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Messages - MiddleGround

Suggestions /
January 26, 2017, 03:59:53 AM
Rogue perk - Gypsy
(desired to be added) Gives a +5 to Efuss skill Wilderness survival or a being able to rest without a fire.
(reason) Gypsies are a traditionally nomadic group, and while some may have settled down in a certain area it is more common for the majority to move around.
Bug Reports / RSD and rock worms
January 23, 2017, 04:24:14 AM
Pc: Jacob Fell
Fighter/RSD Brews: Str/focus

I'm pretty sure this is a bug, and I don't know if it is applying to all animals but, so far rock worms don't seem interested in attacking my character. If there was a change to the rock worms Ai then maybe it is nothing, I haven't really gotten a chance to test it anywhere else.

Bug Reports / Corpse hook not found
December 26, 2016, 06:37:35 AM
Off-topic Discussion / Merry christmas efu!
December 25, 2016, 08:14:27 AM
Haha! Have another great merry one all you efu'ers
Heya, I just thought I'd make a topic of fun things that people do that they would recommend to do/see/read/listen too for when we are playing efu or not. Personally, I watch alot of movies so that is what I'm going to post. But books tv shows or anything else that people might enjoy doing is good to be posted too!

Anyways if you ever get the time where you dont have anything to do id recommend seeing these there movies,
First one is called " My name" Or "Kimi no Na wa" Super good movie, great art style, and an all around heartwarming movie.  Next is "Kotonoha no Niwa" or "Garden of Words" and Castle in the sky.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
November 23, 2016, 07:44:59 AM
Quote from: Mark16;n669759Let them. The coolest pcs are the ones willing to make enemies so good job.
Does that make Luelitte cool :D? Anyways great pc, had fun dueling with you. And first pvp death so, glad you did it.
Suggestions /
November 23, 2016, 06:38:25 AM
Ranger Favored: Ooze
5 damage reduction vs acid
5+ vs poison

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Watcher Luelitte
November 23, 2016, 04:25:51 AM
So, this was my first attempt at a cleric and rune guardian. I sliiightly messed up here and there, and ended up semi-copying some one else's goal (sorry Wither XD) of collecting relics but hey it was still alot of fun. Like it was said before, if you have a chance to play a relic guardian do so its alot of fun. Anyways im going to go concepting for a long long time. Oh and I suck at taking screenies so none of those..
Suggestions /
November 21, 2016, 05:23:51 AM
Dwarven Battle Charger

(Dwarf only)
Filled with the adrenaline of charging into battle side by side with their brothers and sisters in arms these dwarves excel at leading the charge. Dodging the swinging weapons of their foes they bringing honor as well as victory to their clan, even if they are a bit reckless.

Level 1: 5% DI, Mobility
Level 5: 10% DI, +3 Discipline
Level 8: 15% DI, Battletide

When raging
+4 Str/Con/Checks vs Fear
-3 Wis/Ac
10% Movement bonus
2+ blunt Damage

7 rounds + con mod

Charisma modifiers to Movement speed and Blunt damage
Level rage is capped at +10%/+2
Level 4 rage is capped at +15%/+3
Level 8 rage is capped at +20%/+4