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Messages - StagnantTendancies

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Carl Fitzgibbon
November 19, 2017, 04:48:51 AM
He's dead, thanks for the fish. Just got over using idle XP to level up from low levels repeatedly - if you aren't level 8 as a rogue, life sucks, especially when you depend on UMD to use shit.

Have a PCN;

Gender: Male
Age: 26
Race: Halfling
Deity: Garl Glittergold
Occupation: Scrapper/Scrapgineer of the Reformed Order.

  • Obtaining a Ring of Final Sanctuary.
  • Lobbying either the Spellguard, or the Workmill to repair the broken tram ways - collecting the scrap required to do so and encouraging other scrappers to do so.
  • Encourage adventure in the Machine and general interest.
  • Mapping the Machine as it is, and as it changes.
  • Mapping the tram ways, what gives access from where, to what, where has panels & working animatrons.
  • Documenting the illusions and the various quotes that any glitches come across give out.
  • Aiding other scrappers, or even Spellguard in their designs whether by scrapping, or otherwise.
  • Becoming the Spellguards 'go-to' scrapper/engineer.
  • Helping the Spellguard to enact laws protecting Watchers and Warders.
Currently using scrapping & merchanting as a way of stirring talk/confrontation, more than happy to be included in any plots, no matter how small.
Went in to the Spellguard (organised everything via Anlphonzo Zurello) with the three following conditions:

1) Not killing anything living besides chosen and aberrants.
2) Continuing to scrap, more so encouraging more interest in the machine.
3) Not contributing to anything such as the gassings of Lower, bombing of innocents and what have you.

Carl may not be LG but he's not LE either, sticking to his guns of the hard at work scrapper, not becoming a murderer (at the moment) just because he has joined the Reformed Order.

Thanks for the fun.
Off-topic Discussion /
November 09, 2017, 01:32:53 PM
Taking a three day break - starting to really no enjoy being encumbered all the time and dropping to level 4 every 2 days.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
November 05, 2017, 06:23:16 AM
Awesome PC, glad to see the PC went out in an awesome way.
Suggestions /
October 31, 2017, 08:23:13 AM
I think this is where a character could lobby for these changes IC, a law/policy maker, possibly even a hard line member of the now defunct Black Guild. Stuff like this could be seen to ICly rather than OOCly, then OOCly discussed amongst the team if they felt that the push for it was large enough and made sense.
Bug Reports / Item Vanished!
October 28, 2017, 04:24:03 AM
Hey guys,

Thanks for having a look, just had an item disappear from my inventory, when I 'displayed it' via barter. No lost item on my log either, and my inventory was lighter. The item in question was Nghelions Sphere.

Thankyou for reading.