Script Message

Started by granny, December 19, 2013, 03:43:35 PM

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as oldgranny account, with my character Oya, I'm getting the following strange script error (I guess  I got something like that with fireflies/ Shakti Athes as well):

Script x0_s1_MantSpike, OID 8001709c, Tag: sm_plant_005, Error: Divide by Zero


This is a server wide message as far as I know, when a bug occurs with manticore spikes somewhere.

I'm not sure why this occurs or how it could be rectified at the moment, but it isn't specific to your character :)


It is because the Briarvex summons are using an incorrect manticore spike script. Needs to be copied from the one that the Ark Guardians use, or if the monster version of it is not buggy for creatures as it is with PCs then that could work as well.


Just checked an xo_s1 is the monster version, which we also learned does not work correctly as an item property either. So yea the monster version of manticore spikes is busted and it needs to be copied from the one that the Ark Guardian summons use. Or the monster version needs to be debugged. Changing it from one to the other is a matter of opening it in the toolset and just removing the monster manticore spikes (the first one listed) and adding the shifter spikes (the second one listed).