The Brooker's Mark
Physically, what separates a brooker from a crypto-brooker is the brooker's mark. For the brooker, this mark is their physical connection to the djinn court. A bridge between physical reality and the djinn unreality. It also binds the brooker permanently to the court, forever dooming them to its service. Most of these marks are visible upon the brookers body, and take on some element of the court itself (for example, a mark may drip oily black shadow-liquid for a brooker of air and shadow) while also granting them the ability to draw power from their court. The cost is an expectation of service to said court, and the powers of that court have the ability to withdraw any boons and punish the brooker for failure to obey. The exception to this is the court of law, whos brookers mark is the trappings of civilization (fine clothes, well groomed hair, cultured mannerisms).
Most brookers are bound to two courts at once (for purposes of this text, those bound only to the Court of Law shall not be called "brookers"), typically one of the elemental courts plus the Court of Law, which almost universally ends in disaster. To brook with a court is to make it ones master, and one cannot hold two masters without conflict for long. Indeed there are wild beings such as the nazaru whos tribes are in pact with but one of the elemental courts, whom exist in relative stability compared to the more traditionally known brooker. Eventually, the brooker shall have to betray one court for the other, but they shall remain marked by both. Unable to escape either court, they shall find themselves destroyed by one or the other eventually.
However, taking power from multiple courts presents many advantages. The Crypto-Brooker holds the solution to the danger is an able to take full advantage of the many courts different boons.
Repurposing the Brooker
The Brooker's Mark is a bridge between the brooker's physical body and the realm of djinn, but it is not the brooker and djinn alone that controls this bridge. Enter the crypto-brooker, who through subtle and careful minnistrations may too gain power from these connections between worlds. From the living brooker, the boons recieved directly by them may be used and stolen by the crypto-brooker. The knowledge the djinn imparts upon the brooker may be shared upon the crypto-brooker. The power over the world the brooker holds may be stolen in part by the crypto-brooker without suffering the pact or the wrath of any court.
Even when the brooker is eventually destroyed by their recklessness, the bridge severed and constricted, it still remains in our world much as the brooker's body does after death. Through careful transmutations it can be reshaped into a form that allows a demi-pact of sorts to be formed. One in which the crypto-brooker repairs the connection to the djinn unreality, but this time under the crypto-brookers control rather than the courts. Pacts made are always to the advantage of the crypto-brooker, always at their convenience, and severed any time they wish. Provided of course they are of sufficient skill and care. It is not a process without danger, and the wrath of the courts is always a possibility to the careless crypto-brooker.
Crpyto-Brooking in simplest terms is brooking without detection, brooking with impunity. All things are better when done with impunity. To take all you can and to give as little as you can back. To fool your peers into believing you are generous when you are infact greedy. This is the essence of making favorable deals, and especially important for the crypto-brooker. Taking from multiple courts is an act of greed, and is punished harshly when detected.
While the brooker cannot escape detection, because the evidence of his actions is upon his very being, the crypto-brooker remains unattached to them. They remain clean of the consequences of their actions, and they remain free of the wrath of all the courts. The key thing to remember is that each court has wildly distorted perceptions of reality. This is true even for the Court of Law. Learn the ways in which they are blind, and in these ways hide your brookings with the other courts. The crypto-brooker maintains their advantage by being able to discard their connections to the other courts, always being able to reduce the pacts they maintain to just one or in some cases even zero, whereas the common brooker is stuck with their conflicts to their own doom. In this way, by carefully regulating ones interactions with the different courts, the crypto-brooker operates indefinitely, and the boons they recieve far outweigh that of the common brooker many times over. The highest reaches of power from each court become available at ones leisure, while never fully committing themselves to one exclusively.
Physically, what separates a brooker from a crypto-brooker is the brooker's mark. For the brooker, this mark is their physical connection to the djinn court. A bridge between physical reality and the djinn unreality. It also binds the brooker permanently to the court, forever dooming them to its service. Most of these marks are visible upon the brookers body, and take on some element of the court itself (for example, a mark may drip oily black shadow-liquid for a brooker of air and shadow) while also granting them the ability to draw power from their court. The cost is an expectation of service to said court, and the powers of that court have the ability to withdraw any boons and punish the brooker for failure to obey. The exception to this is the court of law, whos brookers mark is the trappings of civilization (fine clothes, well groomed hair, cultured mannerisms).
Most brookers are bound to two courts at once (for purposes of this text, those bound only to the Court of Law shall not be called "brookers"), typically one of the elemental courts plus the Court of Law, which almost universally ends in disaster. To brook with a court is to make it ones master, and one cannot hold two masters without conflict for long. Indeed there are wild beings such as the nazaru whos tribes are in pact with but one of the elemental courts, whom exist in relative stability compared to the more traditionally known brooker. Eventually, the brooker shall have to betray one court for the other, but they shall remain marked by both. Unable to escape either court, they shall find themselves destroyed by one or the other eventually.
However, taking power from multiple courts presents many advantages. The Crypto-Brooker holds the solution to the danger is an able to take full advantage of the many courts different boons.
Repurposing the Brooker
The Brooker's Mark is a bridge between the brooker's physical body and the realm of djinn, but it is not the brooker and djinn alone that controls this bridge. Enter the crypto-brooker, who through subtle and careful minnistrations may too gain power from these connections between worlds. From the living brooker, the boons recieved directly by them may be used and stolen by the crypto-brooker. The knowledge the djinn imparts upon the brooker may be shared upon the crypto-brooker. The power over the world the brooker holds may be stolen in part by the crypto-brooker without suffering the pact or the wrath of any court.
Even when the brooker is eventually destroyed by their recklessness, the bridge severed and constricted, it still remains in our world much as the brooker's body does after death. Through careful transmutations it can be reshaped into a form that allows a demi-pact of sorts to be formed. One in which the crypto-brooker repairs the connection to the djinn unreality, but this time under the crypto-brookers control rather than the courts. Pacts made are always to the advantage of the crypto-brooker, always at their convenience, and severed any time they wish. Provided of course they are of sufficient skill and care. It is not a process without danger, and the wrath of the courts is always a possibility to the careless crypto-brooker.
Crpyto-Brooking in simplest terms is brooking without detection, brooking with impunity. All things are better when done with impunity. To take all you can and to give as little as you can back. To fool your peers into believing you are generous when you are infact greedy. This is the essence of making favorable deals, and especially important for the crypto-brooker. Taking from multiple courts is an act of greed, and is punished harshly when detected.
While the brooker cannot escape detection, because the evidence of his actions is upon his very being, the crypto-brooker remains unattached to them. They remain clean of the consequences of their actions, and they remain free of the wrath of all the courts. The key thing to remember is that each court has wildly distorted perceptions of reality. This is true even for the Court of Law. Learn the ways in which they are blind, and in these ways hide your brookings with the other courts. The crypto-brooker maintains their advantage by being able to discard their connections to the other courts, always being able to reduce the pacts they maintain to just one or in some cases even zero, whereas the common brooker is stuck with their conflicts to their own doom. In this way, by carefully regulating ones interactions with the different courts, the crypto-brooker operates indefinitely, and the boons they recieve far outweigh that of the common brooker many times over. The highest reaches of power from each court become available at ones leisure, while never fully committing themselves to one exclusively.