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Messages - Castle_of_Moonlight

Bug Reports / Forum Bug: Chopped posts
August 10, 2022, 04:56:25 PM
So, for whatever reason, the forums keep chopping up my posts and deleting most of it. For example,

This is the original content of a journal post:

This is after I have posted it:
Suggestions / Re: Revert the Ghyl quest
August 10, 2022, 03:58:07 PM
Could replace +1 weapons with weapons that do -2 damage but add a 1d6 negative energy. Would allow them to hit through dr without bypassing it completely. Although, I've never taken the quest so take the post with a grain of salt.
Suggestions / Re: Rogues Are Bad
July 26, 2022, 04:34:51 PM
QuoteRogues are in a uniquely bad position. They're the only 3/4 AB class completely reliant on attacks landing in combat that cannot improve their own attack and defenses outside of consumable items. The others - Bard, Cleric, and Monk, all have class mechanics that can allow them to improve their own AB, ignore magical defenses, or get more APR if using certain weapons. Rogue is reliant on attacks landing but falls behind in actually making that happen.

- In a server with a level range between 2 and 11, consumables are definitely a viable option for triggering sneak attack. Additionally, most rogues with 18 dex can get up to roughly 16 ab from a dex buff and the trinity potions (Bless, aid, and DF). This is also ignoring the fact that you can get a +2 when flanking or if an enemy is tangled or otherwise disabled.

Quote... Clerics and Druids have powerful spells that can do non-physical damage to wide swathes of enemies and can use certain spells or Wildshapes to improve their fighting capabilities. Bards can buff themselves and use songs to get even more power. Monks have excellent defenses and powerful offensive abilities to supplement their numerous unarmed or kama attacks.

- Yes and no, technically speaking, UMD can allow a rogue to access most spells. In fact, UMD opens a lot of possibilities for rogues.  For example, a rogue with a wand of Tasha's hideous laughter or Sound burst can be pretty threatening.

1. Increase Rogue HD to d8. This will give level 10 rogues and extra 20 HP to work with, which is not much but can make a great amount of difference in survivability for a class that can potentially be involved in melee combat.
2. Give Rogues Weapon Finesse for free at level 2. Make this benefit disappear if they multiclass if you must, but make Rogue a 4 feat class instead of a 3 feat class.
- I actually agree with both of these, although in the case of the second suggestion, I would push for weapon finesse to be made a perk. From my perspective, being penalized by needing to expend a feat (of which a non-human rogue only gets four of unless they are able to reach level 10) in order to play a melee rogue (which is arguably a worse pick for rogues since you are less safe) seems to push most non-human rogues into being ranged.

All-in-all, rogues are pretty bad if you compare them to most other classes at a base (no special tricks; just 1-to-1), however, depending how many tricks they have up their sleeve, I think they can be pretty good.
Suggestions / Level 3 monk stances.
July 19, 2022, 06:40:57 PM
 I wanted to suggest some starting stances that they can take at level 3:

Sorry for the format, for whatever reason the forum was cutting out most of my message.
Suggestions / Paladin Oath Item
June 14, 2022, 03:40:55 PM
For convenience of Paladins, and this is made without knowing if there is an alternative way to check what a paladin's given oaths are, could we have an item (Like a book or something) that we can use to reference the exact Paladin oaths we swear? This item would be a plot item that is given to the PC on swearing an oath, have no special properties, and only contain a description of what each Oath expects from a paladin.
Sparse play times due to school and other responsibilities.
Taking a bit of time off from efu, ill be back eventually!


Figured it was a bit to late to give Rastian a portrait, so here is my next characters.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Statues
May 12, 2018, 11:23:52 AM
Statues was Rose's earliest friend. Though few, we had good times together!
Suggestions / Paladin summon mount
May 01, 2018, 07:20:47 PM
Since this ability is locked, I thought it would be a neat idea if instead summoning a horse for aid, that the paladin could summon a unique holy summon depending on the paladins god.

For instance
Helm - Celestial defender

Tyr - Celestial inquisitor

Ilmater - Holy pain-bearer

And so on..
Suggestions / Pick pocket vs cut purse
April 20, 2018, 09:24:34 AM
Alright, so I was browsing the tools for a rogue and I found something odd, there is a pickpocket tool where you can steal some one's gold, or there is a cutpurse tool where you can steal someone's gold. I tested these two out with Sc and here are my findings and suggestion.

Pick pocket: When failed, roll bluff check if that fails you are caught. There is a timer to prevent taking gold from the same target, and that lasts about 30 minutes. Unfortunately, I didn't do it stealthed and the timer prevented me from doing it on SC again, so didn't get to see what happens when successful.

Cutpurse: When used, you roll a check (1d20 + Skill = X Vs Dc: y = X). If you succeed, you get a very thematic telling of how you just stole some gold, after a brief delay you get your gold and a message about how you tuck it away neatly. If done out of stealth you get a message saying you were seen, and if you fail, you get a message about how you went at the wrong angle and shouldn't try again.

Problems only fall on cutpurse, as while it is thematic, it doesn't have a cooldown, meaning you can use it on the same person over and over. Aside from that, I also got 25 XP for doing it. My two suggestions are either remove cutpurse, or combine the two because while Pickpocket does work fine, it's not as thematic as Cut Purse is, but cutpurse has its problems too.

Side note: The perk "Cutpurse" says this, "+2d6 more gold stolen by using the Cutpurse player tool." so as far as I know, it might only work for one of the two tools.
Bug Reports / Broken npc
April 19, 2018, 01:01:54 AM
The npc that sells and buys relics is kinda broken, she says something about "npc convo first start"?
Bug Reports / Magic eaters in a sanctuary quest
April 10, 2018, 06:49:51 AM
Since the hissing roach quest was moved, magic eaters can still be accidentally summoned from with in even though the quest is inside the sanctuary.
Suggestions / Spell: Blindness/Deafness
April 08, 2018, 06:54:52 AM
With the move to EE, Blindness/Deafness has changed to where you can no longer target nor see other players or foes at all, while this is more true to the name, this does leave the player kinda just standing there chugging potions or running around hoping not to die. So, my suggestion is to put it back to how it used to be, where you could still see other players and foes in close proximity.
Bug Reports / Error with the "Delete Character"
April 07, 2018, 08:32:39 AM
If you open your craft menu there is a new option to delete your character, but the text is all wrong, from what I remember it says "[<UNRECOGNIZED TOKEN >Delete< UNRECOGNIZED TOKEN>] Delete character