Experimental Protocol: Investigation of Bronze Beast Biomass, Orcan Bronze, and Potential Relations to Molten Berserker Physiology
This study aims to investigate the properties of the biomass of bronze beasts and, through similarity, molten berserkers, including the role of the molten bronze. The primary objectives are:
• To determine the possible progenitor origins of bronze beast flesh by testing its compatibility with various materials known to be linked to historical records of creatures exhibiting similar behavior.
• To analyze the properties of orcan bronze found within these creatures and molten berserkers, specifically to gain insight into its ability to remain in a molten state.
• Cogsworth Clockhand - Author of the experiment.
• Ramez Hour Sobhy - Observing expert.
• Three samples of bronze beast biomass
• Purple crystal
• Astral mass
• Orcan head (flesh sample)
• Ancient water
• Elemental fire source
• Surgical tools
• Soldering knife
• Evocative circle for heat channeling
• Geothermal orb replica
• Metallurgical testing setup
• Storage containers
Experimental Procedure
Part 1: Compatibility Testing
1. A sample of bronze beast biomass was placed on a non-heated section of the table.
2. The sample was unfurled, and three catalysts - purple crystal, astral mass, and orcan head - were positioned along different zones of the sample.
3. Ancient miraculous water was applied to the contact areas to facilitate potential reactions.
• The flesh exhibited no significant reaction.
• A brief spark was noted, but no sustained effect was observed.
• Commentary: The flesh, despite its separation from a living host, does not exhibit any significant interaction with the tested catalysts.
4. To improve reaction conditions, the burnt outer layer of the sample was removed using a surgical tool. The inner, less-damaged areas were then exposed to the catalysts.
5. Further application of ancient water resulted in no additional reaction.
The purpose of this compatibility test was to determine the potential progenitors of the origin beast.
• Reaction with the purple crystal would indicate similarity with planar beasts.
• Reaction with astral mass would indicate similarity with astral life forms.
• Reaction with orcan flesh could indicate a colossi origin.
No insight was gained aside from one key observation: the flesh of the origin beast, while capable of surviving separation from the host, eventually ceases biological function. There is a limit to its separation. Testing on living specimens may yield further insights.
An additional question was raised: the sample was burnt and charred, demonstrating significantly lower heat resistance than observed in living beasts. Why?
Part 2: Thermal Response Testing
1. The interior of the sample was exposed, producing a strong odor. A gas mask was recommended for future experiments.
2. A soldering knife was heated and applied to the exposed internal tissue to assess the effect of direct thermal stimulation.
• The bronze component became pliable.
• The organic tissue charred and degraded further.
• No regenerative or unusual reactions were observed, suggesting that the sample was no longer biologically active.
A new hypothesis emerges: given the beast's enormous size and its native habitat in the Scald, it may subsist on geothermal energy, absorbing heat while alive and converting it into biological energy, thereby gaining resistance to it.
No insight was gained from this test due to the sample's lack of activity.
Part 3: Geothermal Simulation
1. A second sample was placed on scald sands in a heated area of the prototyping table.
2. An evocative circle was used to channel elemental heat to the sample, mimicking geothermal conditions.
3. A geothermal orb replica was placed nearby, and temperature, flow, and capacitance readings were taken for comparison.
• The bronze component heated similarly to the first test, while the organic matter continued to char.
• The material properties of the bronze were of particular interest.
• The bronze emitted a glow while being heated.
Part 4: Metallurgical Analysis
1. The heat flow was gradually increased to match geothermal conditions observed in the Scald.
2. The temperature at which the bronze changed states was monitored.
• Unlike standard bronze, which transitions to a molten state, this material remained in a malleable, semi-solid phase despite continued heating.
• The bronze displayed significantly increased energy capacitance, suggesting metallurgical and/or ritualistic modification.
• The glow intensified to the point of being painful to observe, indicating a melting point within the upper range of known metallurgy.
This test aimed to determine if the molten state of the bronze within berserker and beast bodies is maintained through geothermal energy. Similar to geothermal spheres, where an internal molten core preserves energy, the bronze in these creatures may flow continuously to maintain heat.
While the sample results were not definitive, energy readings suggest a high likelihood that this mechanism is in effect.
Part 5: Acoustic Phenomenon
1. Heat was further increased to critical levels.
2. At peak temperature, an anomalous acoustic phenomenon was observed.
• A loud, distorted klaxon-like sound was emitted.
• The sound resembled agonized screaming, suggesting a potential link to the original source of the material.
• The molten state of the sample was achieved after this event.
The sound seemed to travel from afar. This suggests that not only the flesh but the bronze itself may remain linked to its original smelting source, even when physically separated.
If the same auditory phenomenon occurs within living molten berserkers and beasts, it may contribute to their aggressive behavior.
• The bronze within these creatures exhibits unusual properties, retaining a semi-solid state at higher temperatures than standard bronze. Its melting point likely varies depending on external conditions. (Addendum: Or changes after initial achievement of melting)
• The biomass did not react to the tested catalysts, suggesting that its unique properties are not directly linked to planar, astral, or colossi origins. However, as the sample was biologically inactive, further testing is required.
• The observed acoustic phenomenon suggests that the bronze retains a connection to its original smelting source, which may have applications for divination. (Addendum: Or connection to the living organism it is attuned to)
• The hypothesis that molten berserkers and bronze beasts utilize geothermal energy to sustain their molten state is supported by experimental evidence. If correct, methods to disrupt this energy flow - such as an energy siphon - could be developed to weaken them or cause destabilization.
Professor C. Clockhand
Hziran 2th, IY 7789.
Protocol is verified.
Hziran 4th, IY 7789.
This study aims to investigate the properties of the biomass of bronze beasts and, through similarity, molten berserkers, including the role of the molten bronze. The primary objectives are:
• To determine the possible progenitor origins of bronze beast flesh by testing its compatibility with various materials known to be linked to historical records of creatures exhibiting similar behavior.
• To analyze the properties of orcan bronze found within these creatures and molten berserkers, specifically to gain insight into its ability to remain in a molten state.
• Cogsworth Clockhand - Author of the experiment.
• Ramez Hour Sobhy - Observing expert.
• Three samples of bronze beast biomass
• Purple crystal
• Astral mass
• Orcan head (flesh sample)
• Ancient water
• Elemental fire source
• Surgical tools
• Soldering knife
• Evocative circle for heat channeling
• Geothermal orb replica
• Metallurgical testing setup
• Storage containers
Experimental Procedure
Part 1: Compatibility Testing
1. A sample of bronze beast biomass was placed on a non-heated section of the table.
2. The sample was unfurled, and three catalysts - purple crystal, astral mass, and orcan head - were positioned along different zones of the sample.
3. Ancient miraculous water was applied to the contact areas to facilitate potential reactions.
• The flesh exhibited no significant reaction.
• A brief spark was noted, but no sustained effect was observed.
• Commentary: The flesh, despite its separation from a living host, does not exhibit any significant interaction with the tested catalysts.
4. To improve reaction conditions, the burnt outer layer of the sample was removed using a surgical tool. The inner, less-damaged areas were then exposed to the catalysts.
5. Further application of ancient water resulted in no additional reaction.
The purpose of this compatibility test was to determine the potential progenitors of the origin beast.
• Reaction with the purple crystal would indicate similarity with planar beasts.
• Reaction with astral mass would indicate similarity with astral life forms.
• Reaction with orcan flesh could indicate a colossi origin.
No insight was gained aside from one key observation: the flesh of the origin beast, while capable of surviving separation from the host, eventually ceases biological function. There is a limit to its separation. Testing on living specimens may yield further insights.
An additional question was raised: the sample was burnt and charred, demonstrating significantly lower heat resistance than observed in living beasts. Why?
Part 2: Thermal Response Testing
1. The interior of the sample was exposed, producing a strong odor. A gas mask was recommended for future experiments.
2. A soldering knife was heated and applied to the exposed internal tissue to assess the effect of direct thermal stimulation.
• The bronze component became pliable.
• The organic tissue charred and degraded further.
• No regenerative or unusual reactions were observed, suggesting that the sample was no longer biologically active.
A new hypothesis emerges: given the beast's enormous size and its native habitat in the Scald, it may subsist on geothermal energy, absorbing heat while alive and converting it into biological energy, thereby gaining resistance to it.
No insight was gained from this test due to the sample's lack of activity.
Part 3: Geothermal Simulation
1. A second sample was placed on scald sands in a heated area of the prototyping table.
2. An evocative circle was used to channel elemental heat to the sample, mimicking geothermal conditions.
3. A geothermal orb replica was placed nearby, and temperature, flow, and capacitance readings were taken for comparison.
• The bronze component heated similarly to the first test, while the organic matter continued to char.
• The material properties of the bronze were of particular interest.
• The bronze emitted a glow while being heated.
Part 4: Metallurgical Analysis
1. The heat flow was gradually increased to match geothermal conditions observed in the Scald.
2. The temperature at which the bronze changed states was monitored.
• Unlike standard bronze, which transitions to a molten state, this material remained in a malleable, semi-solid phase despite continued heating.
• The bronze displayed significantly increased energy capacitance, suggesting metallurgical and/or ritualistic modification.
• The glow intensified to the point of being painful to observe, indicating a melting point within the upper range of known metallurgy.
This test aimed to determine if the molten state of the bronze within berserker and beast bodies is maintained through geothermal energy. Similar to geothermal spheres, where an internal molten core preserves energy, the bronze in these creatures may flow continuously to maintain heat.
While the sample results were not definitive, energy readings suggest a high likelihood that this mechanism is in effect.
Part 5: Acoustic Phenomenon
1. Heat was further increased to critical levels.
2. At peak temperature, an anomalous acoustic phenomenon was observed.
• A loud, distorted klaxon-like sound was emitted.
• The sound resembled agonized screaming, suggesting a potential link to the original source of the material.
• The molten state of the sample was achieved after this event.
The sound seemed to travel from afar. This suggests that not only the flesh but the bronze itself may remain linked to its original smelting source, even when physically separated.
If the same auditory phenomenon occurs within living molten berserkers and beasts, it may contribute to their aggressive behavior.
• The bronze within these creatures exhibits unusual properties, retaining a semi-solid state at higher temperatures than standard bronze. Its melting point likely varies depending on external conditions. (Addendum: Or changes after initial achievement of melting)
• The biomass did not react to the tested catalysts, suggesting that its unique properties are not directly linked to planar, astral, or colossi origins. However, as the sample was biologically inactive, further testing is required.
• The observed acoustic phenomenon suggests that the bronze retains a connection to its original smelting source, which may have applications for divination. (Addendum: Or connection to the living organism it is attuned to)
• The hypothesis that molten berserkers and bronze beasts utilize geothermal energy to sustain their molten state is supported by experimental evidence. If correct, methods to disrupt this energy flow - such as an energy siphon - could be developed to weaken them or cause destabilization.
Professor C. Clockhand
Hziran 2th, IY 7789.
Protocol is verified.
Hziran 4th, IY 7789.