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Messages - TheGentlemanShadow

Off-topic Discussion /
March 08, 2015, 11:05:37 AM
//been a bit busy but im back folks!
Scythes Of The Pitiless-Player Faction

Organized and begun by the new Scrivener-Paladin Alamur Krow, he has set out to oppose any and all undead, founding the scythes as a form of elite group to hunt and destroy undead, their creators, and any other sources, or threats that may arise of undeathly nature. Considered a small founding within the Scriveners of Doom, one may assume that to join their number, one would have to join the Scriveners, and embrace Jergal as their lord... Unerringly devoted, and fanatical, the laws, and licenses permitting animation, and spirit-binding many have no doubt will come to conflict eventually...

Player Faction:

Alignments: Any Non-Evil

Races: Any (Non-Monsterous-Exceptions Possible)

Recommended Class: Any (Non-Druid)

IRC Channel: #Scriveners

To Join: don't -have- to join the Scriveners, though likely will be pressured into doing so eventually.

Clerics: Only clergy of Jergal would be accepted

Faction Goals:

-Oppose any and all necromancy revolving around undead, or affiliated sources (Shadows, ect.)

-Strive to change the laws and public opinion towards opposition, or at least, more strongly restricting, or limiting animation, spirit binding, shadow summoning, ect.

-Fulfill the Doomscribes services

-Spread acceptance, and belief in Jergal

//post is likely to have alterations made to it, and changes as this develops and evolves//