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Messages - Najh-Ra

After spending a very long time as an exile (On two PCs no less.) I've thrown in the towel for this character.

While I could have continued playing. I decided the sparse interactions were no longer worth missing out on 95% of the server.

That said, I did have fun with my time as a villain. And I'd like to thank all the players and DM who took time to interact with Najh-Ra (you know who you are.)

Najh-Ra was a stonefolk who spent her early life as a slave to lizardfolk tribes. She came to worship Bashmu by the lure of power, whispered to her in dreams. Dreams that were brought on by acts of cannibalism that she was forced to commit in order to sustain herself. Through becoming a priestess of Bashmu she was able to escape her captivity.

Revenge on the lizardfolk was her initial objective. My intentions for Najh-Ra were to join the war against Diakos on the side of Ephia's Well, using fire against fire. She would have become an opposing force to all things lizardfolk, preaching Bashmu's dogma of ambition and desire hoping to gain a human following in the city.

Unfortunately for her, one or two days after she arrived in the city. The worship of Bashmu was exiled, and she was wordlessly hunted out of the city.

In a desperate attempt to see her ban revoked, she attempted to kidnap a legate. Though she failed to even touch the legate, her struggle against the city defenders saw her captured. In the trial that followed she was somehow declared innocent (Thanks Kragg.) Though her worship still meant that she was exiled.

Following the trial Najh-Ra was invited to listen to the wisdom of a certain individual. At this point Najh-Ra changed her perspective on the world, and with it the target of her hatred.

While she intended to follow Diakos' cruasde against the now-hated Ephia's Well. She did not really manage to get involved in the war, and it unfortunately blew over without her having a role in it.

At the end of the war every person she had a rivalry or grudge against was dead, leaving her a bit aimless.

While I still had some plots going, near every character she interacted with was gone. And likewise every character in the creep either quit or abandoned it to play in the Well instead. A trend that repeated for every newcomer to the Creep.


Najh-Ra aquired her first piece of loot recently in the Kha'esh arena, after trouncing her shadow.

The Meteoric shard I had intended to fashion into a spear eventually. After bathing it in the blood from a priest of every spoke, something I only managed to get done halfway.

I'll echo my earlier conclusion. I had fun playing a villain for a while, but currently I would not recommend playing anything long-term while exiled. Most fun on the server is found in the Well and its politics.

Unknown scholar,

I possess many tomes, not all for the eyes of the uninitiated. You shall have to be more specific in your wants.

But I do not scorn the ambitious. Seek the House of the Ninth, perhaps we may come to an agreement.

- Najh-Ra, Priestess of the Ninth
Best attorney I could've asked for.
Correspondence / Re: A wax-sealed letter for Najh'ra
August 06, 2023, 09:56:30 AM
A response is slipped under the upstair door of said tower.

Through murmurs I am told you do fine work, and as is proper your blade does not discriminate.

A man, humble or otherwise, is welcome in the House of the Ninth. As are all are who pay their respects to the highest spoke. You may find me there in the below, free of prying eyes.

But to align my expectations I will ask, from whom did you hear of my desire?

- Najh-Ra, Priestess of the Winged Serpent
Despite the rumored death of Diakos, the seeming end of a war. The Cult of the Ninth continues to spread its chaos, banished from the Well and holding onto its hatred.

QuoteDM Shout:
A battle in the wastes, the sounds of combat. An alarm sounds from the Gate of Roses..

Balestriere man the walls..

Skirmishes outside the very gate that kept safe the denizens of Ephia's Well.

Spells hurled, blades drawn.. and a message spoken once the blood had soaked the sand.

Nine have paid the tithe, willing or otherwise. The Wyrm by the Wyrm. Each of them who defied us have paid in blood. And yet.. by our mercy they are returned to your whole and alive.

For the Wyrm rewards those who sate its hunger and honor its name.

But bleed they will, again and again. Until the Ephians renounce their foolish decrees, and return the Ninth to their prayers.

I was the first to bleed in your ignorant crusade. But still I offer you a chance at piece. Make the Wheel whole again, from the first to the ninth. This is the wisdom I offer you.

More words follow, a record from a scholar who was at their mercy.

QuoteHusam Al-Faruq:
I challenged the Wyrm cultists, and was bested and taken captive. Though I am reluctant to do so, I am bound by my word to share their Priestess' words with the Well.

They have been transcribed and nine copies will be placed around the Well and environs. I cannot believe these words to be true.

QuoteHusam Al-Faruq:
Nor condune them, but they are her words, and they will be shared as such.

Correspondence / [Letter to Acolyte Amelie]
July 26, 2023, 11:14:33 AM
Your records are short of praise to the Greater Spoke...

Has your time atop the Scarp taught you nothing of wisdom? The Ninth Spoke shall be given its due.

Do not disappoint us Acolyte,

-Najh-Ra, Speaker of the Ninth Spoke
The Ninth Spoke returns from it's pilgrimage, only to find our home below claimed by another.

Regrettable, so let us be civil and rectify this.

You will give the key back to us. In return we will allow your worship of the Eight unhindered below the city.

We will not wait long.

-Najh-Ra, Speaker of the Ninth.
Weeks had passed since the Ephian's banishment of the Ninth Spoke. And save for the rumours of war on the distant horizon, little to nothing was heard from the followers of the Wyrm, until now.

QuoteDM Shout:
An alarm sounds at the Gate of Roses, Balestriere mobilize along the walls..
A heightened presence at the Gate of Roses. Ballistae mounted 'pon the walls in preparation. The Balestriere are on-watch. Numbers of people come and go in a hurry, whispering of violence..

It began with a report of violence just outside the fortified Gate of Roses, soon followed by rumour of abduction.

QuoteSalvatore di Ravioci:
If the search fails to return with the missing, I will take reports from witnesses in the Palace. Anyone who was privy to their -- kidnapping? -- and is not afield should report.

Brave souls began to gather in search of the missing people, some bolder than others. Even speaking of a siege to be led into the 'Dread Rock'?

All hands to the Wyrm Cult hideout. They are there enmasse with their victims.

DREAD ROCK, that is.

A search led in vain for it appeared those missing had already returned, and seemingly in good health?

The words they carried back were those of caution, warning against drastic actions taken against the Cult of the Wyrm.

QuoteNathyra Everdance:
Hi! I'm alive! Do not go to that mountain, it is fortified, if you siege it, you will not come back from it alive! I repeat; if you go into there, it's going to be the siege of the Krak des Roses, all over again! Do not go in there!

Word of The Bashmu-Kar was once again spoken by many, rumours of foul deed and a resurgence from the hated Cult of the Wyrm.

Men and women could be seen gathering in the Krak des Roses bearing nervous expression, heading into the College of Balladeers.

... And a flurry of activity soon followed within.

QuoteDM Shout:
A sizable party makes their return to the Gate of Roses. Once more, the accursed name on the tongues of its denizens. 'Bashmu-kar.'

QuoteSalvatore di Ravioci:
Legate. Increasingly dire news for you. Return when you can.

QuoteCosine Mevura:
N-Nonetheless, for your p-peace of mind, Legate Saenas, the Acolyte Amelie h-has returned home a-alive and in st-stable condition.

Debriefing in the C-College of the Balladeers.
You are an amusing man, Aleksy Blackwind.

Consider your expectations met.