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Messages - GonGiveItToYa

Introductions and Group Management /
April 07, 2015, 02:13:22 AM
Hello all you pretty people.  Just wanted to drop by and say that this faction is on its feet again.  Seriously one of the most underrated associations on EFU:R, sadly.  What many people don't know (I sure didn't before I joined) is that this association is very much a sandbox in it self.  You can guide the future of the Temple of Hoar and how it operates in EFU:R - and that's not something you can say about many of the set-in-stone associations already in place.  So if you like leaving your mark on the server or maybe you just wanted to play a Harbinger of DOOM, then the time is now!
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
April 04, 2015, 06:17:38 AM
i knew something was up with that girl first time i seen her.
Suggestions / New Beacon Library - Display Bookcase
April 07, 2015, 05:59:51 PM
Could the bookcase in the library be made into a display case similar to the ones used in the House of Knowledge or the Serpent's Hoard in The Grotto?  This way books can be recovered and easily submitted to the library for public viewing without having to go through the toolset.
Suggestions / Rangers of the Society
April 04, 2015, 10:56:26 PM
These NPCs use the spell Entangle which applies to non-hostiles as well as hostiles.  I wouldn't think Ordinants would be this careless in endangering stander-bys with their area of effect spells.  If this isn't something you want to change then can we consider it a hostile action and attack them without a DM present?