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Messages - ChaoticDivinity

General Discussion /
April 08, 2015, 10:35:20 PM
Quote from: Ladocicea;431117Having a very brief read of this I've just realised that lately I tend not to reward parties with any supplies or gold whatsoever when I provide them with challenges. I've realised it's because we're at the stage of this chapter's life where I look at people's inventories and feel like they already have way more supplies than they need (and they often scrimp on using them). Drink down some of your 50 CSW and stacks of haste pots and then we'll talk about giving you some more supplies.

CSW? Actually the character is rather new, and didn't have much too any supplies at all. I've managed too gather a few more purple gems during that time frame, and due too the focusing in conjuration as a wizard, no haste potions or transmutation potions at all can be brewed. Perhaps you're running events for regulars, or old timer characters/players?
General Discussion /
April 08, 2015, 10:29:40 PM
I had actually missed the entire second page of this post lol, that sounds terrible too say, as I had not expected it too get so many posts. I have enjoyed reading each post, and how they have helped in their own way. I agree with plenty of what was said, and have learned some as well. I'll do my best too try not too place progress with materialistic things, or levels, other than rp. I'm all for the "A good death" story, as I've had multiple characters spread throughout accounts on various servers dating as far back as Pheonix Rising.

As said this is an old game, yes the world is dynamic and offers the chance of experiencing something exciting, and rping with great people. It is an old game, and therefor it comes down too that there is a lack of diversity, everything is categorized, and seems too be the same. It just switches names, and the characters that do it. So too devote the little time that is available too some to such an old game, is a sign on it's own that they obviously wish too play it, and know the benefits of it. I love events, had a great time on a spice event with Globbergut? Drink some green sludge, went through an experience, was great. Enjoyed it.

Most of the first post was before I had known the intentions of the event, and even though that has been clarified, I've still gained more from the post, by the replies that have been given. Thank you all for your time too reply too this, and I hope too continue too read some great information and perspectives left here.
General Discussion /
April 08, 2015, 09:25:01 PM
Quote from: Pandip;430776This sounds like an issue of perspective more than anything. I would argue that you're vastly undervaluing the importance of having a few new friends in character. Frankly? EFU is not for everyone. If your concerns lay strictly in the acquisition of loot, experience, and the 'progression' of your character's strength in terms of his or her supplies, then it's quite possible that you just don't have the right mindset. This is an old, outdated game. To make up for its mechanical faults, we (as a community) have created a server that boasts an incredible, dynamic roleplaying experience accentuated by a brutal setting that is merciless more often than it isn't. Instead of wanting to grind out quests for the sake of 'progression', your concerns should lay with developing your character and his or her effect on the server. Instead of wanting to hoard your supplies and doing stuff that only benefits the amount of potions and consumables you have, you should find opportunities to use those supplies to gain a leg up in whatever concerns your character -- politics, war, intrigue, subterfuge, world domination, etc.

This isn't World of Warcraft and it's not meant to emulate the 'grind grind grind to the max and never lose my progress' template of that game. Most of us are here because we enjoy playing a character, exploring their story, and interacting with the world.

In a post apocalyptic setting, you tend too broaden your character experience, friends, stories through the dangers of going through the Underdark and it's various challenges. It's how the comrade is built etc. What you say is completely contradicting, as 90% of the population is out of Sanctuary doing one task or another with watchers etc.

Fact is, WoW, Guildwars, Aion, any other MMO is based off table top, and this is the closest step too it, with animations. This whole MMO mentality vs NWN mentality is old, they're the same damn thing, except one is more of an autopilot. Each has the same goals, same end game. You are the bad guy, or you are the good guy, trying too trump some greater evil, or the other. To do such you get parties of friends you make through trials of blood and glory or what not. It was brought too my attention this event was too upgrade a hold, I wasn't aware of such, and thought it was simply a DM event.

Politics, war, intrigue, subterfuge, world domination, etc all take some base amount of experience power, materials, supplies. No bum walked off the street in rags, became king tyrant of this and that, or the best known scoundrel without acquiring the means to gain such a reputation. I just find the above state a rather mindless answer that is always given when it comes too questions of these sort.

As for Pillars and Disks, I actually found out the reasoning behind such, and it was my own doing. Seems I was double stepping the progress, which was making me take forever.

The potion brewer idea sounds great, thank you for the legitimate ic reasons that I'll definitely put too good use. Sorry for the lack of replies, been busy with work the last few days. I'll continue too pop on now that things have been explained further (Not that I have stopped logging in, this was just worded terribly.)
General Discussion /
April 05, 2015, 08:08:54 PM
Thanks all for the insight, I did receive some gold yes. Though why would a potion brewer buy potions? See this is where it get's annoying. You have a character that's already established as a potion brewer too clients, but now what do you say? "Sorry man, got a blow upside the head, and forgot how brew potions?" I don't know, I'm just going too bite my lip I'll pop in once and awhile and see what else I can do on the server. Over all though, I'm more of a...if I spend my last four hours after work, on a game, I want too keep my last four hours worth of progress type of person. I may just have the wrong mindset for this server is all. :) Either way, I appreciate all the time you guys had taken too respond too this, and will hopefully bump into characters of yours icly, or what not.
Hi there, I do apologize first off if this is more suited for the suggestions forum, than the general discussion. I just wished to bring this up, so that perhaps it can be explained properly too me, or other's insights will make it easier for me too cope with.

Now, this is no way meant too insult anyone in particular, or be insulting in general, but I've noticed the server seems too have...for lack of a better word, lack of appreciation too time and effort.

What I mean by this, for example the dwarf assault on the Orog event last night. Props too the DM who ran it, was a great event, rp was amazing, so this is at no way a fault of their own. But what I'm breaking this down too is.

Pros- Reward 400gp (Obsolete loot compared too regular dungeons, hardly no healing supplies returned) New friends icly.

Cons- Items spent- 1 wand of fireball 1 wand of summon creature IV, 4 invisibility potions, 2 blurs, 3 protection from evil potions, scroll of flame weapon, scroll of summon creature one and two, three purple healing stones, two svirnblen (Know I spelt that wrong) Healing devices, cold burst item, containment device (grenade thrown that summons animatron.) Also, lost 1 level in regards too this.

Now, I'm not trying too be blunt, but the con's had taken forever too acquire, where as in a 3 hours event? They were lost, with hardly no gain given. So hours of days work, aside from doing my RL day too day job, I have now lost far more progress than I had obtained. Not too mention if you have no healing can't adventure, therefor you can't get more healing supplies, gold, etc too replace what was lost.

Pillars and Disks- Spent almost two hours doing it at level 5, gives a wine...

Time is sacred, and nowadays too devote time to a server that takes away progression, instead of offering something in turn. The server seems amazing, I love the idea behind it, and the effort put into it, but too lose days, upon days of effort in a matter of hours, seems a bit...absurd. (Perhaps this was just rotten luck, but it was a rather hard punch in the gut.)