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Messages - Cruxen

Off-topic Discussion /
December 06, 2013, 11:23:00 PM
Quote from: Cruxen;363931Also off with family, also will be fully back monday. Thanksgiving weekend and all.

Im still missing! I'm doing finals and having a HELL of a lot of hard time concentrating, so if you see me IG yell at me and tell me to get back to work.

Last final's this monday, then semester ends, so I'll be back IG as Havelon full time.
Off-topic Discussion /
November 30, 2013, 08:39:08 PM
Also off with family, also will be fully back monday. Thanksgiving weekend and all.
General Discussion /
November 29, 2013, 12:45:55 AM
Awesome- Thanks for this. Downloading it now

What Id like is a way to live-update portraits through the EfU launcher, and then have a database where anyone can upload a portrait (one at a time so no packs), so then anyone can use any portrait they want, and anyone else can see it- I wonder how hard that'd be? I might play with it and see if its possible.
Suggestions /
November 21, 2013, 08:50:24 AM
Quote from: Meldread;362969If you want to sit down, go to the House of Heroes.  If everyone decides to hang out there, then the suggestion here becomes moot.  All it takes is people who are having a conversation to say, "Hey, let's go talk about this in the House of Heroes.  I'm tired of standing around."  The more that happens, the more people will just start chilling out in the House of Heroes instead.

I'd love if this happened more often IG- and I also wish more sendings would plan to meet in the house of heros. Make the inn a more traditional gathering place. I think I'll incorporate that into my character from now on.
Bug Reports /
November 17, 2013, 12:22:40 AM
Yes, trying immediately after it fails will allow you to reroll. How long do you want us to wait between tries optimally?
General Discussion /
November 10, 2013, 08:34:37 PM
Honestly, the fact the default key every single new player will have these days has been banned and a link to this thread need to be on the front page under "Server Information". Before I figured out the forum I spent quite a bit assuming that my installation was broken. "Could not connect to master server" then "CD Key banned". I reinstalled at least 3 times.

I stuck with it because I had heard so much good about the server- but many players wouldnt I think.
Suggestions / Dangerous areas
November 06, 2013, 08:22:00 PM
Im fairly new to the server and Neverwinter Nights as a whole, and so far Im loving the hell out of it. I've died a lot of times, which I get is part of the fun- but it is honestly a little bit annoying to see the people who started their characters about the same time as me running around with expensive loot and high levels while I'm still flopping around at 4 with the rockworms.

That's just part of the game I guess, and I don't want to suggest the server's edge be dulled, but it would be sorta nice if there were a easy way to tell which areas outside sanctuary are explorable, and which ones will murder you dead on sight.

So I'd suggest an addition to the rings of sanctuary. Maybe the gem on the top could turn a variety of different colors to alert you about the dangers of an area- or at least its danger according to the spellguard. Maybe a 6 color "Go, continue cautiously, be careful, dont go, stop, dear lord stop Run now" type system? Green could be upper and related areas, yellow could be lower and other "Safe but not fully" areas, Red could be the in between and outside the gates, and black could be areas that are even worse or a certain distance from sanctuary, etc.

It could be added as a player tool- and it would help a lot as a new player to be able to quickly see the difference between relatively a safe to explore sewer or cave and an area prone to spawning giant mechastompers.

I've been told there's a similar system around for rangers called tracking, and I get how that gives rangers a needed advantage exploring- but giving a vague indicator would really help us get used to the server quicker, I think.

Im totally new to PW's as a whole, but I have a fair amount of experience with PnP and WoW RP. I was suggested EfU to try out and hesitated at it for awhile (as you can see by my registered date) but finally decided to jump in- so here I am! Im in the game as Havelon Cardwell, and trying to figure things out.

Hope to be around for awhile- so I'll see all of you IG I suppose! Please tell me if Im doing anything wrong.
