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Messages - Nobelissimos

Kel'Zhul, the red-skull-helmed sorcerer with far too many titles than he is worthy of.

I did not expect myself to be finding the end so soon, though I have lasted for well over 2 months, which is a decent amount of time, especially for a necromancer.
I hate to say it, but I made little effort to escape my demise, I almost accepted it. Maybe that betrays my character but it is what it is.
Im sure theres going to be a number of people scratching their head at this post asking "who the heck is this?" due to the way I played.
This character was plagued by hiccups, delays, and the problem of having a noob behind the wheel.

My original intentions with this character was to be a short-lived Big Bad necromancer. After about a week and a half or so I joined a group called the Blackmist, and changed my plans to be longer lasting, and more subtle.

Being subtle is what I worked towards. While Kel'Zhul won't be remembered as that one cool villian or a scary threat, he did his damage in other ways. Unfortunately, few paid off the way I hoped.
After the Blackmist was disbanded, I set out to make my own group. I think this is where things fell apart for me, as people have a bad habit of making alts, or losing interest in their characters. The Blackmist was but a prelude of such woes. For many weeks I have struggled to not only grow my numbers but to KEEP them. Too frequently do I put so much effort into bringing one person into the fold (which for a necromancer group is difficult as it is) only for them to never log back in again. Of course, a huge thank you to all those who stuck with us and all the effort they made to help my ideas.

I don't want to sound angry or bitter about those people, everyone had their reasons im sure. But it didn't make it any less frustrating. There were days I felt unmotivated to even log in, especially recently.

But, do not mistake me, I enjoyed my character, I just wish I was able to accomplish more goals with him. I feel like he was a failure overall, and can only hope he brought some enjoyment to others these past two months. I wish I held off on this character untill I was more experienced with the game, maybe as my 3rd or 4th character.

At the very least, I have learned a great amount.

I have to say, my favorite part of this character (despite my original complaints of following some bad advice on his build) was his 20 charisma. I sought to use it well, playing games of politics, whispering into many people's ears. It is what kept me coming on the most. Seeing new developments, new alliances, new changes in the balance of power. Every new death was a new opportunity, every new rising champion was another threat to be aware of.

Probably not the kind of obituary that is commonly posted but I had a lot of investment into this character and the many ideas I had planned for but never got to accomplish. But if things were easy, then these things would have much less meaning.

Thanks to the DMs and everyone I played with. I have had some other character ideas in the bank, I may make them. But for now, a break.

Sadly, I didn't take many screenshots, I have never been in the habit of taking good ones, or at good times. But these are something, at least.

Introductions and Group Management / The Cabal
August 28, 2019, 09:26:19 PM
Looking for more people to join our group. Either brand new characters or already established ones.

The group is mostly about Necromancy and Necromancers, but other thematically fitting archetypes are welcome to join.

Refer to this post for details and more IC flavor:

Message me on the forums or Discord for info and questions.