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Messages - pescador


[The note appears almost typed, mechanical precision - as if printed from a machine. The ink is wet and features smelled notes of burnt hair]

You sought of something on last we met atop the peaks cresting the sun.
Let us speak more of it, and share our wayward path of discovery in the forbidden library of the Creep.
Embrace the present moment and all its possibilities. The future is yours to create.

Find me.



Giving of our Flesh.
Receiving of the Gifts.
Taking of the World.
Becoming Eternal.

For He called forth fire and gave life to the First. For the First were given bodies and shown how to be. In his kindness and wisdom, He created the Second. The Second were given voices and shown how to wonder.

Mastery of the Self starts with acceptance - acceptance that you are asleep, unwise, and unworthy. Together we shall transform you.

Rust Speaker
Send Contact - Qadira & Creep
[A rusted lockbox is left half-buried near the direction of Qa'im. A symbol of bloodied gears in the shape of a sun are etched into the lid. The contents contain a stack of recently printed paper sheets smeared with acrid grease, all repeating the same notices]

WARNING: Interface with Central Cognition Core is lost or disrupted. Notify Chief Engineer for immediate repair.

WARNING: It has been over 999999 days since interface with Class III Engineer or greater. Notify Chief Engineer for review of system activities.

WARNING: Sector 31A determined to be unmanned. Commencing Deployment of Generation VII Cognition-Enhanced Animatrons for management and maintenance of Sector 31A.

Requesting Contact With Chief Engineer