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Messages - Faith Is My Shield

Correspondence / Warmaster Mirielle Rosseau
January 24, 2025, 04:49:19 PM
Mirielle Rosseau
Condottiero of the Banda Rossa
Warmaster of Ephia's Well

Greetings and salutations with the balming touch of B'aara's waters. I am Faith Kruehtzer, Layhammer of the Merciful Mother. I have heard your recent call for a new War Champion and I hereby put forth my name for consideration.

I arrived from Baz'eel two weeks ago, sent by a holy Waterbearer of the Mother on pilgrimage and a quest of which details have yet to be revealed. My underlying purpose as a Layhammer of the Merciful Mother, however, is clear: to crusade against the enemies of B'aara and the Wheel as a whole--the criminal, the heretic, the monster, of which the orc ranks highest considering the circumstances of our present and perilous time.

I will endeavor to attend the War Council you recently announced, but should you wish to know me better beforehand, I will answer any letter you send and answer any call you make. Regardless, I look forward to making your acquaintance in person.

May your thirst always be quenched,
Faith Kruehtzer
Layhammer of the Merciful Mother
Journals and Musings / Re: "Faith is my Shield"
January 21, 2025, 03:00:58 PM
I cannot describe the sensation that overcame me. I stood within the Krak, Miss DuPree having just arrived to speak to me. Then: panic? Inspiration? Some brief, minor madness? I felt the urge to flee--no, run. At first, my feet stumbled, then they quickened.

Seconds passed. Perhaps minutes. I do not know the path I took but I found myself within the deep Well. Upon my knees I bowed before the statue of the Pilgrim. In supplication, I drank of her cool waters. Slowly the strange and queer sensation I could not identify faded. Relief. I drank. My left hand a cup bringing her gift to my lips.

Then I saw the glimmer of a light within the waters. I reached down, my arm phasing into the water past its surface, reaching into depths unknown. My fingers wrapped themselves around a haft. I pulled a heavy weight from the water but gravity did not contest me.

The water was not the only gift from the Merciful Mother in that fountain. Within that holy place, I was bestowed a holy artifact. A hammer that glints like light glints off a pool of water.

I still do not know my purpose in the Well. But it is here. My purpose is here. The Merciful Mother tells me this. The reason why I have been guided to this sacred place will be known. And I will fulfill it.

~ * ! * ~

Faith is my Shield; that Deflects Corruption.

Conviction is my Mail; that Endures Evil.

Duty is my Hammer; that Vanquishes Sin.

Whole: I am the Mother's Mercy,

And the Mother's Wrath.
Journals and Musings / Re: "Faith is my Shield"
January 20, 2025, 08:24:19 PM
My true purpose here in the Well still eludes me but there are many opportunities still to carry out the generalized duties of my oath. The Well's remoteness from Baz'eel leaves it susceptible. The surrounding desert is pockmarked with oasis and ruins. Places which the enemy--the criminal; the monster; the heretic--can gather and scheme. Neither my hammer nor my shield is at rest for long periods of time here.

And even when I am not scouring the desert of evils, there are the worms in the gutters to harvest. Not unlike Baz'eel, this place is awash in the meek; the poor; and the weak. They are scared and hungry and even the smallest act of charity sustains them. Unfortunately, I have quickly come to encounter that the downtrodden are are but pawns. Regardless of League colours, everyone speak over one another as if they know how to rightfully treat the refugees. Their arguments are circular and entangling. It is frustrating to listen to them as they intertwine virtues with policy with procedure and process. And frustrating even more to be incapable of hearing the truth behind their words.

Waterbearer Dina never encouraged me to study the art of oration, debate, and politics. My talents that lay elsewhere are worth emphasizing but it seems properly perceiving political machinations must be something I leave to my betters.

The truth is known to me, however, and my conviction is steadfast. Every refugee--every man, woman, and child--is called to serve the Merciful Mother and her blessed Sultan. They may be meek and weak now, but given the proper example, they may be inspired to fulfill their service.
Journals and Musings / "Faith is my Shield"
January 16, 2025, 07:04:38 PM
The first portion of my pilgrimage is complete: I have arrived in Ephia's Well.

The trip from Baz'eel cost me nearly all of my wealth. I arrived with an empty purse and equipment ruined by the abuse of terrible ash storms. I was able to quickly replace what I needed, however, due to the generosity of Merchant Zizzo. It was only afterwards that I realized I should not accept loans from individuals I have only just met and barely had the chance to scrutinize.

Merchant Zizzo carries herself as a fine and faithful individual but what I have learned of the League of Gold does not press upon me a good impression. Additionally, there are many rumours that paint her as an opportunist and schemer.

The Merciful Mother would have me treat new acquaintances with respect and dignity. Therefore, I shall not hold Merchant Zizzo's league affiliation against her. Yet. Wealth, after all, is a soil where corruption can easily take root. I shall be like the gardener of Kula: watching the garden grow, blade in hand should there be a need for pruning.

This Well is my garden. I shall watch them all. Such is all I can do for now. Waterbearer Dina, Mother bless her soul, said my true purpose would reveal itself here in Ephia's Well. It has yet to reveal itself in any comprehensible way. So I watch.