahira Ilati

For Kula,
The Wyld, Shepherd of Life: The Kulamet.

The Kulamet are not given to hierarchy. Their servants exist in a thousand places and give a hundred rites. All in service to Life, for Kula is shepherd of the same, and Hers is a faith that shall defend Life whether in the great Gardens of Baz'eel or the wyld groves that exist in great Bel-Ishun. Her temples exist in as many places as Life may be found in the desert, and the gardens of the Krak des Roses are favored of Her.

Wyld Shae Ormizu
Keeper of the Shrine and Grove upon the Lover's Gap
Speaker for Kula

She of the Bones
Keeper of a Deep Grove
Speaker for Kula

Sister Amélie
Of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine
Speaker for Kula

Cyphus Eldewin


Yogi Caelius Melus
Hakem of the Wheel (Nisah 7789)
Speaker for Kula

Rowan Ramcrest

For Warad,
The Wanderer, Keeper of Ways: The Waradim.

The Waradim, as the Kulamet, keep their faith in a thousand places. Upon the great roads of the world where any traveler may meet an errant wagon-wheel, the Wanderer is known to travel, keeping the steps of every wholesome living soul who has ever lived, or who shall ever live. A shrine atop one of the rooftops of the Plaza is dedicated to Warad, as as shrine beyond the Gate of Roses, a temple in Qadria-upon-the-Sea, and wheel-shrines too numerous to count in the desert sands.

Khalid al-Hayim
Former Keeper of the Wheel House upon the Tablet at Ephia's Well
Speaker for Warad

A Dervish

A Wanderer

Azim Arafat
Former Hakem of the Wheel
Oathsworn of the Wanderer

Coryn Darsk
A Wanderer

For Izdu,
The Sage, Learned One: The Izdur.

The Izdur are the keepers of knowledge, contributors to the great Tome that contains all of the knowledge in the world. The libraries are their fonts of wisdom, books their temples, and all who would collate and develop knowledge give gracious thanks to the works of Izdu. No temple to Izdu presently exists in the Well; however, a small shrine is kept to the north and west, upon the Spindlebridge.

Vorazol Ekret
Speaker for Izdu

Cantor of Izdu

Seriyah al-Setareh
Acolyte of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine
Faithful of Izdu

Seeker of Knowledge
Faithful of Izdu

For Agaslakku,
The Warrior, Defiant of the Wyrm: The Agasian.

The Agasians are the warriors and defenders of the Wheel, in service to the spoke that took up arms against the Wyrm, and kept Its influence from overcoming the world. Their temples are few and He is invoked most often upon the field of battle, or in preparation for the same, among the defenders of the faithful. A shrine, in ruins, is kept in the northern plaza of Ephia's Well.

Marcellus Saenus
Former Legate of Ephia's Well
Former Speaker for Izdu
Speaker for Agaslakku

Bruno Rincon
Student to the Balladeers of the Lost Hearth
Speaker for Agaslakku

For Kalim and Gamil,
The Martyrs, Keepers of the Maqam: The Twindari.

The Twindari are servants of they who shepherd spirits to their final rest. In great temples and graveyards, the Reverend Priests and Preparators assure that the souls of the departed are raised up in the estimation of the living and the dead. The Maqam of the Martyrs in the north of Ephia's Well, just beyond the plaza, is is the centerpiece of their faith in this region of the desert.

Reverend Beza Tesfaye Bekele
Keeper of the Maqam
Speaker for the Martyrs

Preparator Tariq Salah
Speaker for the Martyrs

Noxieos Adalsteinn
Speaker for the Martyrs

Witness Ekmel Fonzuvi
Speaker for the Martyrs


For Urazzir,
The Wroth, Curse-giver: The Uzzarii.

The Uzzarii enact retribution upon those who have committed fell deeds. The hand of reckoning, a curse upon the wicked and the impious, and ever-watchful for the evils of the world that shall be rooted out. A shrine is kept and service is done to the Wroth in the garrison of the Fourth Legion, which has long been under the fell eye of Urazzir. Another statue and shrine abides in the dry gutters below the Well, where it keeps close and careful watch over all who pass within its sight.

Kornel Turul
Soldier of the Fourth Legion
Speaker for the Wroth


For Gellema,
The Sabotage, Shroud and Secret-Keeper: The Gellemedes.

The Gellemedes serve that which sabotages the keeping of knowledge, both of wholesome things that should be remembered as well as unwholesome things that should be discarded. Let homage be paid that Gellema's sight does not fall long upon our Well. A was once maintained upon the Plaza of Ephia's Well. Other homage is paid to Gellema in lower, stranger places, that shall not be writ here.

[This section is blotted with ink. Apparently unintentionally.]


The Slain and the Lost

Amenya Graen
Speaker for B'aara
Lost to the sands.

Salvatore di Ravioci
Oath-bound of the Holy Mother
Martyred in service to the Well in the trenches of the War of the Southern Wastes.

Agu Cantam
Physician, Keeper of the Headwaters Clinic
Speaker for B'aara
Lost to the sands.

Lynneth Llywarch
Lyrist of the Balladeers of the Lost Hearth
Keeper of the Plaza Shrine at Ephia's Well
Speaker for Warad
Martyred in service to the Well at the Red Hill in the War of the Southern Wastes.

Eamon Bronzegate
Speaker for Warad
Lost to the sands.

Wanderer Elaina
Keeper of the Temple at Qadira-on-the-Sea
Speaker for Warad
Lost to the sands.

Keeper of the Wyldsturm
Speaker for Kula
Lost to the sands.

Tender of Roses
Lost to the sands.

Speaker for Izdu
Lost to the sands.

Echemmon Telemanus
Speaker for Agaslakku
Martyred in service to the Well at the Red Hill in the War of the Southern Wastes.

Adu Lar
Jamissary of the Fourth Legion
Speaker for Agaslakku
Lost to the sands.

Speaker for the Wroth
Lost to the sands.

Speaker for the Martyrs
Lost to the sands.

Mari Blacke
Keeper of the Temple of the Plaza
Speaker for Gellema
Executed on charges of treason, under ill circumstances.

Ariel Hysair
Speaker for Agaslakku
Lost to the sands.

Elli Hamdi
Speaker for Agaslakku
Lost to the sands.

Radislav Ludovich
Speaker for the Wroth
Sentenced to imprisionment, whereabouts unknown.

Harland Vour
Speaker for the Wroth
Lost to the sands.

Nesilhan bint-Zuhil
First Hakem of the Wheel
Returned to Baz'eel.

Lucrecia Allaire
Speaker for the Martyrs
Lost to the sands.

Alain Chauderon
Balladeer of the Lost Hearth
Speaker for the Martyrs
Upon pilgrimage.

Keeper of the Shrine upon the Spindlebridge
"Tutor of Izdur"

Jerrod Felch
Speaker for Kula
Slain in Maribeh 7788, as was long foretold.

Melue Nelthyra
Speaker for Kula
Returned to Spring's Gift to grieve her companion.

Babu Barak
Former Hakim of the Wheel
Lost to the sands.

Grenth Flamebringer
Speaker for Agaslakku
Slain by an assassin's blade after redeeming himself in the eyes of his faith.

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[An addition is made. In kind it is separate from the rest. In a few cases with descriptions of those who serve the creature.]

For the Wyrm,
The Abomination, The Immortal Serpent: The Cultists of the Ninth-Spoke

The servants of the Wyrm inhabit the ill and dark places of the world, redolent in their service to that which is anathema to Life, and cursing the names of the wholesome Wheel. For the Wyrm seeks nothing less than the annihilation of the Garden of Kula, the corruption of the Waters of B'aara, the writing-over of the tome of Izdu, and all manner of horrors visited upon the world. To ambition, cunning, and destruction their chief servants are often given. Their works have earned them infamy among the civilized places of the Wheel.

Their cult is given in two forms. First, that derived from the Melek and the Lizardfolk, taken from the Sibilant and the horrors of their Empire. Indeed, much of the understanding and teaching of the Wyrm in the Age of Ash is an extension of what the Lizardfolk and their Empire have twisted to their purpose. Second, that derived from more ancient runes and texts, which speak of the Wyrm as it was, before the servants of the reptiles changed it, in form that shall not be written here.

The Accursed
Speaker for the Ninth-Spoke

Servant of the Wyrm

Servant of the Wyrm

An Ash-Talker
Servant of the Wyrm

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[A second edition is published a day after the first. Numerous corrections are made, numerous names are added, and the first editions seem to simply vanish from the few places they were posted...]

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[A third edition is published on Nisah 7, IY 7787. A note is appended to the work.]

To the faithful and their clergy: If any individual is missing from this list, write the Author at the Krak des Roses with an introduction, that they may be swiftly included.

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[The third edition is updated with a few notes that do not by themselves justify a fourth.]

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[The fourth edition is updated to make certain changes and include the new Hakem of the Wheel.]

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[A fifth edition is published with additional names and perhaps, more importantly, significant formatting changes for clarity and readability.]

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[Updates are penned by hand to the fifth edition. A new version is not yet circulated.]