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Messages - The Radiant Manticore

Correspondence / To Gamemaster Hamzir Atazid //DM
February 24, 2023, 04:29:47 PM
Dear Hamzir Atazid, Gamemaster

We of the Radiant Manticore wish to detail to you the bouts we wish to host for the Tournament of Merit.

For the champion to prove their worth in combat and earn the 5,000 dinar prize, they will engage in a total of three rounds.

  • The first round is a battle royale of every would-be champion. When all have been subdued but the last four, this round ends.

  • The second rounds for the remaining four are single-elimination matches, in which each of the victorious four pairs off to fight one-on-one. The victor moves on to the last round.

  • In the third and final round, the two combatants that made it are to duel, with the victor being named the Champion of this tournament.

We find this format for the Tournament of Merit to be one that is altogether a spectacle, expedient, and both fair and easy on the supplies of these gladiator hopefuls.

We welcome your feedback on the matter and would gladly answer any askance you might have on this topic.

Live and drink,  Gamemaster
- Egruit Foz'lan
Correspondence / Invitation to Legate John Syter (DM)
February 23, 2023, 05:34:57 AM
Legate Syter,

      I am Hammad Najm, Voiced of Ephia's Well. It is with great pleasure that we wish to inform you of the popularity of our sign-ups regarding the Tournament of Merit. As an avid appreciator of stadium games, we would be remiss to fail to send you a personal invitation.

      Many will prove their strength and worthiness through combat, with just one earning a 5,000 dinar prize for voice as champion, furnished by our organization, The Radiant Manticore.

      It would honor us if you would show the people your adoration for the games, and be present to personally congratulate and usher forth another future Voiced of Ephia's Well.
With all esteem and grace deserved of a man of your position, may you live well and drink cool waters.

~ Hammad Najm of the Radiant Manticore