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Messages - I love cats

Correspondence / Letter to Lujayn al-Farisyya
March 13, 2025, 08:41:31 PM
Dear Lujayn al-Farisyya

The legion is very eager to insist that the purple league they have abandoned for two elections in a row for the gold league and its tenets are not something the Banda Rossa can agree on. I have to say my recluta is clearly impressed by your league she got her first contract from you and was inspired by you enough to join your league if I was a new Recluta such an outreach may have lead me to the purples. I look at the tenets and I find few things the company can disagree with. I shall do you a service and provide you a list of the purple league's tenets and why the Banda and most of the Rose would not be opposed to any of them in fact many of them are to the benefit of the company. I will reiterate also that my Recluta is a member of the purple league and has just as much right to invite guests as you do the Banda Rossa can play the exact same league games as the legion I would consider. This idea the Sultan's legion in the gold league and Selwyn are "invited" and I was not which is what was implied I found to be a silly argument. A good purple candidate can in fact earn the vote of the Banda Rossa.

1: To hold Sacroscant faiths, to build out great temples and shrines in honor of the Divine.

There is nothing in this the Banda Rossa opposes in fact temples and shrines need security and can bring lucrative contracts to Capitana's Banda Rossa. The purple league has chosen to respect the faith so much their previous legate effectively was granting the faithful absolvers and lictors the legion's authority. This can also include temples and shrines to the divine Dome of Man as well as the wheel.

2: To honor the guard upon the wall and hold true to his sacrifice.

The Cinquefoil Rose guard the wall at our southern borders known as the gate of Roses facing the ramparts and the wastes. Men do sacrifice themselves quite frequently along with the legion. The Banda Rossa are included in this and we can't disagree that we deserve to be honored. We the Banda Rossa sacrificed the most lives in the Red Hill and the Abmudallah we agree with being honored.

3: To build upon and maintain the ancient traditions of our forebears.

This tenet is quite confusing the ancient traditions of whose forebears? Ephia's Well is a wide variety of different backgrounds and cultures from a number of different rings including this one. I do my best to celebrate the peerage ward of Ring 99 and honor my forefathers. The Ashfolk have an ancient tradition of bribery which will no doubt greatly enrich Capitana's Banda Rossa. Ancient traditions do include good business like paying mercenaries well it is not something any of the company can reject. Many of the Balladeers also do honor the traditions of old. I frequently give praise to my forefather Dorvant so much so I have erected a statue in his honor in the Krak De Roses. Duello is an ancient tradition of more forebears and even the Modini have a bridge for dueling Achaeus Saenus even for a brief period legalized dueling and voiced his support for such an ancient tradition.

4: To preserve and record knowledge in all of its forms, supporting grand libraries and colleges.

I already have done these things and will continue to do so. Many a scholar has contracted myself and Banda Rossa to secure them on archaeological digs in pursuit of knowledge. Libraries and colleges are in need of security. These things are all potential business for Capitana's Banda Rossa. I have an extensive collection of literature including one the Caliphs and a biography of our current glorious Sultan.

5: To welcome those that flee the lawless wastes and offer them the protection of our sovereign.

There is nothing the Banda Rossa can be opposed to. In fact we to offer protection to our patrons in the Krak De Roses and other places for a fee. We are happy to make people even safer under our sovereign by offering our services.

6: To deal judiciously and prudently with the manyfold powers of the desert.

A good foreign policy with trade is good for the treasury and economy of the well which is good for the Banda Rossa as we call this place our home. It also can potentially give the Banda Rossa more work.

7: To strike out into the sands and claim them for our Sultanate.

This league tenet praises the noble knights of the Cinquefoil Rose the most. When one looks at extremely valuable claims for the Sultanate I look at Ephia's Well a place we have claimed for the Sultanate. The Cinquefoil Rose even managed to sway Capitana's Banda Rossa to act with true honor ultimately join them in bleeding for our glorious Sultan and giving him the well ridding him of many of the usurpers men. If there are more lands that need to be claimed Capitana's Banda Rossa can reap more gold and glory from doing this.

8: To govern and protect those without voice with strength and compassion.

There is again nothing we disagree with we regularly protect the voiceless under contracts and our voiceless patrons who enjoy the company of our truly honored Master of the Wines.

I hope this list provides some insight on how the purple league can in fact be to the Banda Rossa's benefit and give us immense profits. Why would a mercenary company be opposed to this?

-Balestiere Luther Donisthrope
Correspondence / Letter to Sergeant Reyer
March 13, 2025, 01:15:47 PM
Dear Sergeant Reyer

You seem so eager to insist that the purple league tenets are not something the Banda Rossa could agree on. I have to say my recluta is clearly impressed by your league she got a very easy job to sing a hymn to the mother if I was a new Recluta such an outreach may have lead me to the purples. I look at the tenets and I find few things the company can disagree with. So I shall do you a service and provide you a list of the purple league's tenets and why the Banda would not be opposed to any of them in fact many of them are to the benefit of the company. I will reiterate also that my Recluta is a member of the purple league and has just as much right to invite guests to it as al-Farisyya. This idea the Sultan's legion in the gold league and Selwyn are "invited" and I was not which is what was implied I found to be a silly argument. A good purple candidate can in fact earn the vote of the Banda Rossa.

1: To hold Sacroscant faiths, to build out great temples and shrines in honor of the Divine.

There is nothing in this the Banda Rossa opposes in fact temples and shrines need security and can bring lucrative contracts to Capitana's Banda Rossa. The purple league has chosen to respect the faith so much their previous legate effectively was granting the faithful absolvers and lictors legion authority. This can also include temples and shrines to the divine Dome of Man as well as the wheel.

2: To honor the guard upon the wall and hold true to his sacrifice.

The Cinquefoil Rose guard the wall at our southern borders known as the gate of Roses facing the ramparts and the wastes. Men do sacrifice themselves quite frequently along with a legion. The Banda Rossa are included in this and we can't disagree that we deserve to be honored. We the Banda Rossa sacrificed the most lives in the Red Hill and the Abmudallah we agree with being honored.

3: To build upon and maintain the ancient traditions of our forebears.

This tenet is quite confusing the ancient traditions of whose forebears? Ephia's Well is a wide variety of different backgrounds and cultures from a number of different rings including this one. I do my best to celebrate the peerage ward of Ring 99 and honor my forefathers. The Ashfolk have an ancient tradition of bribery which will no doubt greatly enrich Capitana's Banda Rossa. Ancient traditions do include good business like paying mercenaries well it is not something any of the company can reject. Many of the Balladeers also do honor the traditions of old. I frequently give praise to my forefather Dorvant so much so I have erected a statue in his honor in the Krak De Roses. Duello is an ancient tradition of more forebears and even the Modini have a bridge for dueling Achaeus Saenus even for a brief period legalized dueling and voiced his support for such an ancient tradition.

4: To preserve and record knowledge in all of its forms, supporting grand libraries and colleges.

I already have done these things and will continue to do so. Many a scholar has contracted myself and Banda Rossa to secure them on archaeological digs in pursuit of knowledge. Libraries and colleges are in need of security. These things are all potential business for Capitana's Banda Rossa. I have an extensive collection of literature including one the Caliphs and a biography of our current glorious Sultan.

5: To welcome those that flee the lawless wastes and offer them the protection of our sovereign.

There is nothing the Banda Rossa can be opposed to. In fact we to offer protection to our patrons in the Krak De Roses and other places for a fee. We are happy to make people even safer under our sovereign by offering our services.

6: To deal judiciously and prudently with the manyfold powers of the desert.

A good foreign policy with trade is good for the treasury and economy of the well which is good for the Banda Rossa as we call this place our home. It also can potentially give the Banda Rossa more work.

7: To strike out into the sands and claim them for our Sultanate.

This league tenet praises the noble knights of the Cinquefoil Rose the most. When one looks at extremely valuable claims for the Sultanate I look at Ephia's Well a place we have claimed for the Sultanate. The Cinquefoil Rose even managed to sway Capitana's Banda Rossa to act with true honor ultimately join them in bleeding for our glorious Sultan and giving him the well ridding him of many of the usurpers men. If there are more lands that need to be claimed Capitana's Banda Rossa can reap more gold and glory from doing this.

8: To govern and protect those without voice with strength and compassion.

There is again nothing we disagree with we regularly protect the voiceless under contracts and our voiceless patrons who enjoy the company of our truly honored Master of the Wines.

I hope this list provides some insight on how the purple league can in fact be to the Banda Rossa's benefit and give us immense profits. Why would a mercenary company be opposed to this?

-Balestiere Luther Donisthrope
Correspondence / Re: Letter to Legate Lhyrian
March 11, 2025, 08:58:01 PM
Quote from: I love cats on March 11, 2025, 08:58:01 PMSecond Legion Lieutenant
This is a message from the Glorious Second Legion to the 'roundshields' of the Fourth. A patrol of our men within the confines of the Sublime Garden encountered a rabble of so-called 'adventurers' skulking about some ruins.

Second Legion Lieutenant
When challenged, this gang claimed to be plundering ruins at the behest of some 'board' - whatever that means. They treated my men with extreme disrespect. Now I hear that they are being accused - quite without purchase - of banditry.

Second Legion Lieutenant
Let the Fourth Legion keep their house in order. The next time the Second Legion are met with such dishonourable claims, we shall not be so forgiving. These are the words of the Second Legion. Woe that they are discounted.

Dear Grandmaster Elizabeth D'Auvergne

I know I write well beyond my station however I wished to report this to you and ask you forgive me. I write to you to express concern. I apprehended a knife eared necromancer who desecrated your halls with a floating skull and delivered her to the fourth legion. Lieutenant Colmes an officer of the legion then released her claiming the foul thing was a replica made of plaster. A priestess of the wyld and a scholar of the Sandstone have said otherwise. I am simply disgusted that the Sultan's legion allows this act to go unpunished. I write to you out of grave concern. The legion has now made it apparent that such wicked magics in our home can occur unpunished and this may encourage future incidents. Back home this would have never happened. I think it is unconscionable an officer of the legion would openly allow this. He and his men even saw the skull in question in person. They saw the elven creature stand up for it.

Never shall we wilt

Balestiere Luther Donisthrope
Correspondence / Re: Letter to Legate Lhyrian
March 11, 2025, 04:35:54 AM
Dear Vellyn Lhyrian

A necromancer was caught red handed in the Krak De Roses with a number of witnesses including legionaries who were present. I beat her down and surrender her to their custody. The legion took her in and later released her claiming the skull was not undead. The Sultan's fourth legion has very publicly and openly granted amnesty for a caller of the dead to desecrate our halls unpunished and a necromancer to walk the streets of the well. I have even obtained a written statement from Maqqari a learned spellcaster who also by his own observations claimed the entity the elf summoned was indeed an undead.

I am in utter disbelief and disgusted. The legion has made it very apparent that foul necromancers can bring undead into the Krak De Roses unpunished by them. I request this be at  the very least noted as a demerit when looking at their allotment.

-Balestiere Donisthrope

Quote from: I love cats on March 11, 2025, 03:47:28 AMRennik Colmes
Not even a necromancer is foolish enough to openly bring an animated skull into the Krak, and despite appearances, that isn't what happened here. Fragments of the familiar retrieved from the scene revealed it to be constructed from plaster-- artificia
Correspondence / Melim al-Ramin Water Supervisor /DM
March 07, 2025, 02:04:20 PM
[Luther pens a note and begins to leave the Banda Rossa fortress grumbling to himself "These damn midget overlords who can't even fight or duel." he then walks to the well and hands the water supervisor a letter and a pouch containing 200 gold.]

Dear Melim al-Ramin Water Supervisor

I write to you because I am hearing contradictory sources of information. At a recent assembly the legates and scribes suggested I make an inquiry with you. Multiple sources have told me Ephia's Well as tribute gives Bazeel 90% of its waters that of 500 barrels of water the well keeps 50. Legate Dante Moretti has claimed a number of times publicly that he reduced this number down to 75%. Given Moretti's tendency to tell outlandish lies such as his ability to control how he controls the gold league nomination. When others have claimed he did not in fact lower Ephia Well's tributes to our Sultan Osman sixth of his name, our Eagle - he whose name outshines the very sun he so glorious is his rule that he only sleeps 2 hours a day overlord of our lands. It is a curiosity and something the voiced of the well and his Sublime majesty's loyal citizens aught to know how much we are in fact giving him as tribute. His loyal subjects and citizens should all know the level of generosity we bestow. What happens to the water when it is sent to Bazeel? I have not had the pleasure of going to Bazeel.

-Balestiere Luther Donisthropr
Correspondence / Re: Letter to Legate Lhyrian
March 05, 2025, 05:47:33 PM
Dear Vellyn Lhyrian

I must write to you of a certain concern from the last gold league meeting. The legion getting their choice of magistrate it is not a concern to me. What is a concern for me is rather if this legion appointed magistrate has my respect for the basic principles of such important concepts of the  accord, rule of law, and basic principles of jurisprudence and willing to recluse themselves from trials that put the accord in jeporady. As I stated to you in office I intended to excuse myself from trials where a member of the Rose or another of the accord is on trial for capital crimes. The Banda Rossa and other parties of the accord are not the sole prosecutors our ability to use the position of magistrate to execute our enemies is nonexistent. It is not a concern of mine if the legion wishes to have this guarantee or to rig trials of the common man and put into question the fairness of their trials thus making a mockery of our courts and put our penal code and legal procedures into question. These are not concerns I have but some voters may have them. What is my concern is the safety of my men and comrades. I simply wish this magistrate the legion has to not preside over any trials of the Rose.

I will note that Rhuk Nor accused my recluta Quigsby of "Treason" in the middle of an assembly over an incident of idiocy that occurred weeks ago over him placing a bomb he had no intention of detonating. This never resulted in a charge of treason yet occurred in front of many witnesses a magistrate included. He was later reprimanded by myself and Balestiere Stearwood after he was fined. The fact  no trial occurred makes me wonder why if he did commit treason he was never prosecuted for it? Quigsby is also a recluta the legion would be free to make him stand trial at any time where they can make their accusation of treason and present their evidence. It does make me wonder if they are simply waiting for their appointed magistrate to rig such a trial. For I can't see the logic in slandering someone's name and accusing them of crime of treason without ever prosecuting them for it. Then again I come from a place where such an accusation meant to prove oneself on a bridge duel. I must also add the Sergeant who saw him in the act didnt arrest him for treason but later accused him of it at the assembly.

-Balestiere Donisthrope

Quote from: I love cats on March 05, 2025, 05:57:54 PMRhuk Nor
Recluta Quagsby has been removed from the Pyramid. Do not make even vague threats to the structures of Ephia's Well. Work out your... Voices for veterans without use of such threats.

Rhuk Nor
Vague or serious. Bad. At this time, he was not charged. He will not show this kindness a second time. Live and drink.

March 03, 2025, 11:23:52 AM
Molten champions and VOIDCALLERS are clearly badass and everyone is afraid of them give them both a fear aura to reflect that their very presence terrifies the battlefield and a well timed void caller dispel with a fear aura will make them even more lethal. Bring them the fear aura.
Correspondence / Re: Letter to Legate Lhyrian
March 01, 2025, 09:38:50 PM
I have also forwarded a report from my Recluta.

-Balestiere Donisthrope

Quote from: wahoo387 on March 01, 2025, 06:24:26 PM
Hanson's Assault
As we were heading back above ground from Assuru, most of us drank invisibility potions and ran away past hordes of ghosts. Hanson and Arymathras were both left behind by the entire group and only I stayed behind to look after them. They didn't have invisibility potions, so I offered one to Hanson and asked him to pay me 80 dinar for the bottle.

He didn't want to pay, so I left him there to deal with the problem himself like everyone else did by running past him. He ended up running past the ghosts and was completely unharmed. Nevertheless, he was upset, and started joking about killing me. When we went up the lift and reached the Dry Gutters, he started swinging his sword at me for a good minute saying his hands "slipped". We started fighting after that and Balestriere Donisthrope beat him and dragged him off to the Fortress.

We waited for a Lieutenant to come and we didn't touch any of his belongings. Once an officer came to get him, we handed him over to the Legion. As far as I know there were no consequences for his misconduct whatsoever. It also seems like he still holds a grudge and doesn't feel any remorse at all. Given how stupid his motivations were for trying to shank me I think he may have hit his head on the way down to Assuru. He ended up spending much more than the 80 dinar for a potion that it turned out he didn't even need just to take his anger out on a reasonable business transaction.
Narwen's thoughts on this song. Although with your recent stance in regards to the sisterhood there is something I am quite curious about. Can a Lyrist order that everyone under her command quits drinking a certain popular beverage? You seem to have made it a point to name the sisters your foe yet your men are clearly addicted to their drugs. It is not a good position for a commander to be in. Trust me when I say there is a reason the Capitana does not let us partake and her example is quite a good example to follow. I believe you would desire your men to be less subservient to them?

-Balestiere Donisthrope

Quote from: MAGIC on February 26, 2025, 07:06:08 PMThank you, Magistrate-Balestiere Donisthrope.

I too am confounded as to why this is being discussed in this way.

I have made a written report to the Divan.

The scholars present made their notations on the music that I was able to draw out of the miasma's memory.

I purposely did not chant the words aloud at that time, for their purpose was dark and wicked and forbidden. They drifted through the periphery of my awareness like a predator and I was filled with the knowledge that to look too acutely at this predator would be to bare my neck to it. Thus I only have a tenuous awareness of the vocal contents of the chant.

I will not reproduce the spoken chant beyond the syllabic melody. Nor will I put them to parchment. The chant and the miasma are joined together as one. To invoke one is to invite the other and so this matter must be handled with great care.

In humble service as the Seat of Lore,
Acolyte Narwen Alendiel

Correspondence / Re: Letter to Legate Lhyrian
March 01, 2025, 02:14:38 AM
No doubt when two members of the accord do battle the offices of the legate are interested. After an expedition with the astronomers into the deeper gutters an altercation occurred between soldier Hanson and Recluta Quigsby over him not proving him a potion. After the matter was over he then attacked my Recluta and I leaped to his defense. After much fighting and numerouse supplies expended he was brought low and brought to the fortress. He was then handed to the custody of a Jannisary Lieutenant. 

I have no clue as to what discipline awaits him for the assault upon one of my men. For if there was discipline he wouldn't have did what he did over an invisibility vial. Much supplies were wasted on what could have been spent fighting Orcs in the Scald. I hope when reviewing allotments you and Sayburgh can agree the legion is due some sort of penalty for this. I will forward you Quigsby's report when he writes it.

-Balestiere Donisthrope
Correspondence / Letter to Narwen
February 26, 2025, 05:25:18 PM
Dear Acolyte Narwen

I have no idea why they can't write you a letter but they want more information about the song you managed to know. Evidently your performance and 2 Nadiri present were not enough information for the tower.

-Balestiere Donisthrope

Quote from: Mia on February 26, 2025, 05:01:26 PM[A letter is send in reply to the fortress of the Banda Rossa, marked with the name "BalestiƩre Luther Donistrophe". The body of the text is in an elegant, well practiced script.]

Most Honourable Magistrate Luther Donisthrophe,

The seat of the first Legate welcomes your contribution to its archives. The legate concurs with your choice to study this ancient language. She expects there may be vital war effort related clues in the words. Present the Acolyte to replicate the song, or have her write out the syllables as she remembers them. And bring them to the Tower of Q'tolip for further study.

In name of the legate,

Vizier, Nadiri and Principal Oracle,

Correspondence / Re: Letter to Legate Lhyrian
February 26, 2025, 05:22:03 PM
Nadiri V and Nadiri Selwyn were both present for the golden vizier's investigation and Narwen singing the song in question. None the less I will send her your request. However given her history with your tower she might not be the most cooperative.

-Balestiere Donisthrope
Journals and Musings / Re: Donisthrope Diary
February 26, 2025, 05:12:12 PM
A deal was struck and a vote of rulership was cast for a knife eared creature. However such a choice is necessary when a person acts with true honor in benefit to who he is loyal to. I serve the Capitana and backing the loser Edmund  would not be serving her properly. It is the true meaning of true honor that Edmund learned nothing of from his Reeve. This idiot did not campaign properly this idiot did not even try arranging for this wood monkey to die or using the creep idiots or even the wyrmists. I gave this fool a chance to face this elven in a fight all he needed was to beat her and find someone willing to toss a fireball or stab her pon his victory while she bled on the floor. Even though I instigated this fight he did not seize pon such an opportunity. If Edmund was a man of true honor the knife eared creature would be dead and he would be legate or he would have been able to defeat her in a campaign.  Perhaps I should remind him and the public of how his lord Desmond was a changeling and his own wife had to save his name by having him killed. How he was happy to betray his king and rightful sovereign of his lands for some bloodsucking undead usurper. Oriana is perhaps only reason the Sunpurse name even has any honor after the disgrace of Desmond and his heir Phelan. I feel for her to suffer the dishonor of your love and your own son to be changeling bastards.

Yet there are questions of my old home that remains unanswered. What has became of Phelan? What has became of the heir of house Moonspear? How does one gain entrance to the King's Lands? Where is lord Kristoff and Gisuperre? Is the patriarch Albert Donisthrope not my father and just another fool cuckolded by that fat fool Norbert? What was that usurper count's connection to the peerage? Why did the Reeve support this grandmaster only to end up as some barkeep serving drinks to subhumans? It was him who unified the houses against the Count.
Correspondence / Re: Balladeer Aeronwy Caddick
February 25, 2025, 03:54:00 PM
Here is a report of the raid against the Brass Brawlers. Particularly this was the orc clan where these magics were encountered. The well can expect to face more undead in the future. None of the Balladeers were present for this and it is known your college posses a number of oathsworn. While I find thedouble oaths you hold to be of questionable loyalty and overall knowledge of true warfare to be lacking it cannot be denied that you oath sworn are damn good at killing the living dead. I must comment Aurelio who knows absolutely nothing of siege engines is spewing this bullshit claim the artillery operator is responsible for the mistakes of the spotter and the infantry.

Also I am of the opinion that smaller raids can be called on these forts small raids composed of the Rose only allowing us to seize greater glory and claim more spoils. With the magic of the sisterhood, the blades of the Banda Rossa and the support of the Rose we the rose can start taking these forts gloriously.

-Balestiere Donisthrope

Quote from: I love cats on February 25, 2025, 12:16:21 PMI called a raid against a clan known as the Brass Brawlers lead by Zulgha the Rock Crusher. I attempted a very daring raid with 3 others. I wished to test some key strategies such as the feasibility of sending a single spotter in that wasn't that good at placing flares to see the effectiveness. The gold and glory of destroying an orc fortress with so few was also an appeal. Some of the flares were good some were terrible the mixed results were what I was looking for I decided to go in alone to place flares and have Nadiri V fire them. Overall I found great success in decimating their units. The initial moat was cleared a number of dispelations from there a priest and a single whisperer did almost see me felled. I fell back to the camp after the initial attack succeeded. The whisperer then came to the command post and slew some legionaries and torched some of our tents. I held firm to defending the artillery. The Balistiere at the command said he could defend the camp from him and we decided to take the daring initiative of a raid.

Myself Cordelia Ward, a member of the wild brothers, and Nadiri V as a group of 4 decided to strike this Orc Fortress. While scaling the walls an elf named Raven joined us and Cort did briefly however we were bombarded by fireballs. We took to using ranged weaponry. Unfortunately our healer and arcane support was wounded and Cort opted to take him back to the camp. Me Coredelia and the wild brother then began clearing the battlements massacring Iakmes's forces. We descended the ladder and continued our fighting. The ice on our weapons wore out and we pressed on encountering the dreaded Mupps. Lacking the necessary magics I decided we needed to hold our position in the fort and gather reinforcements. We sent the elf out to gather reinforcements. While doing this I decided to hold our position by barricading a door of the fort and holding our position for reinforcements to continue the forge. The air became thick and very hard to breathe so I moved us to the roof. We then heard some kind of singing and saw orcan undead begin to rise. We moved back to secure our position killing the Orcs we noticed a strange haze and peculiar singing a sad song in a language we did not recognize. We decided to hold the room again. Finally reinforcements arrived and we attempted to make a push. We then began getting overran a huge Ogre began tossing dispelations and Ward was wounded yet again. I advised we not yield more ground in the fort and await either additional reinforcements or send a runner back to the camp to give the artillery operators our goggles that we had with us. The majority of the well instead of holding our place in the siege as I advised wished to wait in the war camp and yield our gains. Since I would have been the sole man there I went with them. I would like to note that Coredelia of the fourth legion was wounded an uncountable number of times during this raid I had her reserved a prism and I commend her for her bravery. I later heard from her that her officers called her foolish.

The necromancy continued and the war camp was assailed by undead zombies not just of Orcs but our own men as well. I saw legionnaire, Balestiere, and even Nadiri casting spells raised as undead servants. These undead were very vulnerable to artillery and we were able to hold our own against them. Finally after much deliberating a push was made into the keep. We massacred the undead forces who were sent to occupy the ground we yielded and to my surprise the warlord of the keep was not some powerful singer or mage but one of their molten champions fitting of his name as a rock crusher. We returned to the war camp and I met with Argent and the golden vivor of Khaesh and informed them of what occurred. That was when the golden one called for a number of mages and warlocks to assemble at the war camp to inspect the scene of the incident astronomers and others came. Acolyte Narwen of the sisterhood then sung the song that sounded exactly what we heard. It was an ancient language none could recognize They did their further examination and it was concluded the mist was sent from far away by Iakmes's general Nkrak? I do not even know if I am spelling this damn Orc's name correctly. The opinion of the golden one is that Iakmes considered such magics and methods beneath him and that this dark magic is an act of desperation that is a sign of his sure defeat. He claimed this orc mage to be very powerful and that he knew almost as much as he himself did. A warning was issued for us to expect more undead and vile magics until his general is dead.

-Balestiere Donisthrope