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Messages - ApostropheApostasy

Suggestions / Re: Remove XP Loss from familiars
December 17, 2021, 11:12:58 AM
I support this suggestion. I've heard that this has been suggested in the past, and that the DMs at the time agreed changes should be made but were hoping to hash out the role they'd like familiars to play for wizards before making changes to the system. It's been a year or so since that conversation. It would be a nice change to have even as a temporary measure while things are sorted out. It'd just be fun to have the ability to use a familiar as a prop for wizard RP in town without the anxiety of 1200 or 1600xp loss hanging over your head.
Since so many people died I thought I'd post this here since they're not the most exciting or attractive ideas that jump out to people on their own.

I'm trying to get a peerage version of the rumour mill going but because my playtimes are really poorly placed for interacting with prominent PCs and catching big events the actual compiling of information is often very lengthy or downright impossible. I'm trying IG to work on ways around the logistical nightmare that is the EST nightshift but if anyone is absolutely stumped on ideas all hands are welcome for writing articles, interviewing people, or just attending events to help keep accounts alive IC. If you've read the paper you probably get the idea of the flavor, its definitely very slanted toward the viewpoint of Peerage high society and stuffy noble-religious conservatism.

In my head its kinda blocked out into three sort of conceptual channels of The Most Worshipful Confraternity; old money fops managing the paper and other charities to show off how altruistic and classy their families are, Peerage Patrician reporters; The sort of folks that would have populated the old Rumour Mill, and the Religious Weirdos; Priests of the Triune still loyal to the old Grand Vestry & other religious busybodies helping to compile the "Records of the Holy Chancellery" for the church to have its own archive of Peerage history and culture which thanks to the Confraternity being mostly Greywood becomes a source the newspaper pulls its info from.

These aren't a comprehensive list of ideas just sort of the branches I had in mind when I made up the concept and was trying to wrap my head around how the newspaper might fit into Peerage society. Don't expect a big exciting faction or crazy adventures, but if you were itching to play a reporter or detective type at some point I wanted to let people know there's something of a framework right now to support it. Also unrelated to the newspaper religious weirdos in general are encouraged. There's never enough Triune people for Alden to silently judge for not doing it right.