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Messages - Lascer

Screen Shots & Obituaries /
November 17, 2014, 08:18:42 PM
When I first started here, I gravitated towards the Wayfinders as a way to learn about the server a bit. Gylin specifically showed my character (Grem) around, showed me some of the basic mechanics of EfU, and got my character infected with lycanthropy my first week. Great way/character to introduce a new player to the server :)
General Discussion /
October 30, 2014, 12:21:49 AM
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][SIZE="5"]Brecht Windrivvir[/SIZE][/FONT]
General Discussion /
October 29, 2014, 09:52:45 PM
I was having possibly similar issues with NWN on win8... haven't tried 8.1 yet, so who knows if this helps.

On my last server, I was getting terrible lag, reaching to unplayable levels if there was anything going on. Did all the normal stuff with the .ini, which helped but not as much as I was hoping. But I made do. Trying to start off a new character was just was not working. So I looked around a bit, and found a few other things to try I hadn't seen mentioned anywhere else.

I did three things at once, so I'm not sure which worked the magic. I set audio to a 2D option (which I've seen mentioned, but apparently I forgot to try before), downloaded and installed the DirectX9c (I swear I did that before too... but here:, and having the more updated DriectX10/11 isn't enough it seems), and changed the color setting on the application (right click on the application, properties, use the compatibility mode for XPsp3, then 'reduced color mode'* to 16bit).

* Reduced color mode doesn't actually reduce the colors, just limits it to only trying to display the colors NWN uses.
General Discussion /
June 17, 2014, 08:45:21 AM
Hey, just started out today. Was looking around the NWNScry list, and noticed 30 people on a server I had never heard of, so I thought I'd look into it. Really enjoying the tone and theme of the server though, and low-level low-power is right up my alley. So as long as the story/plot catches my interest, I'd say you've got another player.

Be gentle with me as I get used to things. I'm another Amia player, which has a *much* higher power level. I'll prolly run through a few characters before I settle on one; Have any suggestions or co-concepts?