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Messages - AronFF

General Discussion / Aldo's player pls PM me!
March 26, 2015, 06:46:16 PM
Dear [player of Aldo the halfling],

I play Alistair Ashenspur, who you took a new quest with regarding troglodytes.
The quest giver failed to reward us, reset were coming, and you logged.
A DM later compensated our expanses on the quest, I still have the coins for you.

After an unfortunate incident, and the subsequent skimming-through the rules, I've paused playing on the server, but I don't want to keep your coins, so please PM me on the forums or write here, so I can pass them so you can prove a 150gps more promising halfling for people who wait others on quest-exits to mug them without speaking words with more then two characters! ;)

Bug Reports / Forum registration random questions
March 19, 2015, 12:22:03 AM
The information asked should be located in the prominent figures thread  (( )) But I was unable to give a correct answer for two questions. I had to use google site specific search to answer one, and I consider myself both lucky and resourceful to get through the process in less then 15 mins.
Upon killing the boss, we received a journal update which told us we can gather our reward, but when we spoke to the troglodite he asked if we have finished and the only option to press was [end dialogue] leaving the quest unfinished.

Underdark - Windy canyon - The Mound
When - 30 mins before this post
Who - Group of 3, no idea about the levels.

[Note that I'm new here, and I've made a forum account only to make this report. Sorry if I did something wrong!]