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Messages - Ernesto

Off-topic Discussion / Re: The Passing of Diz-e
December 16, 2021, 12:11:02 AM
Played with Diz-E when we were both Uld dwarves. We had a little bit of convos on discord about things outside the game. He seemed like a legit cool guy, patient, understanding, not self-centered. It's so weird to hear of his passing, shocking like others have said. RIP.
Bug Reports / Dual-Wielder perk
March 26, 2021, 10:30:55 AM
After experimenting with this perk for the first time, found one or two small bugs.

The daily fighter buff doesn't apply the +2 deflection AC on double weapons. That might be intended.

The +2 bonus AB on offhand doesn't stack with magic weapon.    (Edit for clarification) Without magic weapon you get a +2 AB to off hand. With Magic weapon, you get +1 AB to off hand. (On sheet and on the combat rolls).  I have yet to try to GMW.

(Edit2) Just checked. GMW and the bonus simply don't stack at all. It's as if your off-hand is always on GMW for AB.
When resetting merchant token, now all the tokens dissapear, which is good, and you get a brand new one.

Still have the <too many instructions> bug when adding about 80ish items to the list.
I have had 7 merchant token duplicates in my inventory for a while. This bug is not new, to say the least.
As title says. It's a Merchant's Guild, not a Whisper's Guild :)

Very minor, but I think it should be free. Discuss.
I'm not against your suggestion but...

These are extremely cheap to brew, and now every cleric gets brew potions. How come you did not just trade for those?
As title says.

The requirement of a tempest/rain for being able to cast this spell, I feel, is really unneccessary and unfun.

I don't think its a spell that much better to say 'Fireball'. But if you think it is, how about you make a compromise and make it work all the time, maybe at reduced damage, and at greater damage durings storms.

I don't think I've ever seen someone cast this spell.
Bug Reports / Re: Merchant token
April 10, 2020, 04:32:05 PM
Still have trouble listing more than 60ish items, it used to be fixed, but the bugs came back somehow.
Suggestions / Make relics 20% more common
April 09, 2020, 09:25:42 PM
As title says. 

I don't even play cleric, but it seems to me and many others in the recent discord chat, that relics are way too rare these days. Considering the many different domains as well as the particular relic's stats, often enough, even those you find, you either cant or dont want to use.

Anyway, discuss
Bug Reports / Re: Merchant token
March 14, 2020, 01:43:23 AM
I've noticed something lately, and its the Merchant's Stall ending prematuraly. I don't know if its a bug or not, but 10 gp used to last like 15minuts, and sometimes I swear it lasts like 3 minuts, its annoying.
Suggestions / Re: WF Improvised
March 12, 2020, 10:53:15 PM
Strongly disagree, I would rather not have this server turn into a joke. If Aragorn fought with a broom and Eddard Stark fought with a paddle, I wouldn't have been able to watch LotR/GoT.
Suggestions / Re: WF Improvised
March 12, 2020, 09:47:09 PM
Not less than a week ago, we had a DM monologue about how the server is meant to be serious. Do we really need people fighting with ladders and rakes instead of swords and axes? It fun once or twice, then it gets silly :P
Bug Reports / Re: Merchant token
March 10, 2020, 12:07:53 AM
I suspected it may have had something to do with duplicate item. But I don't think it does.
It doesn't seem to be a random error either.

Probably too many items?
Bug Reports / Merchant token
March 05, 2020, 01:14:20 AM
I have items in my merchant token's list, which don't appear when I open a shop's stall.

Whenever I open a stall for 10 gp, there's an error in the logs that everybody can see. ''Error Too many instructions...''

I had 96 items in my list at the time of the last error message, maybe 20ish items didn't show in the shop...

Play Grombogh Bag Bogh.

*PS* It would be a nice addition to be able to completly reset your trading list, instead of having to remove each item one by one.
Suggestions / Re: Barbarian Ear-Shattering Rage Furor
February 20, 2020, 02:55:52 AM
It's not about hating barbarians. I love barbarians. But I'd just like to know what you guys consider balanced versus broken/imba.

+10ish strength as a free action is what I consider imba(on top of every other buffs the vanilla class received). What about you? +14, +18? Where is your limit. Just wondering...