Hziran 5th, IY 7789
Today was the day we went to Ait Tujum on an expeditionary effort.
I went with Nessia, Maqqari, Tharrik, Ulfgrim, Theo, and Faith to the Isles of Ait Tujum. It was Nessia's idea to study and map the islands. I had already been there, but perhaps it would be interesting to see other people's perspectives. Plus, it's always nice to hang out with friends.
Theo does a good job at keeping the mood positive, always cracking jokes and silly puns. We got to exploring, and I was able to name the entry landing. 'Ziggurat Cove'. It's got a nice ring to it, and seeing it, it makes sense. What with all the Ziggurats right by the dock.
I am beginning to have my theories about the island. The old and dead trees seem to have new trees growing from them. It is as if the Necromantic energies on the island are focused on nature. I've witnessed the Isle's coastlines host a Dark Wyldwalker. One who is potentially using the remains of what used to be here on the island to feed nature again. Perhaps in an unnatural way. There are bones and bodies scattered about the isle, perhaps these are a source of power?
There are large skeletal draconic remains further in the heart of the isle. It would be a potent energy source for all kinds of magical rituals.
Do people think I'd make a good Magistrate?
It was asked of me whether I would be willing to have my name put forth for such a role. The weight of justice is no light thing. It is one matter to uphold laws, another to be the arbiter of their execution. Dolling out punishments, ensuring fairness. It is a heavy burden.
Would I be just? Would I be fair? I would try, at the very least. It is a duty that demands not only knowledge but wisdom, and I have seen both just rulers and tyrants wear the same robes of authority. If I am to accept this, I must ensure I am never the latter.
Last night, I dreamt of Ulfgrim.
We stood in the halls of an ancient forge, the glow of molten metal casting warm light upon stone walls lined with runes. He was working, hammering away at something I could not see, but I felt the reverberation of each strike deep within my chest.
The rhythm of his work was steady, comforting. I stepped closer, but he did not turn. Not until I reached out, and then he looked at me, his eye reflecting the firelight. There was something unspoken there, something neither of us dared to name, yet it lingered in the air between us, hot as the forge's breath.
I woke before I could say anything. Perhaps it is for the best. Some things are easier left to dreams.
It is Hziran after all, yet I must remain focused. There is so much still to do. For Kin and for the future.
Wisdom, light my way.
Today was the day we went to Ait Tujum on an expeditionary effort.
I went with Nessia, Maqqari, Tharrik, Ulfgrim, Theo, and Faith to the Isles of Ait Tujum. It was Nessia's idea to study and map the islands. I had already been there, but perhaps it would be interesting to see other people's perspectives. Plus, it's always nice to hang out with friends.
Theo does a good job at keeping the mood positive, always cracking jokes and silly puns. We got to exploring, and I was able to name the entry landing. 'Ziggurat Cove'. It's got a nice ring to it, and seeing it, it makes sense. What with all the Ziggurats right by the dock.
I am beginning to have my theories about the island. The old and dead trees seem to have new trees growing from them. It is as if the Necromantic energies on the island are focused on nature. I've witnessed the Isle's coastlines host a Dark Wyldwalker. One who is potentially using the remains of what used to be here on the island to feed nature again. Perhaps in an unnatural way. There are bones and bodies scattered about the isle, perhaps these are a source of power?
There are large skeletal draconic remains further in the heart of the isle. It would be a potent energy source for all kinds of magical rituals.
Do people think I'd make a good Magistrate?
It was asked of me whether I would be willing to have my name put forth for such a role. The weight of justice is no light thing. It is one matter to uphold laws, another to be the arbiter of their execution. Dolling out punishments, ensuring fairness. It is a heavy burden.
Would I be just? Would I be fair? I would try, at the very least. It is a duty that demands not only knowledge but wisdom, and I have seen both just rulers and tyrants wear the same robes of authority. If I am to accept this, I must ensure I am never the latter.
Last night, I dreamt of Ulfgrim.
We stood in the halls of an ancient forge, the glow of molten metal casting warm light upon stone walls lined with runes. He was working, hammering away at something I could not see, but I felt the reverberation of each strike deep within my chest.
The rhythm of his work was steady, comforting. I stepped closer, but he did not turn. Not until I reached out, and then he looked at me, his eye reflecting the firelight. There was something unspoken there, something neither of us dared to name, yet it lingered in the air between us, hot as the forge's breath.
I woke before I could say anything. Perhaps it is for the best. Some things are easier left to dreams.
It is Hziran after all, yet I must remain focused. There is so much still to do. For Kin and for the future.
Wisdom, light my way.