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Messages - LetsGoFishing

General Discussion /
April 09, 2015, 03:21:41 PM
There is a difference between absence of a reward, and absence of a physical reward.

Physical reward = Potions, Trinkets, Loot, and otherwise

Non-Physical yet measurable reward = Plot hooks, Exp, and renown.

My personal belief on the matter is if a dm thinks a party is overly supplied they should generously award exp along with other non-physical rewards in return for the supply strip spice or otherwise.
Alongside this if a party is hurting for supplies and they are aided with some, they should be given a reduced exp reward as they got something physical to compensate but still get a non-physical component to their reward.

Also, in my personal belief, I find that deciding if someone has too much or too little is a bit eschewed due to personal bias that we all have towards each other.

In the end, I find in EFU it all balances out in the end. Stick with your pcs, roll with the punches. You will endure and make a name for yourself and not be some faceless corpses on the road to be a hero or villain.