An update! When I tried it today, it showed the saving throw boost, +AB and divine damage bonus on the character sheet. As the dodge AC is not something that would show, I'm presuming the turn undead works!
What I noticed is that it will not fire when the others are in effect, and vice versa. So if the skill bonuses from Scholarly Pursuits are applied, using a turn undead to call Empower the Intelligent will apply no further bonuses. I think this is intended.
TL;DR: no more bug to report if I am correct.
What I noticed is that it will not fire when the others are in effect, and vice versa. So if the skill bonuses from Scholarly Pursuits are applied, using a turn undead to call Empower the Intelligent will apply no further bonuses. I think this is intended.
TL;DR: no more bug to report if I am correct.