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Messages - JohnnyQuest

Journals and Musings / Letter Three
August 15, 2024, 10:12:54 PM

Hasheema's Hope, Bunk Bed 2
Ephia's Well, Sultanate

Qdim 15th, IY 77XX

Dear Linda!!

I've been training harder than ever. Training in Ephia's Well most involves taking missions from the monster hunting guild (they don't really have one) from their board (they have that) and hitting things with my two fish saws. I am getting good at it and feel like a A-ranked adventurer at heart already. I got hurt today. But don't worry. I got better and now I am stronger than before.

I met Mad Meev the Manipulator on the roads and he told me Creamy Susan is coming for Haluin or Halim (the one with the shark teeth, not the elf) and myself. We need to be ready. Mad Meev was using scimitars which are much worse than Katanas but strike more often in a very painful way. He also knew the extreme speed off-hand technique. But he won't be ready for our next meeting - I know it too now!!

I met a nice old man and they called him Marcellus. He likes books and burgers. I met a nice lady at the tavern. I didn't ask for her name because I don't let other people close to me so I don't get hurt due to what happened to our parents. Please do not tell anyone about that, I am not ready to share... I think the lady is in love with me because she drank more the more I talked to her.

A big bat was fighting a dwarf. I don't know how that ended. It was a very strong bat though. The dwarf was really angry. That makes sense, though. I hope they become friends.

I love you, little sister. Please stay strong. I think I am ready to defeat Old Man Rainbow Trout! I just have to find him now!!

Your cool brother,


Journals and Musings / Second Letter
August 14, 2024, 05:50:07 PM

Hasheema's Hope, Bunk Bed 2
Ephia's Well, Sultanate

Qdim 14th, IY 77XX

Dear Linda!!

I have been fighting really hard. They keep taking me into lots of dungeons so I can grow stronger and unlock my next combat ability: the double left-handed katana slice. I have been practicing my Critical Strikes. I am  going to become super tough pretty soon if this keeps up.

I don't want to get too excited but I feel like I am soon ready for my Rank Up Promotion Quest. A yellow bird gave me a quest to meet the dragon that lives on top of the Pyramid. I am pretty scared about that but I can't let anyone see because they can't know I have a vulnerable heart hidden behind my tough and mysterious exterior.

Oh and I made lots of friends. You already know the fire sage, but now there's also Bono the Buzzer as well as Tuna Tuna Trident. They are tough and strong. Sometimes they feel a little fishy, but the fire sage says they're okay and I know you need to trust sages because they wouldn't be sages if you couldn't trust them.

Lots of love, little sister! Your big brother is fighting for you. Soon I am strong enough to bring you the heart!!

Hang in there!!

Your cool brother,


Journals and Musings / Letters to Linda
August 13, 2024, 09:46:14 PM

Hasheema's Hope, Bunk Bed 2
Ephia's Well, Sultanate

Qdim 13th, IY 77XX

Dear Linda!!

Today I arrived at Ephia's Well and everyone is really nice and weird here! They say Live and Drink!! I hope you are doing well. I am sorry it took so long to write! So much has happened! I jumped off the wagon and all these people came to give me Fish Saws!!! Sage Temuriel was right, I really can find the Fish Saws I need to defeat Old Man Rainbow Trout here in Ephia's Well!! The journey was worth it!! Please send him my thanks!

I know you are not feeling well. But I am one step closer to becoming seasoned enough to defeat Old Man Rainbow Trout. I met lots of people and they all believe in me. I think with their help I can overcome that darkness inside my heart, even though it's super tough!! But I know I have to, for you, and for me, too. After what happened to our parents...

Anyway, I have to keep training! My signature move, the Air Buster Cross Slash is working really well! I am critically striking enemies four in twenty times!! I should be able to defeat Old Man Rainbow Trout in no time. With his heart, I can finally help you get better!

I met lots of awesome people. Bashir, the fashion icon!! He's here!! THE Bashir! He didn't want to give you an autograph even though I told him you were sick. It's like you always said - never meet your heroes! But maybe when I defeat Old Man Rainbow Trout he'll change his mind.

I met a wise fire sage. He tells me if I focus on the power in blood and ignite the fires of my heart I can become the warrior of light and defeat that darkness inside my heart. He is super smart and has a lamp.

There was also a cool guy who really wants Fish Saws. I hope I can help him defeat Creamy Susan with the power of friendship!! I hope he stops being sad...

It is really strange here, they do not even have a monster hunting guild!! But a lot of the people here are so tough you wouldn't believe it - A and S-ranked adventurers, easily. I hope I can advance to A-rank myself soon and learn how to swing my left katana more often!

Please stay strong and remember to say your prayers to The Defender! I love you, sis!! You'll be healthy in no time!!!

Your cool brother,