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Messages - cool jewelz

Suggestions / Re: Poor visibility quests and areas
July 26, 2019, 09:17:47 PM
I am going to have to agree with el groso. While I can understand the frustrations of navigating low-visibility areas I think it is immersive in it's own way.

It gives the jungle chase in the Mongrelwoods more feel, avoiding dangers and traps intense, etc.
General Discussion / Re: Looting: How do you do it?
July 24, 2019, 10:00:59 PM
I always try to leave enough gold/supply for them to sustain their PC. Ideally we're trying to groom a good story and nurture meaningful conflict. Full-looting can absolutely cripple someone, especially if they are higher level and have less means to resupply and build back up. Being courteous to your opponent (and yourself) is sometimes divided by a very blurry line. In doubt, always vote for your enemy coming out better. PVP karma is real.

With that said, I usually replace what was spent unless both parties exhausted a lot of supplies. At that point, victory alone is always enough.
Suggestions / Re: Apothecary Perk and Tinkering
April 08, 2019, 05:15:08 PM
Rogues should be better at Tinkering than wizards. Maybe just give a base +1 to the roll for each rogue level.

Wizards should be better at alchemy than rogues.

Each class should need to make a sacrifice to be as proficient as the opposite, be it a rogue using consumables and perks or a wizard needing to cross-class skills.
Suggestions / Re: Dispensary changes discussion
January 30, 2019, 01:24:37 PM
I am fond of the dispensary dropping a placeable containing the loot that when opened does not only break stealth but also "paints" the character model yellow (it fits thematically with the dispensary and why wouldn't the King want the one who proudly totes his table scraps known?).

This means that melee and mage characters hold a chance at identifying and addressing the thief, and allows the thief to still employ his own craft but in a cunning manner. If the yellow tag on the PCs lasts for awhile, it would also mean that thief type PCs can't simply pluck from the placeable and then hide-in-plain-sight without any meaningful or obvious engagement to the scenario - and I imagine that being the "painted" one, thief or not, may not always be a pleasant experience and may nurture some unease in carelessly participating in the dispensary brawls.


Knave; "Nay, ain't worth a scrap under the King's eye. Just hunt down the Painted, they light up the whole alleyway like a fat pile of groat."

Peer; "I'll pay five hundred groat to the man who drags the Painted to me! I don't take insults upon my House by bloody thieves lightly!"
I think this is an outstanding suggestion.
Suggestions / Re: Clerical Healing + HOTG
June 21, 2018, 02:58:13 PM
Certainly not overpowered by any means.

A cleric would need to capitalize on HOTG during conflict at the sacrifice of other crucial L4 cleric spells.

A suggestion could be that this effect would require the cleric to have greater spell focus.
Introductions and Group Management / Re: Hey
May 03, 2018, 10:41:12 PM
Welcome to EfU, lamb

I am