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Messages - Thoronrhaw

Bug Reports /
December 30, 2016, 07:50:20 AM
In order I, loaded NWN, loaded SoU, loaded HotU, updated to 1.69, ran game (loaded up a module to test as well), copied in efu files from Demure's post, tried to run again but crashed (right before intro movies, whether coming in from the autoplay menu or from nwnmain.exe), renamed old dialogue.tlk and cut and pasted efu dialogue.tlk into main NWN folder but got same crash.

Now I have even more questions than before as I'm working with a clean install and getting more issues than I was before.
That's the opposite of how that should work. O.o?

Starting to think it makes more sense to wait for my new harddrive and get a linux boot running like I planned to (not that that isn't a significant task in itself, especially since it'll be my first linux box) and work with that but that also may just be sleepy frustration.

Still, thank you everyone so far.

oh, and as an aside, I do see some differences with the hak files there (capitalization of the first, different dates, and one extra in my list of hak files)
Bug Reports / No Title
December 30, 2016, 07:39:00 AM
In order I, loaded NWN, loaded SoU, loaded HotU, updated to 1.69, ran game (loaded up a module to test as well), copied in efu files from Demure's post, tried to run again but crashed (right before intro movies, whether coming in from the autoplay menu or from nwnmain.exe), renamed old dialogue.tlk and cut and pasted efu dialogue.tlk into main NWN folder but got same crash.

Now I have even more questions than before as I'm working with a clean install and getting more issues than I was before.
That's the opposite of how that should work. O.o?

Starting to think it makes more sense to wait for my new harddrive and get a linux boot running like I planned to (not that that isn't a significant task in itself, especially since it'll be my first linux box) and work with that but that also may just be sleepy frustration.

Still, thank you everyone so far.

oh, and as an aside, I do see some differences with the hak files there (capitalization of the first, different dates, and one extra in my list of hak files)
Bug Reports /
December 29, 2016, 06:33:52 AM
Quote from: Skovox Blitzer;n670765I suggest emptying your override and hak files, then letting the loader take over. I also struggled until I cleared my files manually. It seems if you just re-install all the old files just come back. May not be that for most, but it was for me. You have to manually remove other haks/overrides I bet.
I already manually cleared both those folders (and a couple more), but can't use the loader as the current version isn't compatible with my old-ass computer.
I only just now tracked down the last install CD (it's been well over a decade since I used the core install disks), so I may try for a fresh install and manually updating everything tomorrow, but too tired to go through it tonight.

Speaking of the updater though, what are the most recent "last modified" dates on the files it installs?
I'm getting 3/13/16 as the most recent file for manual install and I'm not sure if that's right.
Bug Reports /
December 28, 2016, 09:10:27 PM
Quote from: Tala;n670754Just making sure. You were saying you made a PC to enable haks. Are you positive you typed into the chat "/c haks on", then relogged?
Yes, I was planning to make a wizard, so, since I wasn't sure if not having the haks on would interfere with that, I made a rogue character, typed in "/c haks on", saw the confirmation, logged out, logged in, and made a wizard.
Bug Reports /
December 28, 2016, 08:08:43 PM
I've made a rogue (to enable haks, which is the one that has trouble leveling) and a wizard (who I'm actually trying to play.
Both are human.

Other haks/overrides shouldn't be the problem (unless the cep is the issue) as I've deleted all of those from the install I'm trying to play from (I already made a copy of my install before it was mentioned tbh).

Judging by when I'm crashing, it seems like item-related haks are the problem rather than character-related ones.

The leveling issue may have been caused by conflicting content from other servers much like what you describe Tala (I may have gotten weapon finesse for free) as I made that before I cleared the rest of that out but it is only 1 character and not the one I'm trying to play, so isn't really an issue (my wizard leveled just fine).

I think I'm going to do a clean install just to be thorough, but I don't expect that to solve it.
Is it possible there are haks or updates of haks that aren't in Demure's post that I need to play? (such as the reforged weapons stuff posted later in that thread)
Bug Reports /
December 28, 2016, 07:32:57 PM
EFU doesn't use the CEP?
Bug Reports /
December 28, 2016, 05:47:20 PM
Cleared all appropriate NWN folders, reran 1.69 update, overwrote the dialogue.tlk in my NWN directory, reinstalled cep 2.60 & 2.61, then the compiled hack & override folders from (though not the reforged weapons thing at the bottom)

New spells are displaying with descriptions (old ones are showing old descriptions, but unsure if those are supposed to change), so that's better.
Still have a character unable to pass level 2 (though not the character I intend to take out of the starting area and play, so of little importance)

Still crashing at hak equipment store, however, sadly.
Bug Reports / New Player Trying to get Haks to Work.
December 28, 2016, 06:11:58 AM
So I've been doing what I can to do this install manually on this old computer still running XP I have, since I can't get the launcher program to work.
Unfortunately, I don't seem to have the haks correctly installed.
I went and manually installed the files from
into my NWN folder.
I have the spell icons, but not names or descriptions for the new spells (and still old descriptions for the old ones which I'm unsure if are supposed to change).
I also have the updated skins on the game.

However, when I go to the starting equipment menu and select the hak items store, my game crashes.
Likewise, when someone else (by chance) was going through and did the same for their character, I crashed at that point as well.
I immediately re-logged and crashed before completely loading the area, but was able to load the area after re-re-logging and found the other character to have left the area already.

Tried this with a 2nd character and found the same problem.

Possibly unrelated things but listing for completeness:
Seem to have lost 25gp before buying any items.
Have a character unable to get to level 2 as they have "too many feats"
I keep getting 40xp chunks as a character advancement bonus.
Many non-vanilla heads are raised significantly above the neck during character customization.

I've tried what I can collecting information from around these forums, but I have to admit I'm at a loss on what to do.