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Messages - Iris

Correspondence / (To the Dervish of Warad)
April 10, 2024, 04:25:54 PM
I am a bandit who loves Warad!

Us bandits can't pray at the shrine while it remains inside the accursed law abiding Well of Ephia!

See it moved to the Tablet or Outside the Gates or I will keep destroying your braziers!

Khadesia the Princess of Thieves
Correspondence / Student Notos
August 10, 2023, 08:30:38 PM
Dearest Student Notos,

We have heard upon the bellows that you were fighting in a death arena on behalf of Astronomers.

You are free to spend your diversion time as you please, but perhaps the whole situation could be explained to one of our Acolytes, such as Nebtu or Hypatia.

Your time spent in clearing up the matter is greatly appreciated.

Humbly yours,
Sister Irsa