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Messages - UndeathReborn

Hello! I've been experimenting with undead, and i've come across a small issue with the Skeleton archers. They either randomly stop using their bows and attack with their fists, or just run out of ammunition, then attack with their fists.

If it's an issue of them just randomly attacking, then that's an ai script issue.

However, I attempted to address this issue by purchasing and giving arrows to a skeleton archer. They accept the item, but instead of pulling out their bow and firing on as normal, they continue to attack with their fists.

Earlier, DM Tala stated that he was okay with them just stopping using their bows and attacking with their fists, as they are mindless animations. However, this kinda breaks the mobs functionality, and dosin't make much sense, as they can use virtually any weapon, presumably while still being mindless. Why can't they continue to use a bow?

EDIT: ShadowCharlatan took a look and is adding ammo, I'll see how that impacts it. I'll also give a few quivers prior to combat.
Bug Reports /
May 20, 2016, 07:28:49 PM
Or just make the lizard immortal.
Bug Reports /
May 20, 2016, 01:20:57 AM
Bug Reports / Un-releasable Undead
May 17, 2016, 03:16:01 PM
Hey! I've been just starting to explore necromancy, but it appears that Undead are unable to be "unleashed" via the player tool. The Exact message given is this: "You cannot release this animated creature".

This message is currently given with the following Animations:

- Shamblers, All "Levels"
- Bone Warriors
- Bone Archers
- Goblin Corpses

I'll update further as I continue my explorations.
Off-topic Discussion /
May 16, 2016, 09:57:29 PM
Same, I heard about this and am intrigued, to say the least. I'll keep an eye on it!