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Messages - ThatDamnCat

Suggestions /
April 16, 2014, 01:16:51 AM
This seems like some kind of bonus that really ought to be tied to wilderness survival in a bigger way. Most notably, resting without oil should be near garunteed if you've gone and dumped 10 efuss ranks into a skill that's going to be useless to you as a class that presumably can't track, nine times out of ten. Nine times out of ten, because obviously, I'm not counting DM interactions here.
General Discussion /
April 01, 2014, 04:58:07 AM
Idealists will be idealists, Transit. If someone in game, in character, thinks that's the good thing to do, then I don't see why It has to renter the realm of ooc. Sure, they're stupid and it's probably going to get them killed. But, I don't see how it's immersion breaking for an idealist, ESPECIALLY someone who manages to be an idealist in a setting like this one, might be a LITTLE bit delusional :P