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Messages - GetSpooky

Correspondence / Note for Balstan
June 30, 2024, 11:39:08 PM
A note is left at the front desk of the Sandstone College.

Signore Balstan,

I have finished experimenting with the crafting scepter you loaned me and will return it at your earliest convenience.

Warm regards,
Correspondence / Letter to Qari
June 28, 2024, 11:23:06 AM

My name is Cassima Carvelli, and I'm writing to you in case word doesn't reach you of my sending. I've newly arrived from Il Modo, and after a disastrous journey to get here, find myself in need of direction. While I am more than capable of the rewards paid by the Office of Minor Nuisances, I don't foresee a future working for them. You are often spoken of around the League of Gold offices with some reverence, and I thought you would perhaps be able and willing to aid me. Regrettably, I lack the capacity to contribute much to Ephia's Well and the League aside from a few piddling spells, but with your guidance, I believe I make something of myself.

If this message finds you in good health and generous spirit, you may find me most often in the vicinity of the Krak des Roses. Simply leave a message for Cassima and I'll check in regularly.

~ C.C.