[A leather journal with a beautiful cover with intricate patterns and a slot in the center housing an amethyst gently poking out, shiny and of proper quality, lies somewhere in Fazir's possessions. He writes his idle thoughts with delicate hand, resulting in charming calligraphy.]
Amethyst is my favourite gem, everything about it is just perfect in my eyes. Wine colour, a symbol of royalty, luxury, wealth and power. Not only that, it wards off negative energies, I can sense the aura of Ephia's Well, it is like crashing waves against the seashore. Turbulent, troubling, tense... It is good that I have my spiritual protections in order, or I would be taken by these waves as so many others. I can see it in the dead eyes of the adventurers, those poor clueless souls. They strife, fight, battle and do naught else. Discuss the latest fashion, the idle politics, their enchanted gear. No thoughts to the state of their soul! It is a sad thing, their unnurtured spirits.
I'll need many more precious stones to ensure safety and prosperity for myself and those I care about. Speaking of, that's zero people at this moment. Zero. I do not care for anyone but myself. Am I an egomaniac? Definitely not! But these people are so dreadful... I'm fairly certain I'll meet some kindred spirits, but I really do wonder where and when! If I were to guess, I would probably get along well with Wheel priests. Although they aren't going to follow me along the roads to wealth and prosperity, they at least are concerned with the state of the soul! Yes... Maybe I should find an Izdur! Or a Gellemedite! If that's what you call them? Trickery and joy, a deadly mix of entertainment, sounds so fun! Fun fun fun.
And what luck I had! An *exclusive* piece of fashion was sold to me, from that store in Palm Heights, I should really know the name and it is shameful that I do not. I'll visit it later today, have it stick with me. Oh, that silly girl really put a smile to my face. What a good first impression I am making, a pauper refugee, immediately supplied with this season's f....
Wait a minute, she sold me last season's fashion. Last season.
Are you serious?
Amethyst is my favourite gem, everything about it is just perfect in my eyes. Wine colour, a symbol of royalty, luxury, wealth and power. Not only that, it wards off negative energies, I can sense the aura of Ephia's Well, it is like crashing waves against the seashore. Turbulent, troubling, tense... It is good that I have my spiritual protections in order, or I would be taken by these waves as so many others. I can see it in the dead eyes of the adventurers, those poor clueless souls. They strife, fight, battle and do naught else. Discuss the latest fashion, the idle politics, their enchanted gear. No thoughts to the state of their soul! It is a sad thing, their unnurtured spirits.
I'll need many more precious stones to ensure safety and prosperity for myself and those I care about. Speaking of, that's zero people at this moment. Zero. I do not care for anyone but myself. Am I an egomaniac? Definitely not! But these people are so dreadful... I'm fairly certain I'll meet some kindred spirits, but I really do wonder where and when! If I were to guess, I would probably get along well with Wheel priests. Although they aren't going to follow me along the roads to wealth and prosperity, they at least are concerned with the state of the soul! Yes... Maybe I should find an Izdur! Or a Gellemedite! If that's what you call them? Trickery and joy, a deadly mix of entertainment, sounds so fun! Fun fun fun.
And what luck I had! An *exclusive* piece of fashion was sold to me, from that store in Palm Heights, I should really know the name and it is shameful that I do not. I'll visit it later today, have it stick with me. Oh, that silly girl really put a smile to my face. What a good first impression I am making, a pauper refugee, immediately supplied with this season's f....
Wait a minute, she sold me last season's fashion. Last season.
Are you serious?