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Messages - The Weegee Of Frying

Correspondence / A Note for A Mr Lichtmman
November 17, 2024, 01:38:49 AM
*A note, written in rather simple penmanship is left under the door of Gabriel Lichtmman's room in the Krak*

Mr Lichtmman

I have acquired the 450 dinars that you were asking for the full plate.

Should I be difficult to get a hold of, do not worry. I assure you that I have every intention of returning the armour that you have rented to me, and giving you the sum requested for the full plate.

Should I not be available for some time, send correspondence to me in Hasheema's hope, so that we may organise a time to meet in the future.


Suggestions /
May 08, 2016, 09:10:58 AM
So are you saying players should have to pay for it? Maybe they should be free, but to write a notice requires fungus paper or parchment, which costs money? Another idea on top of that which I'm not sure whether it exists already, is to have it so players can write notes and graffiti around the place, and that goes away after reset.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
September 24, 2014, 09:23:18 AM
Cool, this should make a good news story. A really great character, with a strong personality.
Suggestions /
August 24, 2014, 11:33:26 PM
Quote from: Grotesque;403955They are, in my opinion, perfectly fine as they are. I don't see the need for cluttering it with a VFX which doesn't really fit aesthetically. Also, the less VFX's we use to convey NPC appearances, the better. Makes it more original when a VFX is actually used.

As for the alignment, aberrations aren't inherently evil. If anything, they should be chaotic.

Hook Horrors aren't evil right?
Introductions and Group Management / Deep Enclave
May 03, 2015, 02:11:13 AM
I'm currently trying to get a Netheril inspired group going, so I'm looking for people to join me.

Our primary goals will be to seek arcane power and knowledge, preservation, restoration and promotion of Netherese ways and practices, and to ultimately establish a Deep Enclave as a force to be reckoned with within the Underdark

Classes- Primarily Mages, with warriors to serve as protection, Netherese Clergy are also welcome. No Paladins (Excluding of Netherese Gods, if there are any), Druids, Barbarians, and non-Netherese Clerics,

Alignments- Any, but Lawful is preferred

Races- Humans primarily, Elves, Gnomes, and Dwarves welcomed as Auxilliary forces, Half-Orcs and Monstrous races possibly as servants or for brute force

If anyone is interested, PM me, or talk to me on IRC when I'm around.