A big part of what makes me love EFU is Halfbrood's work. This place wouldnt be the same without him
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Show posts Menu//expands tooltip of the selected item
void ExpandItemTooltip(object oTarget);
void ExpandItemTooltip(object oTarget)
string sTooltip, sBaseItemType, s2daLookup, sAspect, sPrename;
int nAspectID;
int nBaseItemType = GetBaseItemType(oTarget);
|| nBaseItemType == BASE_ITEM_POTIONS || nBaseItemType == BASE_ITEM_SPELLSCROLL || nBaseItemType == BASE_ITEM_MAGICWAND) {
//turn this to FALSE when not testing
int nFeedback = TRUE;
if(GetLocalInt(oTarget, "nTooltipName") == FALSE)
sPrename = GetName(oTarget, FALSE);
sPrename = GetLocalString(oTarget, "sTooltipPrename");
if(!JsonGetLength(RegExpMatch("</c>", sPrename))) {
//sPrename = ColorString(sPrename, Orange());
itemproperty iprpTarget = GetFirstItemProperty(oTarget);
// base item type
// moved above aspect to break the color between name/aspect
// removed extra padding
s2daLookup = Get2DAString("baseitems", "Name", GetBaseItemType(oTarget));
sBaseItemType = GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(s2daLookup));
sTooltip += sBaseItemType;
if (GetLocalInt(oTarget, "nAspectID"))
// We want to skip no aspect given and "None" entirely
if(nAspectID > 1)
//string sAspect = GetAspectName(GetLocalInt(oTarget, "nAspectID"));
sTooltip += "\n" + sAspect;
float fWeight = IntToFloat(GetWeight(oTarget)) * 0.1f;
if(fWeight > 0.5) // dont show weight if this or below
sTooltip += "\n" + "Weight: " + FloatToString(fWeight, 4, 1);
int nCharges = GetItemCharges(oTarget);
if(nCharges > 0)
sTooltip += "\n" + "Charges: " + IntToString(nCharges);
// if it has a duration, it is only temporary
iprpTarget = GetNextItemProperty(oTarget);
int nType = GetItemPropertyType(iprpTarget);
// item types we want to skip and not print to the tooltip
// base item weight reduction
case 11 : iprpTarget = GetNextItemProperty(oTarget); continue;
// additional weight
case 81 : iprpTarget = GetNextItemProperty(oTarget); continue;
// secret properties
case 87 : iprpTarget = GetNextItemProperty(oTarget); continue;
int nSubtype = GetItemPropertySubType(iprpTarget);
int nCostTable = GetItemPropertyCostTable(iprpTarget);
int nCostTableValue = GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(iprpTarget);
int nParam1 = GetItemPropertyParam1(iprpTarget);
int nParam1Value = GetItemPropertyParam1Value(iprpTarget);
string sParam1, sParam1Value, sType, sCostTable, sCostTableValue, sSubtype;
string sBadstrref = "Bad Strref";
sType = Get2DAString("ItemProps", "StringRef", nType);
sSubtype = Get2DAString("itempropdef", "SubTypeResRef", nType);
sSubtype = Get2DAString(sSubtype, "Name", nSubtype);
sParam1 = Get2DAString("iprp_paramtable", "TableResRef", nParam1);
sParam1Value = Get2DAString(sParam1, "Name", nParam1Value);
sCostTable = Get2DAString("iprp_costtable", "Name", nCostTable);
sCostTableValue = Get2DAString(sCostTable, "Name", nCostTableValue);
// used for exceptions
int nSkip = FALSE;
// formatting for the new string that will be saved
// define exceptions here that you want to rename/alter
sTooltip += "\n";
if((nType == 65) ||
(nType == 64) ||
(nType == 63))
// only useable by for class, alignment, race
sTooltip += "OUB: ";
else if(nType == 1)
// armor class bonus
nSkip = TRUE;
sTooltip += GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTableValue)) + " AC";
else if(nType == 2 || nType == 3 || nType == 4 || nType == 5)
// armor class bonus vs specific
nSkip = TRUE;
// bonus
sTooltip += GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTableValue)) + " AC";
// versus what
sTooltip += " vs. " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sSubtype));
else if(nType == 13) // spell slot for classes
sTooltip += "Spell Slot: ";
else if(nType == 15 || // cast spell iprp
nType == 20) // damage immunity
// do nothing, leave blank
else if(nType == 37)
// used for broad immunities like crit, sneak, minda ffecting, etc
sTooltip += "Immunity: ";
else if(nType == 40 || nType == 41)
// saves item property, comment out if you want it gone
sTooltip += "Save vs. ";
else if(nType == 52)
// skills item property, comment out if you want it gone
//sTooltip += "Skill: ";
else if(nType == 56)
// generic Attack Bonus
nSkip = TRUE;
sTooltip += GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTableValue)) + " Attack Bonus";
else if(nType == 57 || nType == 58 ||nType == 59)
// Attack Bonus vs specific
nSkip = TRUE;
// bonus
sTooltip += GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTableValue)) + " AB";
// versus what
sTooltip += " vs. " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sSubtype));
else if(nType == 16)
// generic damage bonus
nSkip = TRUE;
// bonus
string sDamageBonus = GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTableValue));
sTooltip += "+" + GetSubString(sDamageBonus, 0, FindSubString(sDamageBonus, "Damage"));
// type
sTooltip += GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sSubtype)) + " Damage";
else if(nType == 17 || nType == 18 ||nType == 19)
// specific damage bonus vs
nSkip = TRUE;
// bonus
string sDamageBonus = GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTableValue));
sTooltip += "+" + GetSubString(sDamageBonus, 0, FindSubString(sDamageBonus, "Damage"));
// type
sTooltip += GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sParam1Value));
// versus what
sTooltip += " vs. " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sSubtype));
// non exception, print as tlk defines
sTooltip += GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sType));
if((nSubtype != 255) ||
(nParam1Value != 255) ||
(nCostTableValue != 255) )
// add to anything with subtypes, excluding exceptions listed above
sTooltip += ": ";
string sFeedback;
sFeedback += "nType: " + IntToString(nType) + " = " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sType)) + "\n";
// find values assigned from 2das and tlk
// this is everything from what alignment vs, to what value, and what spell is used
if((nSubtype != 255 ||
nParam1Value != 255 ||
nCostTableValue != 255)
&& !nSkip)
if(nSubtype == 335)
sTooltip += "Unique Power (Self Only)";
else if(nSubtype != 255)
string sSubtypestrref = GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sSubtype));
if(FindSubString(sSubtypestrref, sBadstrref, 0) != 0)
sTooltip += sSubtypestrref;
if(nSubtype == 329)
sTooltip += "(Use)";
if(nParam1Value != 255)
string sParamstrref = GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sParam1Value));
if(FindSubString(sParamstrref, sBadstrref, 0) != 0)
sTooltip += " ";
sTooltip += sParamstrref;
if(nCostTableValue != 255)
string sCoststrref = GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTableValue));
if(FindSubString(sCoststrref, sBadstrref, 0) != 0)
sTooltip += " ";
sTooltip += sCoststrref;
sFeedback += "nSubtype: " + IntToString(nSubtype) + " = " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sSubtype)) + "\n";
sFeedback += "nCostTable: " + IntToString(nCostTable) + " = " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTable)) + "\n";
sFeedback += "nCostTableValue: " + IntToString(nCostTableValue) + " = " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTableValue)) + "\n";
sFeedback += "nParam1: " + IntToString(nParam1) + " = " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sParam1)) + "\n";
sFeedback += "nParam1Value: " + IntToString(nParam1Value) + " = " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sParam1Value));
if(nFeedback == TRUE)
SendMessageToPC(GetFirstPC(), sFeedback);
//end, loop back with next property
iprpTarget = GetNextItemProperty(oTarget);
SetObjectTextBubbleOverride(oTarget, OBJECT_UI_TEXT_BUBBLE_OVERRIDE_REPLACE, sPrename + "\n" + sTooltip);
//expands tooltip of the selected item
void ExpandItemTooltip(object oTarget);
void ExpandItemTooltip(object oTarget)
string sTooltip, sBaseItemType, s2daLookup, sAspect, sPrename;
int nAspectID;
//turn this to FALSE when not testing
int nFeedback = FALSE;
if(GetLocalInt(oTarget, "nTooltipName") == FALSE)
sPrename = GetName(oTarget, FALSE);
sPrename = GetLocalString(oTarget, "sTooltipPrename");
if(!JsonGetLength(RegExpMatch("</c>", sPrename))) {
sPrename = ColorString(sPrename, Orange());
itemproperty iprpTarget = GetFirstItemProperty(oTarget);
// base item type
// moved above aspect to break the color between name/aspect
// removed extra padding
s2daLookup = Get2DAString("baseitems", "Name", GetBaseItemType(oTarget));
sBaseItemType = GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(s2daLookup));
sTooltip += "Item Type: " + sBaseItemType;
if (GetLocalInt(oTarget, "nAspectID"))
// We want to skip no aspect given and "None" entirely
if(nAspectID > 1)
string sAspect = GetAspectName(GetLocalInt(oTarget, "nAspectID"));
sTooltip += "\n" + sAspect;
float fWeight = IntToFloat(GetWeight(oTarget)) * 0.1f;
if(fWeight > 0.1) // dont show weight if it's 0.1 or less
sTooltip += "\n" + "Weight: " + FloatToString(fWeight, 4, 1);
int nCharges = GetItemCharges(oTarget);
if(nCharges > 0)
sTooltip += "\n" + "Charges: " + IntToString(nCharges);
iprpTarget = GetNextItemProperty(oTarget);
int nType = GetItemPropertyType(iprpTarget);
// item types we want to skip and not print to the tooltip
// base item weight reduction
case 11 : iprpTarget = GetNextItemProperty(oTarget); continue;
// additional weight
case 81 : iprpTarget = GetNextItemProperty(oTarget); continue;
// secret properties
case 87 : iprpTarget = GetNextItemProperty(oTarget); continue;
int nSubtype = GetItemPropertySubType(iprpTarget);
int nCostTable = GetItemPropertyCostTable(iprpTarget);
int nCostTableValue = GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(iprpTarget);
int nParam1 = GetItemPropertyParam1(iprpTarget);
int nParam1Value = GetItemPropertyParam1Value(iprpTarget);
string sParam1, sParam1Value, sType, sCostTable, sCostTableValue, sSubtype;
string sBadstrref = "Bad Strref";
sType = Get2DAString("ItemProps", "StringRef", nType);
sSubtype = Get2DAString("itempropdef", "SubTypeResRef", nType);
sSubtype = Get2DAString(sSubtype, "Name", nSubtype);
sParam1 = Get2DAString("iprp_paramtable", "TableResRef", nParam1);
sParam1Value = Get2DAString(sParam1, "Name", nParam1Value);
sCostTable = Get2DAString("iprp_costtable", "Name", nCostTable);
sCostTableValue = Get2DAString(sCostTable, "Name", nCostTableValue);
// formatting for the new string that will be saved
// define exceptions here that you want to rename/alter
sTooltip += "\n";
if((nType == 65) ||
(nType == 64) ||
(nType == 63)) // only useable by for class, alignment, race
sTooltip += "Only Useable By";
else if(nType == 13) // spell slot for classes
sTooltip += "Bonus Spell Slot";
else if(nType == 15) // cast spell iprp
sTooltip += "Use";
sTooltip += GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sType));
string sFeedback;
sFeedback += "nType: " + IntToString(nType) + " = " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sType)) + "\n";
if((nSubtype != 255) ||
(nParam1Value != 255) ||
(nCostTableValue != 255))
sTooltip += ": ";
if(nSubtype == 335)
sTooltip += "Unique Power (Self Only)";
else if(nSubtype != 255)
string sSubtypestrref = GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sSubtype));
if(FindSubString(sSubtypestrref, sBadstrref, 0) != 0)
sTooltip += sSubtypestrref;
if(nSubtype == 329)
sTooltip += ",";
if(nParam1Value != 255)
string sParamstrref = GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sParam1Value));
if(FindSubString(sParamstrref, sBadstrref, 0) != 0)
sTooltip += " ";
sTooltip += GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sParam1Value));
if(nCostTableValue != 255)
string sCoststrref = GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTableValue));
if(FindSubString(sCoststrref, sBadstrref, 0) != 0)
sTooltip += " ";
sTooltip += GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTableValue));
sFeedback += "nSubtype: " + IntToString(nSubtype) + " = " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sSubtype)) + "\n";
sFeedback += "nCostTable: " + IntToString(nCostTable) + " = " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTable)) + "\n";
sFeedback += "nCostTableValue: " + IntToString(nCostTableValue) + " = " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sCostTableValue)) + "\n";
sFeedback += "nParam1: " + IntToString(nParam1) + " = " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sParam1)) + "\n";
sFeedback += "nParam1Value: " + IntToString(nParam1Value) + " = " + GetStringByStrRef(StringToInt(sParam1Value));
//end, loop back with next property
iprpTarget = GetNextItemProperty(oTarget);
if(nFeedback == TRUE)
SetObjectTextBubbleOverride(oTarget, OBJECT_UI_TEXT_BUBBLE_OVERRIDE_REPLACE, sPrename + "\n" + sTooltip);