Various Elvish Pamphlets and Posters

Started by Mia, February 16, 2023, 10:48:04 PM

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[The following posters and pamphlets are plastered around Ephia's Palatial Pyramid, the Souk and the Krak des Roses. Neat and organized, They are handwritten and have a distinct elvish delicacy to the writing.]


Naelin's Torchbearers

We shall walk the winding paths of the dunes
Search for the wayward and lost souls
And invite them to the wondrous city of Ephia.

Join us,
Look for our orange cloaks!


[The following poster can be found plastered around Palm Heights, Ephia's Palatial Pyramid, the Souk and the Krak des Roses. Neat and organized, They are handwritten and have a distinct elvish delicacy to the writing.]

I am Sephidra Neridhe of the Purple Guild and these are my thoughts and Convictions

On the Voiced of Ephia

To be voiced within the city of Ephia, is to be recognized for the contributions made to our communal state. It serves as a testament of the merit a citizen has provided to the city.

As the Voiced it is our duty to continue contributing to the city in a helpful manner. To be someone who enriches the city by their very presence. Take for example a merchant or caravan master who supply the city with a product that would otherwise not be available. Or a distinguished general who will lead our precious janissaries to victory. Perhaps a scholar who will elucidate us on the mysteries of the world.

Each of these are examples of people who stand to enrich our lives here within Ephia. And yet under the current system not all of these are guaranteed to hold a Voice within our good city. For the main and most common way to currently acquire a Voice is to buy it with denarii.

I do not believe gold to be the sole measurement of what constitutes being of merit to the city. But as someone wise once told me, gold and denarii follow success. And thus it perhaps serves as a sole method we can measure without exceeding corruption. 

And yet I would like to expand the gift of the Voice to those who enrich Ephia by virtue of their deeds and be rid of men and women who stole their way into the state. Thieves and Gutterbandits, unscrupulous, avaricious men who only exploit those beneath them. And make Ephia a poorer place for it.

On the Wisdom of the Ancients & the Spirit of the Young.

When we come into this life, gifted to us by Baara, we are blessed with an abundance of vigour and naive energy. And although we yet know little, we can do much and benefit yet from a spiritual abundance. 

But when the arrow of entropy moves time ever forward, we struggle through the hardships of life and accumulate both scars and experience.  And as our spirit stretches thin and we feel less energy to do our worldly tasks, we must adapt and begin to rely on the knowledge and experiences we have accumulated.

Yet neither the young nor the old live in this world alone. Both are a valued resource for the city; where energy and knowledge come together. As such, I believe in an ideal city where the wisdom of the elders guides the hands of the young.

Building upon this, I find it only just that the wise, the knowledgeable and those above the age of a hundred are Voiced within the city of Ephia. For it is through their wisdom and experience they may guide Ephias many needy refugees towards prosperity and virtue. Continuing upon my thoughts on the Voiced of Ephia; I believe in expanding the ranks of the Voiced with the wise, the educated and the elderly of Ephia.

Yet such a privilege must be accompanied by a conviction. And just as Baara once defied Prajah and gave up her life so that we would be born. So too must all of us dream to leave behind a better world for our children than we found it. From parent to child, from Tutor to student, we must each impart our wisdom, so the world of men and women alike may grow fruitful from the ashes of the past.

On the Refugees of Ephia

For ten or maybe even twelve years had I wandered the ashen wasteland upon the disc. Abandoning one village as the well dried up, in search for the next village. Only to have the process repeat all over again. Ever thirsty, I was in search for water and tending to my own survival.

Only recently was I blessed by a generous spirit who brought me to Ephia. Where the waters of Baara never run dry. I was able to leave my desperation for survival behind me and try to reclaim a life of meaning for myself.

And although I am still ever learning the ways of this land, I was able to pull myself up through bravery and hard work. But never will I forget the kindness and generosity of those that came before me and in their wisdom brought me here to beautiful Ephia.

At this moment the city of Ephia is experiencing population growth. And while I fully believe in the great good of both the beautiful babies born and welcoming the wayward and windswept refugees from the wastes, Uncontrolled growth brings with it much hardships. It is the duty of the state to make provisions for this expected and continued growth.

I believe the state must continue to provide much needed donations to its refugee welcoming centre of Hasheemas Hope. Where the new influx of people have a chance to sleep, eat and get their bearings.

I believe that as our people grow we shall clear out empty and broken parts of the ancient city. Such as the gate of sand and the broken tablet. We shall refurbish homes where there was once ruin. May our builders never rest.

I believe in investing in education, so our new citizens may learn the skills required to be of merit to the city. Especially apprenticeships within the sphere of construction and other practical trades. Through self-improvement shall the people of Ephia prosper. We must give them that chance.

I believe in maintaining and expanding our janissary forces. For our great prosperity shall attract never-do-wells trying to take advantage of our hard work and fortune. May they keep our people safe.

On the cost of Investment

While the rest of my thoughts deal mainly with the expenditures of the state. The wealth of the state must come from somewhere. Investing in education, refugee charity & Janissary activities is well and good, but must be paid from other pots, else such promises are just promises.

As general principle, it is my intention to see the people who have much wealth; such as merchants, adventurers and the Cinquefoil Rose, be made to work towards charity for those less fortunate and invest in the future of the refugees and the young. Yet it is not my intention to bleed anyone dry, or cause them hardship through taxation. Those who contribute must reap the benefits of their labour; And serve as an ideal for refugees to grow towards.

As such the places where I intend to win wealth for the state are:

By cutting back on the states investment into the arts. Art is a great expenditure when everyone is already wealthy, and we wish to collectively pay for something individuals can not. But as long as refugees continue to arrive with nothing, we must invest in our people first.

Levy a new tax upon luxury goods; from magical goods to rare silks and faraway spices. The goods which enrich our lives, but are not necessary for them. 

Redirect our wise and learned men and women from indulgent studies and expensive research into the classroom, where they may tutor the next generations.

Cut back on the expenditures of festivals, games and entertainment. Like Art, entertainment, games and festivals, serve to enrich our lives. But as long as refugees continue to arrive with nothing, we must invest in our people first. For bored troublemakers, our Janissaries will pick up the slack.


On the seizing of the Archaeology License

I do not support the wishes of the Astronomers of Qtolip to be entrusted with the responsibility of determining who does and does not qualify to practice archaeology. Chiefly because they have expressed their desire to establish themselves as the sole owner and authority of all archaeological findings. And I do not see a good reason for historical artefacts such as clay tablets, cylinder seals, ancient documents and forgotten spearheads to be yielded to the Astronomers of Qtolip.

While a valid argument can be made upon findings that include the instructions on the assembly of Colossi magical architecture or helpful machinery. These are very rare and withholding the practice of Archaeology on their account does a disservice to our understanding of the past. These strict impositions made upon the transfer of the license are likely going to drive away any well-meaning historian out of their profession. How are Balladeers meant to seek for their sacred cup if they are reliant on the Astronomers of Qtolip to perform their search?

Furthermore, while the Astronomers of Qtolip provide a valuable service to the Well and its people, it would be highly inappropriate for an organization led by an exile of Bazeel to become the authority capable of determining who can and cannot secure a permit that grants them access to ruins and relics that are owned by the state of Bazeel. This fact alone is certain to cause friction with our mother city and might impact the trade we are so reliant on.

On the Servants of the Snake King & the Stele

In recent times the servants of the Snake King and their Orentid followers have caused severe harm and strife to the city of Ephia. Their crimes are manyfold; from the destruction of the Pylon during the great storm, to the murder of John Syter and their desecration of our sacred Stele. It shall take some time yet to see their machinations undone, and even now the threat of their terrorism looms over the well, as Diakos has yet to be apprehended for his crimes.

To undo the desecration of the Stele, it will likely require a legates hand to change the Matron deity of Ephia. It has currently been unlawfully set to grant the followers of the Snake King power over the well. It is my intention to advocate for the return of Baara as the Matron deity of Ephias Well. Else we risk our precious lifegiving water from drying up.

Additionally, as the city rides the wave of turmoil it will be paramount for our Janissaries to remain extra vigilant and continue making strides into their investigations. As long as they keep making progress and produce results, they will require a sizable sum of the allotment to perform their work.