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Messages - Renegade

Correspondence / [A letter addressed to Itaja]
March 23, 2023, 04:38:08 AM

My wallet gasps for the dents repaired in my plate. My purse cut for the man that found me washed unto the shore. My waterskin light for the healing that was demanded.
All of these things - replaceable. Life is not.

Though you have made me your enemy, I weep for your loss even so.
Perhaps there is no greater insult, though this is not the intent.

The Bashmu-kar may make themselves detractors and villains but they are of The Wheel, ever turning, be it by axle or by the bite of the Wyrm, and deserve this smallest respect.
I wanted you to know, I've given your son his final rites.

Perhaps one day, under better circumstances, I would give you the dewy hyssop aspergillium. Perhaps.

Until then...

Not all asps are venemous.

An Eye for the Blind
Honorable Legate,

My name is Lurgan Veshtru, voiced of the Purple and devout follower of the Mother's Celestial Wheel. I have a sensitive matter of concern I would very much like to bring to your attention. I believe it is a topic in which you will be VERY interested indeed to hear about. I would like to invite you for a cup of tea so that I might raise the issue with you in a private conversation. There is another voiced who would speak unto this as well, if you would allow me to bring them along. Trust that you will find this a very wise investment of your time.

Dutifully Yours,
Lurgan Veshtru of the Twindari
Brudron Wolfscorn,

Addressing your proposals...

1. I think this is a reasonable response, although the numbers might be worked on a bit I believe there is value in restricting the ownership of multiple properties by a single entity. There is a lack of property to go around as it is and it would only benefit the state if additional fees were lofted on those individuals wealthy enough to own more than one property in the first place. It also disincentivizes owning property for the sake of profiting from a monopoly on living space.

2. I do not agree with this proposal. Indeed it is true that some merchants are more successful than others but their diligence should not be punished by random chance. Instead, I think the renewal of trade licenses more than handles this issue. I certainly don't agree that specific merchants, those of the Gold League only, should be charged more. They may be our political rivals but they are not our enemies. Let's not make that a reality.

3. Controversially, I oppose this notion. It is speculated that the utterance of the aforementioned names brings misfortune and danger to those who dare... but this is also said of Djinn. If the astronomers would like to weigh in on this I would hear them, but this seems a premature motion to pass in absence of evidence.

4. I see the merit in this proposal but I wonder if it could not be abused. The capability to conjure the undead is very different than the intent to. As a devout Twindari, there is no crime more serious to me than to defile the sacred grounds. However, I myself am capable of animating the undead... I simply choose not to. The same consideration should be extended to others within the Well. I would understand a proposal to ban the sale of such items, however.

5. One ought not incentivize participation in games of honor with monetary reward. In the case of Gold League-sponsored tournaments, such as the tournament of merit, they may do as they like - such as that they awarded Merrit a voice worth 5,000 denar. However, if the Sultan calls for a tournament it should be up to his wisdom to determine whether a reward should be offered or not.

- Lurgan Veshtru