Parry Buff

Started by Mortui, July 16, 2014, 02:24:25 AM

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Put plainly, parry is awful, I think it could stand to be improved, perhaps by every 8 or so parry a character would gain 1 ac.

Half the AC bonus for a character using a two-handed weapon and will only apply if a character isn't using a shield.

Therefore, a character with 32 parry and using two weapons (such as a rapier) would get 4 ac, and a character with 32 parry using a greatsword would be 2 ac.

This is just to make Parry more viable.


Monks parrying in this way seems a fast way to break something.


Perhaps it could be set to not work this way if the player has monk levels?


If you have to make fifty exceptions for something maybe it isn't a good idea in the first place.


Parry is extremely good, especially in our low level setting. It does get bad at higher levels when there are more attacks per round but this is not that. Parry allowed someone to solo the Agony of the Hunt for a crazy amount of time without help.

The Crimson Magician

as a sort of deflection AC, I could see this maybe being viable since deflection ac gets canceled out all the time


The Parry skill effects one thing as far as I'm aware, the Parry combat mode. I think that if anything, this suggestion should only be applied to when you're in this combat mode. Of course, then it's not so great but I'm not really into this suggestion anyway.

A skill that can grant someone a perma bonus to AC is a bit radical imo.


Parry is from start usselest its changed ye can block with it just one of two atatcks normally 1th,3th,5th at efu jsut 1th attack if osmebody have second parry wont defend it doesnt matter how many attacks ye have... But if ye in parry mode and can parry first attack lets say its +5 to ac coz second attack is mostly always -5 ab.


only happy to provide a bonus to parry with ac WHILE parry is active - so it is purely a defencive bonus.


Parry is quite what is intended and can be very effective for what it was made to. I personally have approved it as it is, and if it was anything else, it wouldn't be parry.