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Messages - SkillFocuspwn

Announcements / Reminder about alts
January 23, 2021, 06:02:35 PM
Just a quick reminder as I've seen this a couple times recently:

If you have a PC in an association, they should be your only PC.

More generally, if you have a PC who is prominent, involved in major plots, or involved in PC conflict, you should not have any alternate PCs either.

Suggestions / Re: Player factions and plot-flagged armour
September 01, 2020, 02:50:54 PM
We are not adding a system to dye the things we don't want dyed.
Suggestions / Re: Player factions and plot-flagged armour
September 01, 2020, 10:49:59 AM
As you've stated, there are ways IG to make faction uniforms, or to dye stuff you find to make a colour theme.

Ruining a haute couture dress isn't one of those ways.
Announcements / Re: Small Arena event
August 24, 2020, 04:22:51 PM
Part 3!

On Saturday, around 7 PM GMT.
I strongly believe a lot of EfU's quality and style derives itself from the simple fact that loss is real and impactful in every aspect of the game.

While I have heard it feels crushing to lose your high level, the reason those high levels feel so important and legitimately impressive is because they aren't given to you easily, and because they can be taken away by poor choice or fate.

It is this chaos, this uncertainty, this very real risk of failure in everything you do, that makes you feel like a badass in EfU when you do succeed; and any attempt to flatten the 'imbalances' of the game world and bring everyone closer to an average will only diminish that.
General Discussion / Re: PvP Ethics and EFU v5
July 28, 2020, 07:55:56 PM
These threads pop up inevitably and cyclically, and always have since the beginning of EfU. Personally I believe (as Caddies said above) almost all of it is just perception based, rather than an actual shift in player approach; there are going to be times when a lot of FDs just happen to occur in a small space of time, which can give the impression of it being a change when it's actually just random chance.

I will say from this side, we do not have any kind of increase in players reporting abuses or rule breaking. I'm not denying that it happens sometimes, it is the nature of rules that people will want to break them. but from what I've seen, with EE, with the new chapter, and with the lockdown influx, we actually have had a lot of newer players coming in the last couple years from less conflict-driven servers. From my perspective, if anything I feel the wider playerbase is less interested in PvP than they have been in the past; although again, I really do believe that it is impossible to see these things clearly on such a vast server with so many players and moving parts; we are all seeing a small window of that big world, and should be wary to assume that what we see in that small window is representative of the whole.

If you have concerns about specific things that have happened, if there are events that you worry may be rule breaking, you should speak to us. We can't do a great deal about lamentations on the server's decline, but if there are any specific incidents you know about, we very much encourage you to tell us so we can investigate them properly.
Suggestions / Re: Guild Armor Absorption
July 11, 2020, 04:52:18 PM
There have been instances we've used dye barrels to denote affiliation on EfU; however, there are times when enforcing a specific uniform works better, for a variety of reasons. The current situation is as intended.
Doing anything like this would severely alter the balance of our game world. There are absolutely activities you can do on your own or with smaller groups (more than ever in this new chapter) such as explorables and discoveries. However, some parts of EfU will always be only accessible with a party; and this is very much intentional, as our world thrives on PCs interacting with each other.
Announcements / Re: Sever-Wide Event
May 11, 2020, 12:50:09 AM
Thank you to everyone who participated, both in the big siege and the raid on the Bronze Palace. We originally intended on having the raid be a perma-death event; however, after consideration, there were a number of issues (such as miscommunication and massive lag) that has made us re-evaluate that decision. We will be speaking with those players privately to discuss.
[ :: Day ??  Year ?? :: ]

It has been a long and bloody day in Ring 99, and many are uncertain how to feel. What is known for certain is that Ib'javi, a fiendish merchant allowed to trade in Ticker Square, has been slain by the very Guildmasters of that place.

It began with a ritual in the Rifts, which drew the attention of great crowds of people. A coterie of sinister wizards under the direction of Guildmaster Danebluff began their incantations, offering up fiendish instruments and infernal incantations to tear a seam to Ib'javi's Bronze Palace. Citizens looked on in fascinated horror as the magic did its work, and a group of Ring 99's bravest and best marched through the portal opened to wage war upon her very home.

Before the dust had settled, however, the fiend had sent her own soldiers in retaliation. What began was a brutal fight across two fronts, with citizens of the Square and the Ward alike fighting to protect 99 from the vengeful wrath of Ib'javi while those few sent to kill her struggled epically through her labyrinthine forges. War was waged for hours, against devilish mercenaries, the weapons of war she made her fortune from, and even through strange pact the spirits of her mortal servants who once haunted the City and fragments of her own power come to life.

In the Rifts, line after line was broken under the brunt of her assault. The battle drew on for many hours, with many lying broken in the streets, yet Retainers, Stonebuilders, Prospectors, Ringrunners and mercenaries alike returned time and time again, drawing new lines of battle, refusing to allow her forces ingress into the Ring. New challenges and weapons of Ib'javi's devising kept coming, however, testing the survivors sorely; and at the end of many struggles the battle seemed all but lost. Ib'javi had gained control of the Rifts, turning the magic of that place to her service and tearing further seams for her soldiers to pour through. A scant few stood against her newly replenished forces, the last line between her vengeance and the City.

It was during this fated last stand, however, rumoured to be held by two lone soles against her forces, that the tide turned. A great scream came from the simulacra watching over the battlefield, and her mercenaries retreated as quickly as they arrived, vanishing into the seams without a trace. Without her soldiers, the rest of her creations broke quickly; and from the Bronze Palace emerged two broken, bloodied and triumphant heroes, in time to wipe out the rest of her forces. The dust settled; Ib'javi the Unbound, ally and enemy to Ticker Square, was dead by their hand.

In the aftermath, rumours of events in the Bronze Palace spread quickly; of a terrible trap laid at the entrance to her home which slew many of the attackers, already weary from their push through her Forges below. Of a much-diminished group battling through the rest of her domain and slaying her favoured servants one by one. Only three, from the eleven that left, stood before Ib'javi in her Throne Room; the Guildmaster Luke Danebluff, and the Ringrunners Eupraxia Pherenikoulou and William Thorne.

What happened next is of some debate. While the most popular story is of a great duel, where Danebluff slew her just as her dying words annihilated him, another circulates of a fateful bolt, fired before she could even finish talking. All that is known for certain is that from out the portal Danebluff did not join the other two; and, when the last of her forces were swept away, Ib'javi was dead.

99 is not certain what to make of this situation. Oscar Tchammorar congratulated and rewarded those who protected the Square, though many whisper of the hypocrisy in his well-known support for Ib'javi in the first place, and others even more conspiratorial claim the whole thing was nothing more than a plot to remove two rivals, both Ib'javi and Danebluff. The rest of Ticker Square is as divided on the matter as they were at her arrival, with many wondering what business they have attacking a supposed ally, while others are simply glad her influence is ended. In the Peerage, the news is met with approval at her death, yet the general consensus agrees it is yet further proof of the insane politics of the Square and of the damage caused by putting groat above honour.

Across the Rings, life carries on.
Announcements / Re: Sever-Wide Event
May 08, 2020, 02:42:03 PM
This will be delayed by one hour.
Announcements / Sever-Wide Event
May 07, 2020, 10:32:31 AM
There will be a server-wide event occurring at this time.

Hope you can make it!
Charm Animal would work on them; but charm person would not.
[ :: Day ??  Year ?? :: ]

There are whispers throughout the Peerage Ward of a new Lord; they say the well-known wizard Aethelwine Silver has, through some technicality, been bequeathed the title of a long-gone bloodline of the Peerage. Calling himself Lord Aethelwine Sothilde now, the news has garnered some interest from the masses. However, to many of the ward's higher classes the landless and retainerless wizard's title is little more than a technicality, and quiet jests about the pauper-lord can be heard even in the Square...
Suggestions / Re: Playable Monster Heroes
April 18, 2020, 01:09:07 PM
It is a very cool idea but unfortunately far too script intensive and difficult to balance. Maybe one day in a distant future.