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Messages - WriterX

Correspondence / To the Janissaries of the Fourth Legion
February 28, 2025, 09:45:20 PM
To the Dutiful and Honorable Janissaries of the Fourth Legion,

 I write on behalf of Legate Vellyn Lhyrian. She, and I, have brought certain topics before you, yet no response was yet received. While we understand that the pursuing of the conflict against the Orcs is of highest import, we would not wish for our work to be unfinished, or be seen as neglected in your own eyes.

 If you need more time, it is perfectly fine, but we would welcome a response that you are still taking matters into consideration, and just need more time to find a suitable solution.

 At the same time, if you would need a personal meeting with Legate Lhyrian, do not be afraid to get in touch with either me or the Legate herself.

 Our doors are always open to you all.


Intern-Secretary Catalina Calza
Correspondence / To Deputy Chief Scribe Bashir Khatara
February 24, 2025, 09:48:15 AM
Dear Deputy Chief Scribe Bashir Khatara.

 I have seen your work, and heard of your legendary prowess when it comes to the art of the needle. I would wish to commission a dress. Something unique, and beautiful. I know that your going rate is only a thousand dinari, but I would be ready to prepare a greater sum of funds for something far more unique or exotic.

 I hail from Il Modo, as you may have no doubt heard in passing, so as you might imagine I have a certain preference for Modini style of dressware. That said, I'd not wish to obstruct your vision.

 I confess, my idea for the dress may be impossible, for I seek both beauty and utility. While a dress is usually envisioned as something one would wear to a ball, to a formal meeting, I'd wish for it to be also practical, if danger were to appear from any corner. While my formal training was that of a servant, a secretary one could say, I just as much took to bladework. In a world of both political and literal cuthroats, one must be ready for anything, at any time.

 While the analogy to a rose is of course most adequate, beauty combined with sharp thorns, we could look for other inspirations. Perhaps among birds, where some of their kind are indeed beautiful, with songs that inspire artists, but talons and beaks sharp enough to disuade all manner of predators.

 Here I ought underline, by "utility" I do not necessarily mean any form of strong reinforcement. I do not believe we will have to replace any parts of it with any sturdier leather. But, perhaps pouches or pockets to hide a blade, or other useful trinkets could prove useful. A way for the dress not to restrict movement too much.

 Also, would you happen to know whether anybody in the Well specializes in the making of masks? I was thinking of preparing a small Opera play and I was a bit inspired by the representation of Death as a Jackal, from the Wheel Twindari faith. As such I was wondering whether anybody does make such masks, or would be willing to produce them.

 With warm and best wishes,

Catalina Calza
To the Warmaster Mirielle Rosseau, and Legates Komemnos and Sayburgh,

 While the conflict in the Scald is ongoing I wished to offer my report to you all as well as observations and notes regarding our skirmishes and assaults in the Scald.

 Firstly, while this was never put into doubt, the Rust weapons work best when employed in greater numbers. During yesterday's skirmish against a Titan we had a sizeable group, but I also armed four of our skilled warriors with said Rust weapons. According to the comments offered by those present, once the effect of the Rust became more prevalent, it became easier and eaiser to overwhelm the Titan. Its defences failing.

This is of course of benefit, and employing the weapons in sufficient numbers against the Titans can greatly shorten an engagement. However, the issue may rise that we need sufficient numbers of supplies to withdraw the weapons. I expended my own reserve greatly, and it would take me time to recover the necessary supplies.

A possible solution is to perhaps elect a number of individuals who would delivery the supplies and then be capable of withdrawing the necessary equipment to those who are to take part in battles or skirmishes. Though of course it also creates an abstract situation where we have a Quartermaster to handle the affairs with the Camp Quartemaster.

 Secondly, and this is related to the supplies. It seems to me that some people may be hoarding war supplies intended for the Scald. I have ran into some people who would sell great numbers of them, and the cost usually depends. Seems the price that most find agreeable is 200 dinari per bundle. While I am willing to spend any amount of gold to see our skirmishes through, if I focus upon our skirmishes I in turn cannot earn the necessary gold to purchase them.

 This is not a rule however. Sometimes when I would check the status of available supplies at the Scald there would be a varying amount deposited already, but there would also be days when nothing would be found.

 In one notable example, when the Board seemed especially poor, a full day or two passed without any supplies being delivered. I had to then spend a full 3000 dinari to obtain those necessary supplies to organise a skirmish, from those who hoard them.

During these "droughts" if the Pyramid or the War Council could handle compensation for acquiring War Supplies, when necessary, it would be a boon, and not halt our progress of the War.

 Thirdly, I am pleased to report that during all recent engagements that I lead losses have been largely minimal. At most one or two injuries. This has kept spirits high and most times when Rallies are called forth we are not short of men. I have also began to develop a system for more calm and stable loot and treasure sorting, that helps minimize any conflict at the end of it. However, with the amount of work already upon my head, I sometimes do not have the strength to see it through to the end. I will see whether I can organise something akin to a "Treasurer" who would help manage the sorting and rolling of loot, after battles.

 Lastly, This has become an ever more vocal issue. While our artillery when used well is extremely effective, we are still suffering from issues of friendly fire. There are three main issues here that I see:

I - The Artillery is almost always short staffed. At times we have only one Artillery Operator without a Spotter. This leads to great delays between the flare being fired, and the artillery firing. We had a number of cases where a Flare would be fired upon a suitable target, but by the time the artillery would hit the target we would be there already, resulting in friendly fire. We would need a dedicated Spotter and one or two artillery operators, who are also trained in the use of artillery.

II - We sometimes have highly inexperienced Flare Operators, who do not only lack experience in the operation of the Flare devices, but also do not use them in the most efficient or safer manner possible. I would suggest, just like in the case of the artillery operators, that we identify the best individuals to use them, so that targets chosen by the Flare Operators are "safe", and do not lead to accidents.

III - In a number of cases I tried to hold back or restrain a rapid advance of our troops, but it is true that, especially if we have Evokers, an Orc defense can be cleared out in seconds. So, by the time the Flare is fired, and the Spotter relays the information to the Artillery, the Orc position might be already gone. While the Artillery is very good, when it comes to targets that cannot be immediately reached (on walls, over chasms, behind solid defences that we cannot destroy) they become dangerous to use when facing normal barricades, or even when targeting "chokepoints". I have seen Flare Operators firing their flares, with good intention, at Towers held by Orcs that we would try to scale, but our warriors would often reach the tower first, before the first artillery even hit the tower. If anything the artillery would even pause an advance, while we observed, wearily, whether the artillery did not already fire upon a Flare that stood in our path.

This however falls into the matter of training and instructing both our Flare and Artillery operators, so that we can prioritize safe targets, instead of those that sadly lead to accidents.

We did not have a chance to use the Flares in a defensive manner, and I feel that, in some cases, it might prove more useful than on the attack. Targeting the approach points of the enemy, or simply firing "afield" to shatter any orcs foolish enough to run through our open field, while we hold our defensive positions. This would sadly conflict with our cavalry tactics, that help disrupt enemy formations, and hunt down their shamans, and it could be dangerous to our warriors as well, who often happily charge ahead of our defenses, to engage the orcs almost as soon as they enter the field.

This is the report I wished to offer, and points that I wished for both the Legates and the Warmaster to consider.   

Toward Victory,

Former Legate Marcellus Saenus
Correspondence / Letter to Legate Achaeus
January 29, 2025, 07:25:08 AM
[A brief note, rather than a letter, delivered to the First Seat]

I heard of the incident involving the Edict Board, among them the destruction of the Springtime Promise. As I understand it, the Promise did not survive even a handful of days before being annulled. While I understand that many of the other Edicts may have been put into question, why did you agree to the destruction of this particular document? Did it hold no importance to you? It certainly should had.

I expect no answer.

Marcellus Saenus
Thank you for all the effort you put into this chapter and your DMing! You are awesome Dan! And of course, Happy Birthday!
Correspondence / *A Missive to Tlonsiyya* (DM)
November 05, 2024, 01:11:31 PM
*A plain and simple letter sent to Tlonsiyya, lacking any official markings as such*

To whom it may concern,

 While the city has ordered and I hope funded the Respirators and other needs and equipment for the purpose of our crossing of the Scald, I would have a special personal request.

 At the time of writing this letter I was informed that my Son, Ricky Saenus, has departed for the Scalding as part of the Big Chum mercenary company. While I fully trust the mercenaries to care for their own he is still my son, and I'd wish to avoid any harm coming to him.

 As such, I would wish to ask whether a Respirator can be provided for him, if an appropriate payment is offered.

 Marcellus Saenus
Correspondence / Re: Letter to Warmaster Colmes
October 20, 2024, 06:32:39 AM

 Listen to me well then. I am not without flaw, and I wrote my bid to the Legates because at the time we were in the middle of a conflict between the Rose and the Janissaries. The last thing I'd want is for those divisions to rip us apart before the crossing of the Scald, before finally facing off against Iakmes.

 The choices between Warmasters that the Legates could had done was either you, or Mirielle. At the time, it was either another protest from the Rose, as they have done at least twice before, or if Mirielle was named then the Legion would refuse to aid. Neither of these options an acceptable one. If you want to tell me that the Legion would had served anyway, regardless of who was Warmaster. Let me remind you of the shit storm the entire Well was standing in, and forced to endure. I stood forth as the third neutral option, somebody who, I hoped, could placate both sides.

 Do you think I enjoy the crushing weight of responsibility, that I find some distinct pleasure in being faced with choices that spell the doom of people? If you think I went behind your back, you can think that, I could had spoken to you directly about it, but what would that had changed? The Legates make the decision, and I knew in the past election whomever I voted for the opposite side would bid against me.

 I may have sealed my fate as somebody who will not have a major role in this War, other than a rallying cry against the Orcs, but you are the one who is the Warmaster. And these past weeks you showed a stillness that worries not only me, but others, our allies.

 My letter was not a bid to convince you to make me anything, but to get off your arse. If you do not trust me, if you think me a prick, fine. But do your god damn job. Find somebody who can help you in your work. Push the war effort forward. Do something.

 I have chosen you as Warmaster all those months back, and I still believe you a suitable choice. But if you are being overwhelmed by your duties, find a second.

Marcellus Saenus
Correspondence / Letter to Warmaster Colmes
October 19, 2024, 07:36:27 PM

 The situation feels dire, and I worry we are not doing enough to prepare for what is to come. Yataghan informed me he was concerned about the lack of preparations on our side. Lack of war council meetings, and so forth. We must change that.

 I understand that you are a busy man, and I know you heard of the matter of me offering myself as a Warmaster, but as it stands the Legates are both clashing with one another, and things are going nowhere.

 As such, I beseech you, if you are unable to pursue your duties as Warmaster at this time, choose one of your men, or anybody else, to act on your behalf. We are at War, decisions will have to be made, battles fought. If our own allies are starting to doubt our own preparedness I fear for the future of our campaign.

  Act on the words of this letter as you deem fit, but please heed my pleas. We are at War, and we cannot afford to stand idle. Time passes by us when we should be acting.


Marcellus Saenus
*A number of posters are seen hanging around the Well and at the War Camp*

Model Gaming Tournament

Kanön Hray 18th, IY 7788

Special 3v3 Scenario – The Red Hill

Two Teams shall face off as both Ephia and its allies against the Sibilant Legion.

Will you rewrite history?

Free Drinks and Snacks.

No Entry Fee.
Journals and Musings / Re: A Red Journal
October 15, 2024, 07:00:58 AM
 Kanön Hray 15th, IY 7788

It has been a while since my last entry. The saving of funds has been going well, but the finer details had to be amended. As I understood it, the march does occur, but while our city escorts the Cannon, people such as myself shall remain back in the Well, called in when necessary.

Because of that I pondered on what exactly I could do, to better prepare us for the march ahead. A small step was offering water donations, but, that is a minor thing, in the grand scale of things.

While Argent has supported my Warmasted bid, Ahmet I did not see since the last time we spoke, which is about two weeks ago, if not longer. I also did not see Colmes since the election. It's all a little hodge podge. Confusing.

I can feel that many are preparing, but our direction feels blind.

I pondered on the idea of perhaps rallying the independents, but repurposing the Temple into a makeshift barracks I do not think is wise, or rather, I worked so long on the Library, the Museum. To simply push it aside now to try and form an army? And it wouldn't even be an army. A collection of mercenaries and caravaneers at best.

But, wouldn't doing something be better than doing nothing? I recall the visions I had. If only I had more room for all of my books, I could make it work.

What good is gold? Gold in itself is not worth that much. What you end up doing with it is what is important.

I need to ponder on this more closely. Find a direction, or I will end up striding confused and in circles. 
Correspondence / A letter to both Legates
October 05, 2024, 07:54:10 PM

 I write to you not as a man hungry for power or influence. Not as somebody who'd wish to take the honor of the seat of Warmaster from a man who has already done much for the Well and its people. I do not wish to sound a schemer, or a tyrant, nor can I fully consider myself the right man for such a position.

 However, as some have suggested I would wish to propose myself as the Warmaster for our Well. The intense hatred between the Janissaries and the Banda, the conflict between their members, it all may spill out into the battle, though I do hope it shall not.

 Colmes while present on occasion has at the same time been often absent, difficult to get a hold of. I have often been present in the Well, and while I also know I am not on the best of terms with all in the Well I do have a few simple desires.

 I wish for us to be victorious, and I wish to avoid as many losses as we can.

 It was my desire to try and rally our own people before the march through the Scald, to fund and equip them, supply them, but then I wondered, along with those suggestions, whether I would not do more good were I in command.

 Whether we would succeed or not with me at the helm, only the gods know, but if you deem it necessary to find a new Warmaster, somebody to lead the war to its conclusion at this stage, I would propose my own candidacy.

 It would perhaps restore some of the peace to the Well, if the two most dominant powers in the City would be unable to quarrel with one another for this seat.

 Axes high,

Marcellus Saenus
Journals and Musings / Re: A Red Journal
October 03, 2024, 07:41:14 AM
Kanön Hray 3rd, IY 7788

 I may have secured a large portion of the needed funding for my campaign. Now all that remains is to secure more, and more for the war chest. The greater the sum the more prepared we shall be, and the better we will be able to coordinate.

 I have been sending out letters to whom I can to learn more of the Scald. I have also need to choose sub-commanders for the march, but the challenge here is timing. If I knew when the march occurs I would be able to prepare myself for it all.

 The greatest challenge of the march will be to maintain communication and coordination. We would need to use signals to better order different companies. Supplies can be purchased but they must also be preserved and transported. But, even if we have our entire host, the next question becomes, what is our final objective? Does the March include the final clash with Iakmes, or is it only the braving of the Scald? Will we have to setup an outpost, or fort on the other side? I took a glimpse of the War Map, and the answer is not clear.

 Perhaps a bit of probing into the minds of the War Council will help me in turn prepare.

 We must also find a way to deal with the Orcs and Titans. We found an effective way of destroying the Titans, that is, to abscond with magic, but it also means that if the Orcs aid the Titans we will be ill prepared. We can either enspell ourselves for the orcs, or strip ourselves off magic for the Titans.

 The planning moves onward. 
Correspondence / A letter to the Sandstone
October 03, 2024, 05:54:15 AM
Dutiful Students, Knowledgeable Professors,

 I seek information about the Scald. I wish to be prepared for it, knowing well that while the Orcs may pose a very real threat I expect the Scald has threats of its own. If there is any such information you can share I would heed it, as I may have need of it, very soon.

Live and drink,

Marcellus Saenus
Correspondence / A Letter to Rashid - Book Shop
October 03, 2024, 05:52:02 AM
Dear Rashid,

 I seek knowledge regarding the Scald. The books I have purchased from your previously, and other local sources seem to be lacking. As such I'd wish to ask whether you have any of your own knowledge regarding the Scald to share, or to sell.

Live and drink,

Marcellus Saenus
Journals and Musings / Re: A Red Journal
October 02, 2024, 12:47:32 PM
Kanön Hray 2nd, IY 7788

 While I still await response from Jamileh, I have been drafting the size of the force I want for the crossing of the Scald, with some brief calculations as to how much dinari I will need.

 The extremely ambitious version is two companies, each of ten men. One commander chosen to lead each company. One runner to act as messenger between the companies and myself.

 If we assume similar compensation as for Banafsi, that alone would be around 20,000 dinari. But, if the Scald is indeed as dangerous as I believe it will be there will be additional costs in other supplies, such as water, food, animals, additional help, which might very well increase the overall cost to 30,000 dinari.

 Whether this can be achieved depends on the sponsorship I could gather as well as the gold I can earn myself. I could, with some certainty, obtain around 10,000 dinari. Which sadly is short of my overall goal. The other issue is the time constraint. There is no clear message as to when Carrot or the general march would occur. Because of that if Carrot is correct I have around two weeks, maybe even less. Good for ten thousand dinari, not good for anything beyond that.

 If however either of these events occurs later, I may have the time to amass the needed amount. If the gods are willing and favorable, I may have the "army" I envision.

 Still many questions left to be answered, a lot of uncertainty. Even today, listening to the bellows I had the growing belief that the city is inches away from collapse.

 That in addition to the recent Kha'esh incident makes me ask the question, do the Legates even know what they are doing?

 Let us continue our work, and achieve our goal. Banafsi was a good sample of what can be achieved. The Scald will be my next great victory.