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Messages - WhatAThrill

Suggestions /
February 09, 2014, 07:42:18 AM
I like the idea, I really do, but I can't help it feel like that this thing would become the necromancy system 2.0. Yeah, it's a really cool system, it does a -lot- for necromancers, but with how few and far between those necromancers are, it gets little to no output for the effort that went into it.

This would become the same thing, where you get the blood mancers every other month or so who'd take blood and the like, put some uses to it and eventually get killed off. A lot of work spent to satiate the desire for those few pcs.  Scrying is underused as it is, nightmare just got added in and it's hard to say how useful it is, teleporting to someone just seems like a really irritating way to get killed (You pvp them one time to get their blood, they keep messing with you, you teleport to them again and fd) or enables metagame (you take a friend's blood and they tell you IM BEING GANKED causing you to jump in and save the day), and cursing seems like a way to lamely keep them on their ass, with especially how easy it is to spam curse on someone (rest every 30 minutes, add another curse). It starts to become more of a OOC grief than actual interesting roleplay.

Honestly it'd be better off approaching a DM and ask if they would allow you to use the blood as a reagent in these type of rituals.  Not to say that's the better alternative, but this could take either weeks or months of time to develop and get included IG,  and barely get used.

A good thought, but it's something that can be easily abused by someone who really wants to do so.
Suggestions /
February 09, 2014, 05:35:01 AM
Adding this in seems to do a few things.

1) Add in a randomness factor that gives the luckier quest crunchers boons to dominate other people.

2) Detract and put effort into something that, while nice on paper, adds a whole another layer of difficulty not truly needed at this time. Questing, if you're not doing the same five quests repeatedly, can be really difficult, and more rewarding when completed.

3) There are already hero mob spawns in quests, that have a chance to spawnand give amazing loot as it is, like you said in your original point.

I understand that this is meant to add in a 'flavorful' factor, but this will only ensure that we do the same tired quests more often because of how simple they are, and pray that we get that random boss spawn for the better loot.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
January 28, 2014, 11:06:56 PM
Shame that I only met Dominique for only a day. I had thought she would have been an excellent mentor for Evan. Good luck on your next one.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Evan Hawkwind
February 01, 2014, 11:47:44 PM
What can I say, he wanted to die by adventure, and he damn well got it. Hope you all enjoyed Evan and his antics, but unfortunately he's bitten the dust and he's not coming back.

I got only three screenshots, two of which are from the dm quests I was on, and a short endlude.

This was from the Scriveners "purge the undead' DM quest a few days ago.

This one was from fighting pissrats and at the end, where Gorbengolt destroyed his duster.

And finally, a small endlude.

I'd also like to really apologize to the three others who died with me; while Evan was made for this adventure type of stuff, I feel bad for having three others fall with him. Hope you all have a better character next time =(

And, a big thanks to BOM for the crazy DM quests, and to everyone else who enjoyed Evan's company, because without you, Evan would've been quite the boring character. I'll see you on the next one!
Bug Reports / Bard Cantor Perk
January 27, 2014, 11:42:11 PM

I am playing Evan Hawkwind, and he's a bard cantor. However, the perk bonus doesn't seem to be working. From what I can understand, I'm supposed to cast / gain the spell bless when I sing, but every time I do so, whether it be with normal song or the holy canticle of the righteous, it doesn't seem to affect my character. My AB only increases from the original song (the canticle only increases my ab against evil), and I don't see any fear save bonuses (pretty sure that's what you get with bless) on my character sheet.

If there's something to be done about this, I'd be most appreciative! If not, the song's quite alright as it is without the perk added in.
