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Messages - manyconsonants

Stalwart protectors of Ephia's Well,

I write to you all with a humble request. I am recently arrived in the citadel and was surprised to discover the presence of an armed guard within the temple to Our Mother, B'aara. I am certain a guard has been posted there with the best of intentions. However, I must ask that their posting be moved outside the temple. A temple is a place for prayer, quiet reflection, worship, and learning. That environment is easily upset, even by the presence of goodly folk like our fine Janissaries - garbed as they are with armour and blades. The temple should be a place where the faithful and the curious can escape from the violence of our world, not be confronted by it.

The guard would surely serve his purpose just as well by being stationed outside the door. Should he or any of the Fourth Legion require respite and succour during their trying duties, know that they will never be turned away from our temple. But we do not need constant observation in the home of our goddess. I thank you for reading this letter and considering my request.

Yours in faith,
Brother Joril Marna.